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For the ominous variant, see Ominous Vault.



Yes (64)



Blast resistance





Active or ejecting: 12
Inactive: 6





Catches fire from lava


Map color

  11 STONE

A vault is a block found in trial chambers. It dispenses loot when unlocked using a trial key. Each vault can be looted by an unlimited number of players, but each player can unlock a specific vault only once.[1]

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Vaults cannot be obtained in Survival, even with Silk Touch, and cannot be moved with a piston.

Breaking[edit | edit source]

A vault has no tool associated with it and does not drop itself. It can be obtained only via the Creative inventory or the /give command.

Due to their high blast resistance, vaults are immune to explosions, but can still be destroyed by the ender dragon, the wither's block-breaking attack and blue wither skulls.

Block BlockSprite vault.png: Sprite image for vault in Minecraft linking to VaultVault
Hardness 50
Breaking time (secs)
Default 75
  • drops nothing
  • drops something other than the block itself
  • drops the block itself
  • italicized can be instant mined

Natural generation[edit | edit source]

A vault, as it appears in trial chambers.

In trial chambers, vaults can generate naturally in all rooms that also contain trial spawners, as well as the entrance room. They are found generated on small pedestals made of waxed cut copper blocks and cut copper slabs.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Activation[edit | edit source]

When a player is within 3.0 blocks of a vault, it becomes active and begins emitting flame particles inside of it. If the player has not unlocked the vault before (i.e. if the player is not in its list of players), a stream of orange particles flows from the player to the vault's keyhole. The vault becomes inactive if there are no players within 4.0 blocks who have not unlocked the vault.

When active, a vault idly cycles between items once every second, visually displaying the current item inside the block. Each time the vault cycles to a new item, the item is randomly chosen from the loot table (§ Loot). Small orange particles also appear in front of the vault as if they were being sucked into the keyhole.

Unlocking[edit | edit source]

A vault in the process of ejecting loot.

When a trial key is used on a vault, it ejects items. Items are ejected one stack at a time with a burst of particles for each stack.

While the vault is ejecting items, it will briefly show the next item to be ejected. This should not be confused with the random items displayed while the vault is idle. These random item displays cannot be used for timing the unlocking, as the items to eject are rolled independently of whatever the idle display shows.

When the vault is done ejecting items, it becomes inactive until another player approaches it.

Each vault can be unlocked only once per player. The vault is intended to reward each player for completing each trial chamber one time. This gives every player in a world the opportunity to find their own loot without having to travel substantial distances to find undiscovered loot at a fresh structure.

Each vault keeps track of up to 128 unique players that have opened it. If the list of players is full and another opens the vault, the new player is added to the end of the list while the first known player is forgotten and becomes able to open the vault again. Because of this, any item dropped by vaults is functionally renewable with enough players.[2]

Loot[edit | edit source]

The vault ejects 2 to 5 stacks of loot, which can sometimes include a few unstackable items.

The vault ejects a combination of loot from three different loot tables. The following information describes the loot ejected for a single player when a single trial key is used.

  • Common loot
    • Every vault gives between one and three sets of common loot, corresponding the 3rd and 6th columns below.
    • A vault that does not give rare loot gives an additional set of common loot, making it possible to get 4 sets of common loot.
  • Rare loot
    • In Java Edition every vault has an 80% chance to include a set of rare loot.
    • In Bedrock Edition every vault has a 20% chance to include a set of rare loot.
    • The loot listed in the 2nd and 5th columns below corresponds with the chance of one set of rare loot, plus the chance of the one set of common loot that can be used in its place.
  • Unique loot
    • Every vault has a 25% chance to also include one set of unique loot.
    • This loot, and the 75% chance for each vault to not have this loot, corresponds with the 4th and 7th columns below.

