Music Disc Precipice

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Music Disc
Aaron Cherof - Precipice
Music Disc Precipice.png: Infobox image for Music Disc Aaron Cherof - Precipice the item in Minecraft
Invicon Music Disc Precipice.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Precipice in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Aaron Cherof - Precipice
Rarity tier



No (except via vault)



"Precipice" refers to both a song composed by Aaron Cherof, and a music disc that plays the song when inserted in a jukebox. The music disc is obtained from trial chambers, as a rare reward given by vaults or found in reward chests.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Generated loot[edit | edit source]

Item Structure Container Quantity [hide]Chance
Java Edition and Bedrock Edition
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft linking to Music Disc PrecipiceMusic Disc (Precipice) EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Vault and reward chest 1 4.2%

Track description[edit | edit source]

Song by

Aaron Cherof

Track released

April 26, 2024





Previews of tracks in Minecraft have been shortened to 30 seconds on this wiki in accordance with fair use rationale. "11" and "calm4.ogg" are exempt from this.

"Precipice" is a fast-paced song composed of several instruments. It starts with several bell-like instruments ringing an eight-note melody, as it is slowly joined by a synth in the background. Drum-like instruments soon joins to add rhythm to the song, while a piano fades in to play into its own section of the song. After a small rest with only the synth in the background, bells, and some minor scratchy beats, "Precipice" returns in full motion, with the eight-note melody played on multiple instruments and an electric guitar in the background.

Later, another rest occurs with the song slowly becoming quieter. A piano plays out an eight-note melody, and as this section of the song continues, more instruments are added on until eventually song returns much louder. After reaching the climax, the guitars rings out several more notes before it and the other instruments fade out.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Like all music discs, using the "Precipice" music disc on a jukebox causes the jukebox to play the song.

If the player places a redstone comparator besides a jukebox playing "Precipice", it will emit a redstone signal of 13.

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

NameIdentifierForm[hide]Translation key
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft Music Discmusic_disc_precipiceItem
Jukebox songIdentifier[hide]Translation key
Aaron Cherof - Precipiceprecipice
Soundtrack Title File name [hide]Sound events
"Precipice" precipice.ogg music_disc.precipice

Bedrock Edition:

Music DiscIdentifierAlias ID Numeric ID Form[hide]Translation key
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft Aaron Cherof - Precipicemusic_disc_precipicerecord_precipice748Item
Soundtrack Title File name [hide]Sound events
"Precipice" precipice.ogg record.precipice

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
PS4 Other
AchievementSprite sound-of-music.png: Sprite image for sound-of-music in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Sound of MusicNewAchievementSprite sound-of-music.png: Sprite image for sound-of-music in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Sound of MusicSound of MusicMake the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a jukebox.Use a music disc on a jukebox in the Meadow biome.10GBronze

Advancements[edit | edit source]

IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)
Sound of MusicMake the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a JukeboxUse a music disc on a jukebox that stands within a meadow biome.

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition
1.2124w18a Added music disc "Precipice".
24w21aWith the introduction of jukebox song definition, music disc "Precipice" now has an associated .json jukebox song definition under data/minecraft/jukebox_song
1.21.224w33aThe rarity of music disc "Precipice" has been changed from "Rare" to "Uncommon".
[hide]Bedrock Edition
1.21.0Preview Added music disc "Precipice".
1.21.30Preview rarity of music disc "Precipice" has been changed from "Rare" to "Uncommon".

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Music Disc Precipice" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The word "precipice" means being on the edge of a potentially dangerous situation.

Navigation[edit | edit source]