Stained Terracotta

This article is about the colored, dyed, non-glazed block. For the undyed variant, see Terracotta. For the smelted form, see Glazed Terracotta.

Stained terracotta[1] is a dyed variant of terracotta obtained by crafting undyed terracotta with dyes. Some of the variants are found in badlands biomes, and all variants can be smelted into glazed terracotta.

Obtaining Edit

Breaking Edit

All 16 colors of terracotta can be mined using any pickaxe. If mined without a pickaxe, it drops nothing.

Block BlockSprite stained-terracotta.png: Sprite image for stained-terracotta in Minecraft linking to Stained TerracottaStained Terracotta
Hardness 1.25
Tool ItemSprite wooden-pickaxe.png: Sprite image for wooden-pickaxe in Minecraft linking to Pickaxe
Breaking time (sec)[A]
Default 6.25
BlockSprite oak-planks.png: Sprite image for oak-planks in MinecraftWooden 0.95
BlockSprite cobblestone.png: Sprite image for cobblestone in MinecraftStone 0.5
ItemSprite iron-ingot.png: Sprite image for iron-ingot in MinecraftIron 0.35
ItemSprite diamond.png: Sprite image for diamond in MinecraftDiamond 0.25
ItemSprite netherite-ingot.png: Sprite image for netherite-ingot in MinecraftNetherite 0.25
ItemSprite gold-ingot.png: Sprite image for gold-ingot in MinecraftGolden 0.2
  • drops nothing
  • drops something other than the block itself
  • drops the block itself
  • italicized can be instant mined
  1. These durations ignore other influential factors (e.g. Mining Fatigue), and are measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Natural generation Edit


Red, orange, yellow, brown, white, and light gray terracotta can be found naturally in badlands biomes, which yield massive amounts of stained terracotta.


White terracotta can be found as a housing material in plains villages. Yellow, orange and red terracotta generates in some houses in savanna villages. Lime terracotta generates in the mason houses of desert villages.


  • Orange terracotta and one blue terracotta can also be found in desert pyramids.
  • Light blue terracotta is found in warm ocean ruins.
  • All terracotta colors except black, green, light blue, lime, magenta, pink, and purple can generate in trail ruins.

Crafting Edit

Ingredients [hide]Crafting recipe
Terracotta +
Matching Dye
Ingredients Crafting recipe [hide]Description
Terracotta +
Bone Meal or
Lapis Lazuli or
Cocoa Beans or
Ink Sac
[Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education only]

Once terracotta has been dyed, the color cannot be changed or removed: the crafting recipe is irreversible.

Trading Edit

VillagerProbabilityVillager wantsPlayer receives
Expert Mason74%50%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Terracotta.png: Sprite image for White Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Gray Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Gray Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Black Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Black Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Brown Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Brown Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Red Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Red Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Orange Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Orange Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Yellow Terracotta in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Lime Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Green Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Green Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Cyan Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Blue Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Blue Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Purple Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Purple Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Magenta Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Pink Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Pink Terracotta in Minecraft
Any color Stained Terracotta[t 1]
  1. The list of possible offers contains individual offers for each color, so multiple colors may be offered by the same villager as separate trades.

Usage Edit

Smelting ingredient Edit

Name Ingredients [hide]Smelting recipe
Glazed Terracotta Matching Dyed Terracotta +
Any fuel
Invicon White Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for White Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to White Terracotta with description: White TerracottaInvicon Light Gray Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Gray Terracotta with description: Light Gray TerracottaInvicon Gray Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gray Terracotta with description: Gray TerracottaInvicon Black Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Black Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Black Terracotta with description: Black TerracottaInvicon Brown Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Brown Terracotta with description: Brown TerracottaInvicon Red Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Red Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Red Terracotta with description: Red TerracottaInvicon Orange Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Orange Terracotta with description: Orange TerracottaInvicon Yellow Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Yellow Terracotta with description: Yellow TerracottaInvicon Lime Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lime Terracotta with description: Lime TerracottaInvicon Green Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Green Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Green Terracotta with description: Green TerracottaInvicon Cyan Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cyan Terracotta with description: Cyan TerracottaInvicon Light Blue Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Blue Terracotta with description: Light Blue TerracottaInvicon Blue Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blue Terracotta with description: Blue TerracottaInvicon Purple Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Purple Terracotta with description: Purple TerracottaInvicon Magenta Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Magenta Terracotta with description: Magenta TerracottaInvicon Pink Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Pink Terracotta with description: Pink Terracotta
Invicon Coal.png: Inventory sprite for Coal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Coal with description: CoalInvicon Charcoal.png: Inventory sprite for Charcoal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Charcoal with description: CharcoalInvicon Oak Log.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Log in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Oak Log with description: LogInvicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Oak Planks with description: Overworld PlanksInvicon Lava Bucket.png: Inventory sprite for Lava Bucket in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lava Bucket with description: Lava BucketInvicon Block of Coal.png: Inventory sprite for Block of Coal in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Block of Coal with description: Block of Coal