In Java Edition, each trial chambers vault and reward chest contains items drawn from 3 pools, with the following distribution:

Item Stack Size [A] Weight [B] Chance [C] Avg.
per container
[hide] Avg. # containers
to loot
1–3× 1–3×
BlockSprite air.png: Sprite image for air in MinecraftNothing[F] 1364875.0%0.7501.3
ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft linking to emeraldEmerald 2–42–4392287542538.4%1.3692.6
ItemSprite arrow.png: Sprite image for arrow in Minecraft linking to arrowArrow 2–82–892287542531.0%1.7603.2
ItemSprite tipped-arrow-of-poison.png: Sprite image for tipped-arrow-of-poison in Minecraft linking to Tipped ArrowArrow of Poison 2–82–892287542531.0%1.7603.2
ItemSprite iron-ingot.png: Sprite image for iron-ingot in Minecraft linking to iron ingotIron Ingot 1–41–469287532524.0%0.6604.2
ItemSprite wind-charge.png: Sprite image for wind-charge in Minecraft linking to wind chargeWind Charge 1–31–369287532524.0%0.5284.2
ItemSprite honey-bottle.png: Sprite image for honey-bottle in Minecraft linking to honey bottleHoney Bottle 1–21–269287532524.0%0.3964.2
ItemSprite ominous-bottle.png: Sprite image for ominous-bottle in Minecraft linking to Ominous BottleOminous Bottle I - II[G] 1146287522516.5%0.1766.1
ItemSprite shield.png: Sprite image for shield in Minecraft linking to ShieldDamaged Shield[H] 1300287510.4%0.1049.6
ItemSprite bow.png: Sprite image for bow in Minecraft linking to BowEnchanted Bow[I] 1300287510.4%0.1049.6
ItemSprite wind-charge.png: Sprite image for wind-charge in Minecraft linking to Wind ChargeWind Charge 4–124–122328751258.5%0.70411.7
ItemSprite diamond.png: Sprite image for diamond in Minecraft linking to diamondDiamond 1–21–22328751258.5%0.13211.7
ItemSprite golden-apple.png: Sprite image for golden-apple in Minecraft linking to golden appleGolden Apple 14488.3%0.08312.0
ItemSprite golden-carrot.png: Sprite image for golden-carrot in Minecraft linking to golden carrotGolden Carrot 1–220028757.0%0.10414.4
ItemSprite enchanted-book.png: Sprite image for enchanted-book in Minecraft linking to Enchanted BookEnchanted Book[J] 120028757.0%0.07014.4
ItemSprite enchanted-book.png: Sprite image for enchanted-book in Minecraft linking to Enchanted BookEnchanted Book[K] 120028757.0%0.07014.4
ItemSprite crossbow.png: Sprite image for crossbow in Minecraft linking to CrossbowEnchanted Crossbow[L] 120028757.0%0.07014.4
ItemSprite iron-axe.png: Sprite image for iron-axe in Minecraft linking to Iron AxeEnchanted Iron Axe[I] 120028757.0%0.07014.4
ItemSprite iron-chestplate.png: Sprite image for iron-chestplate in Minecraft linking to Iron ChestplateEnchanted Iron Chestplate[M] 120028757.0%0.07014.4
ItemSprite bolt-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for bolt-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Bolt Armor TrimBolt Armor Trim Smithing Template 13486.2%0.06216.0
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft linking to Music Disc PrecipiceMusic Disc (Precipice) 12484.2%0.04224.0
ItemSprite guster-banner-pattern.png: Sprite image for guster-banner-pattern in Minecraft linking to Guster Banner PatternGuster Banner Pattern 12484.2%0.04224.0
ItemSprite diamond-axe.png: Sprite image for diamond-axe in Minecraft linking to Diamond AxeEnchanted Diamond Axe[I] 110028753.5%0.03528.7
ItemSprite diamond-chestplate.png: Sprite image for diamond-chestplate in Minecraft linking to Diamond ChestplateEnchanted Diamond Chestplate[I] 110028753.5%0.03528.7
ItemSprite trident.png: Sprite image for trident in Minecraft linking to tridentTrident 11482.1%0.02148.0

In Bedrock Edition, each trial chambers vault and reward chest contains items drawn from 3 pools, with the following distribution:

Item Stack Size [A] Weight [B] Chance [C] Avg.
per container
[hide] Avg. # containers
to loot
1–3× 1–3×
BlockSprite air.png: Sprite image for air in MinecraftNothing[F] 1364875.0%0.7501.3
ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft linking to emeraldEmerald 2–42–4443287542539.7%1.4222.5
ItemSprite arrow.png: Sprite image for arrow in Minecraft linking to arrowArrow 2–82–8368287542537.8%2.2402.6
ItemSprite tipped-arrow-of-poison.png: Sprite image for tipped-arrow-of-poison in Minecraft linking to Tipped ArrowArrow of Poison 2–82–8368287542537.8%2.2402.6
ItemSprite iron-ingot.png: Sprite image for iron-ingot in Minecraft linking to iron ingotIron Ingot 1–41–4276287532529.6%0.8403.4
ItemSprite wind-charge.png: Sprite image for wind-charge in Minecraft linking to wind chargeWind Charge 1–31–3276287532529.6%0.6723.4
ItemSprite honey-bottle.png: Sprite image for honey-bottle in Minecraft linking to honey bottleHoney Bottle 1–21–2276287532529.6%0.5043.4
ItemSprite ominous-bottle.png: Sprite image for ominous-bottle in Minecraft linking to Ominous BottleOminous Bottle I - II[G] 11184287522520.6%0.2244.9
ItemSprite wind-charge.png: Sprite image for wind-charge in Minecraft linking to Wind ChargeWind Charge 4–124–1292287512510.7%0.8969.3
ItemSprite diamond.png: Sprite image for diamond in Minecraft linking to diamondDiamond 1–21–292287512510.7%0.1689.3
ItemSprite golden-apple.png: Sprite image for golden-apple in Minecraft linking to golden appleGolden Apple 14488.3%0.08312.0
ItemSprite bolt-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for bolt-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Bolt Armor TrimBolt Armor Trim Smithing Template 13486.2%0.06216.0
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft linking to Music Disc PrecipiceMusic Disc (Precipice) 12484.2%0.04224.0
ItemSprite guster-banner-pattern.png: Sprite image for guster-banner-pattern in Minecraft linking to Guster Banner PatternGuster Banner Pattern 12484.2%0.04224.0
ItemSprite shield.png: Sprite image for shield in Minecraft linking to ShieldDamaged Shield[H] 17528752.6%0.02638.3
ItemSprite bow.png: Sprite image for bow in Minecraft linking to BowEnchanted Bow[I] 17528752.6%0.02638.3
ItemSprite trident.png: Sprite image for trident in Minecraft linking to tridentTrident 11482.1%0.02148.0
ItemSprite golden-carrot.png: Sprite image for golden-carrot in Minecraft linking to golden carrotGolden Carrot 1–25028751.7%0.02657.5
ItemSprite enchanted-book.png: Sprite image for enchanted-book in Minecraft linking to Enchanted BookEnchanted Book[J] 15028751.7%0.01757.5
ItemSprite enchanted-book.png: Sprite image for enchanted-book in Minecraft linking to Enchanted BookEnchanted Book[K] 15028751.7%0.01757.5
ItemSprite crossbow.png: Sprite image for crossbow in Minecraft linking to CrossbowEnchanted Crossbow[L] 15028751.7%0.01757.5
ItemSprite iron-axe.png: Sprite image for iron-axe in Minecraft linking to Iron AxeEnchanted Iron Axe[I] 15028751.7%0.01757.5
ItemSprite iron-chestplate.png: Sprite image for iron-chestplate in Minecraft linking to Iron ChestplateEnchanted Iron Chestplate[M] 15028751.7%0.01757.5
ItemSprite diamond-axe.png: Sprite image for diamond-axe in Minecraft linking to Diamond AxeEnchanted Diamond Axe[I] 12528750.9%0.009115.0
ItemSprite diamond-chestplate.png: Sprite image for diamond-chestplate in Minecraft linking to Diamond ChestplateEnchanted Diamond Chestplate[I] 12528750.9%0.009115.0
  1. Jump up to: a b The size of stacks (or for unstackable items, number) of this item on any given roll.
  2. Jump up to: a b The weight of this item relative to other items in the pool.
  3. Jump up to: a b The odds of finding any of this item in a single chest.
  4. Jump up to: a b The number of items expected per chest, averaged over a large number of chests.
  5. Jump up to: a b The average number of chests the player should expect to search to find any of this item.
  6. Jump up to: a b 'Nothing' does not refer to the chance of an empty chest. Instead, it refers to the chance that the random loot generator does not add any loot on a single roll.
  7. Jump up to: a b Ominous bottle level between I and II
  8. Jump up to: a b The item has between 50% and 100% of its total durability.
  9. Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Enchantment probabilities are the same as a level-5 to level-15 enchantment would be on an enchantment table that was able to apply treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed, Swift Sneak, and Wind Burst), and where the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.
  10. Jump up to: a b Enchanted with a random level of Mending, Riptide, Loyalty, Channeling, or Impaling.
  11. Jump up to: a b Enchanted with a random level of Sharpness, Bane of Arthropods, Efficiency, Fortune, Silk Touch, or Feather Falling.
  12. Jump up to: a b Enchantment probabilities are the same as a level-5 to level-20 enchantment would be on an enchantment table that was able to apply treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed, Swift Sneak, and Wind Burst), and where the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.
  13. Jump up to: a b Enchantment probabilities are the same as a level-0 to level-10 enchantment would be on an enchantment table that was able to apply treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed, Swift Sneak, and Wind Burst), and where the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.

Sounds[edit | edit source]

Generic[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

[hide]BlockSprite vault.png: Sprite image for vault in Minecraft vault sound type
SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
​Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.vault.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
​Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.vault.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
​Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.vault.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
​Something falls on a blockEntity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.vault.fallsubtitles.block.generic.fall0.50.7516
​FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.vault.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016

Bedrock Edition:

[hide]BlockSprite vault.png: Sprite image for vault in Minecraft vault sound type
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokenvault.break1.00.8
BlocksWhen the block is placedvault.place1.00.8
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenvault.hit1.00.5
BlocksFalling on the block with fall damagevault.step0.41.0
BlocksWalking on the blockvault.step0.151.0
BlocksJumping from the blockvault.step0.121.0
BlocksFalling on the block without fall damagevault.step0.21.0

Unique[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
​Vault cracklesBlocksRandomlyblock.vault.ambientsubtitles.block.vault.ambient0.75-1.00.5-1.516
​Vault ignitesBlocksWhen a vault detects a playerblock.vault.activatesubtitles.block.vault.activate1.00.8-1.216
​Vault extinguishesBlocksWhen a vault deactivatesblock.vault.deactivatesubtitles.block.vault.deactivate1.00.8-1.216
​Vault opensBlocksWhen a vault starts ejecting itemsblock.vault.open_shuttersubtitles.block.vault.open_shutter1.01.016
​Vault closesBlocksWhen a vault stops ejecting itemsblock.vault.close_shuttersubtitles.block.vault.close_shutter1.01.016
​Vault ejects itemBlocksWhen a vault ejects a reward itemblock.vault.eject_itemsubtitles.block.vault.eject_item1.00.8-1.216
​Vault unlocksBlocksWhen a vault is unlockedblock.vault.insert_itemsubtitles.block.vault.insert_item1.01.016
​Vault rejects itemBlocksWhen a player inserts an invalid item into a vaultblock.vault.insert_item_failsubtitles.block.vault.insert_item_fail1.01.016
​Vault rejects playerBlocksWhen a vault rejects an already rewarded playerblock.vault.reject_rewarded_playersubtitles.block.vault.reject_rewarded_player1.01.016

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a vault detects a playervault.activate1.00.76-1.14
BlocksWhen a vault deactivatesvault.deactivate1.00.8-1.2
BlocksWhen a vault starts ejecting itemsvault.open_shutter1.01.0
BlocksWhen a vault stops ejecting itemsvault.close_shutter1.01.0
BlocksWhen a vault ejects a reward itemvault.eject_item1.00.8-1.1
BlocksWhen a vault is unlockedvault.insert_item1.00.8-1.1
BlocksWhen a player inserts an invalid item into a vaultvault.insert_item_fail1.00.8-1.1
BlocksWhen a vault rejects an already rewarded playervault.reject_rewarded_player1.01.0

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

NameIdentifierForm[hide]Translation key
BlockSprite vault.png: Sprite image for vault in Minecraft VaultvaultBlock & Item
BlockSprite vault.png: Sprite image for vault in Minecraft Block entityvault

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1][hide]Translation key
BlockSprite vault.png: Sprite image for vault in Minecraft Vaultvault-314Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. The block's direct item form has the same ID as the block.
Name[hide]Savegame ID
BlockSprite vault.png: Sprite image for vault in Minecraft Block entityVault

Block states[edit | edit source]

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values [hide]Description
The direction the vault's face is facing.
The opposite from the direction the player faces while placing the vault.
Controls whether this vault is an ominous vault.
vault_stateinactive activeWhen a player who has not used the vault is nearby.
ejectingWhile ejecting reward.
inactiveWhen no players who have not used the vault are nearby.
unlockingPrior to reward ejection.

Bedrock Edition:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
minecraft:cardinal_directionNot Supportedsoutheast
UnsupportedThe direction the vault's face is facing.
The opposite from the direction the player faces while placing the vault.
ominousNot Supportedfalsefalse
UnsupportedControls whether this vault is an ominous vault.
vault_stateNot Supportedinactive activeUnsupportedWhen a player who has not used the vault is nearby.
ejectingUnsupportedWhile ejecting reward.
inactiveUnsupportedWhen no players who have not used the vault are nearby.
unlockingUnsupportedPrior to reward ejection.

Block data[edit | edit source]

A vault has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

Java Edition:

  • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] Block entity data
    • Tags common to all block entities see Template:Nbt inherit/blockentity/template[show]
    • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] config: Configuration data that does not automatically change. All fields are optional.
      • [String] loot_table: A resource location to the loot table that is ejected when unlocking the vault. Defaults to "minecraft:chests/trial_chambers/reward".
      • [String] override_loot_table_to_display: A resource location to the loot table that is used to display items in the vault. If not present, the game uses the loot_table field.
      • [Double] activation_range: The range in blocks when the vault should activate. Defaults to 4.
      • [Double] deactivation_range: The range in blocks when the vault should deactivate. Defaults to 4.5.
      • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] key_item: The key item that is used to check for valid keys. Defaults to "minecraft:trial_key".
    • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] server_data: Data that is only stored on the server.
      • [NBT List / JSON Array] rewarded_players: A set of player UUIDs that have already received their rewards from this vault.
      • [Long] state_updating_resumes_at: The game time when the vault processes block state changes, such as changing from unlocking to ejecting after a delay.
      • [NBT List / JSON Array] items_to_eject: List of item stacks that have been rolled by the loot table and are waiting to be ejected.
      • [Int] total_ejections_needed: The total amount of item stacks that need to be ejected.
    • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] shared_data: Data that is synced between the server and client.
      • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] display_item: The item that is currently being displayed.
      • [NBT List / JSON Array] connected_players: A set of player UUIDs that are within range of the vault.
      • [Double] connected_particles_range: The range in blocks when the vault emits particles.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.

Advancements[edit | edit source]

IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)
Under Lock and KeyUse a Trial Key on a Vault

Video[edit | edit source]

Note: The vault's texture has been changed since this video's release

History[edit | edit source]

January 26, 2024 Vaults are announced at Minecraft Monthly.
[hide]Java Edition
Update 1.21
24w05a Added vaults.
24w06a Changed the textures of vaults to distinguish them from trial spawners.
24w09a Changed the textures of vaults to further distinguish them from trial spawners.
24w10a Updated the left column of pixels on the front face of the disabled vault to match the textures of the other states.
24w11aTheir loot tables have been updated to address some inventory management issues.
24w13aChanged the loot table of the standard vaults.
Changed the textures of the vault to match the colors used in ominous vaults.
Pre-release 1 Updated textures to fix inconsistencies across all states.
1.2124w18aVaults are now available without using the "Update 1.21" experimental data pack.
Vaults can now eject the new "Precipice" music disc.
1.21.224w40aBreaking vaults no longer need wooden tools or higher.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
Update 1.21
Preview Added vaults.
Preview Changed the textures of vaults to distinguish them from trial spawners.
Update 1.21
Preview Changed the textures of vaults to further distinguish them from trial spawners.
Preview no longer eject more than one unstackable item per unlock.
1.21.0Preview Changed the textures of the vault to match the colors used in ominous vaults.
Preview are now available without using the "Update 1.21" experimental toggle.
Updated textures to fix inconsistencies across all states.
Preview can now eject the new "Precipice" music disc.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Vault" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • During unseen development, the vault's texture had blue eyes, but the eyes were later changed to be orange to match the eyes seen on the trial spawner.[3]
  • The vault was inspired by gashapon machines, which are vending machines that dispense capsuled toys.[4]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Before 24w13a/[edit | edit source]

Before 24w11a/[edit | edit source]

Before 24w09a/[edit | edit source]

Before 24w06a/[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Mojang screenshots[edit | edit source]

Development images[edit | edit source]

In other media[edit | edit source]

Concept artwork[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]