Invicon White Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for White Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to White Glazed Terracotta with description: White Glazed TerracottaInvicon Light Gray Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Light Gray Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Gray Glazed Terracotta with description: Light Gray Glazed TerracottaInvicon Gray Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Gray Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gray Glazed Terracotta with description: Gray Glazed TerracottaInvicon Black Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Black Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Black Glazed Terracotta with description: Black Glazed TerracottaInvicon Brown Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Brown Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Brown Glazed Terracotta with description: Brown Glazed TerracottaInvicon Red Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Red Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Red Glazed Terracotta with description: Red Glazed TerracottaInvicon Orange Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Orange Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Orange Glazed Terracotta with description: Orange Glazed TerracottaInvicon Yellow Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Yellow Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Yellow Glazed Terracotta with description: Yellow Glazed TerracottaInvicon Lime Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Lime Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lime Glazed Terracotta with description: Lime Glazed TerracottaInvicon Green Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Green Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Green Glazed Terracotta with description: Green Glazed TerracottaInvicon Cyan Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Cyan Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cyan Glazed Terracotta with description: Cyan Glazed TerracottaInvicon Light Blue Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Light Blue Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Light Blue Glazed Terracotta with description: Light Blue Glazed TerracottaInvicon Blue Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Blue Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blue Glazed Terracotta with description: Blue Glazed TerracottaInvicon Purple Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Purple Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Purple Glazed Terracotta with description: Purple Glazed TerracottaInvicon Magenta Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Magenta Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Magenta Glazed Terracotta with description: Magenta Glazed TerracottaInvicon Pink Glazed Terracotta.png: Inventory sprite for Pink Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Pink Glazed Terracotta with description: Pink Glazed Terracotta0.1

Note blocks Edit

All 16 colors of terracotta can be placed under note blocks to produce a "bass drum" sound.

Ambience Edit

This section describes content that may be included in Java Edition and Bedrock Edition.
This content has appeared in Java Edition 1.21.5 and Bedrock Edition 1.21.70 development versions, but the full update containing it has not been released yet.

Stained terracotta emits sandy ambient noises independent from the current biome if there is a sand, red sand, terracotta or stained terracotta block 8 blocks away in 3 of the 4 horizontal directions. The central stained terracotta block must have access to the sky (i.e. should not be covered by any opaque or light-filtering block). The 3 other required blocks can be placed at different Y levels from the central block, but must be located on the world surface (must not have any non-air blocks above them).

Additional windy ambient sounds play if the stained terracotta block is located in a desert, badlands, wooded badlands, or eroded badlands biome, provided it still meets the conditions described above.

If all the conditions for the respective ambient sounds are met, on each tick a stained terracotta block has an 11600 chance to play a sandy noise and an 110000 chance to play a windy sound.

Sounds Edit

This page would benefit from the addition of more sounds.
Please remove this notice once you've added suitable sounds to the article.
The specific instructions are: 25w05a additions; see Terracotta#Sounds

Java Edition:

[hide]BlockSprite stone.png: Sprite image for stone in Minecraft stone sound type
SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
​Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
​Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
​Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
​Something falls on a blockEntity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stone.fallsubtitles.block.generic.fall0.50.7516
​FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.stone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016

Bedrock Edition:

[hide]BlockSprite stone.png: Sprite image for stone in Minecraft stone sound type
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.370.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
BlocksJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
BlocksFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0

Data values Edit

ID Edit

Java Edition:

NameIdentifierForm[hide]Translation key
BlockSprite white-terracotta.png: Sprite image for white-terracotta in Minecraft White Terracottawhite_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite orange-terracotta.png: Sprite image for orange-terracotta in Minecraft Orange Terracottaorange_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite magenta-terracotta.png: Sprite image for magenta-terracotta in Minecraft Magenta Terracottamagenta_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite light-blue-terracotta.png: Sprite image for light-blue-terracotta in Minecraft Light Blue Terracottalight_blue_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite yellow-terracotta.png: Sprite image for yellow-terracotta in Minecraft Yellow Terracottayellow_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite lime-terracotta.png: Sprite image for lime-terracotta in Minecraft Lime Terracottalime_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite pink-terracotta.png: Sprite image for pink-terracotta in Minecraft Pink Terracottapink_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite gray-terracotta.png: Sprite image for gray-terracotta in Minecraft Gray Terracottagray_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite light-gray-terracotta.png: Sprite image for light-gray-terracotta in Minecraft Light Gray Terracottalight_gray_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite cyan-terracotta.png: Sprite image for cyan-terracotta in Minecraft Cyan Terracottacyan_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite purple-terracotta.png: Sprite image for purple-terracotta in Minecraft Purple Terracottapurple_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite blue-terracotta.png: Sprite image for blue-terracotta in Minecraft Blue Terracottablue_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite brown-terracotta.png: Sprite image for brown-terracotta in Minecraft Brown Terracottabrown_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite green-terracotta.png: Sprite image for green-terracotta in Minecraft Green Terracottagreen_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite red-terracotta.png: Sprite image for red-terracotta in Minecraft Red Terracottared_terracottaBlock & Item
BlockSprite black-terracotta.png: Sprite image for black-terracotta in Minecraft Black Terracottablack_terracottaBlock & Item

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierAlias ID Numeric ID FormItem ID[i 1][hide]Translation key
BlockSprite white-terracotta.png: Sprite image for white-terracotta in Minecraft White Terracottawhite_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 0159Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
BlockSprite orange-terracotta.png: Sprite image for orange-terracotta in Minecraft Orange Terracottaorange_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 1979Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -724)
BlockSprite magenta-terracotta.png: Sprite image for magenta-terracotta in Minecraft Magenta Terracottamagenta_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 2980Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -725)
BlockSprite light-blue-terracotta.png: Sprite image for light-blue-terracotta in Minecraft Light Blue Terracottalight_blue_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 3981Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -726)
BlockSprite yellow-terracotta.png: Sprite image for yellow-terracotta in Minecraft Yellow Terracottayellow_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 4982Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -727)
BlockSprite lime-terracotta.png: Sprite image for lime-terracotta in Minecraft Lime Terracottalime_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 5983Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -728)
BlockSprite pink-terracotta.png: Sprite image for pink-terracotta in Minecraft Pink Terracottapink_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 6984Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -729)
BlockSprite gray-terracotta.png: Sprite image for gray-terracotta in Minecraft Gray Terracottagray_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 7985Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -730)
BlockSprite light-gray-terracotta.png: Sprite image for light-gray-terracotta in Minecraft Light Gray Terracottalight_gray_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 8986Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -731)
BlockSprite cyan-terracotta.png: Sprite image for cyan-terracotta in Minecraft Cyan Terracottacyan_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 9987Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -732)
BlockSprite purple-terracotta.png: Sprite image for purple-terracotta in Minecraft Purple Terracottapurple_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 10988Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -733)
BlockSprite blue-terracotta.png: Sprite image for blue-terracotta in Minecraft Blue Terracottablue_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 11989Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -734)
BlockSprite brown-terracotta.png: Sprite image for brown-terracotta in Minecraft Brown Terracottabrown_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 12990Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -735)
BlockSprite green-terracotta.png: Sprite image for green-terracotta in Minecraft Green Terracottagreen_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 13991Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -736)
BlockSprite red-terracotta.png: Sprite image for red-terracotta in Minecraft Red Terracottared_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 14992Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -737)
BlockSprite black-terracotta.png: Sprite image for black-terracotta in Minecraft Black Terracottablack_terracottastained_hardened_clay / 15993Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -738)
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Available with /give command.
  3. Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p The block's direct item form has the same ID as the block.

Video Edit

History Edit

This section is missing information about: 1.21.5 sound additions.
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
[hide]Java Edition
1.6.113w19a Added stained terracotta, originally known as stained clay.
1.7.213w36bSelect variants of stained clay now generate in mesa biomes.
1.814w03aStained clay now replaces wool in desert pyramids, making deserts and mesas the only two biomes where stained clay can generate, if the "Generate Structures" option is on.
1.10releaseStained clay blocks have been renamed from '<Color> Stained Clay' to '<Color> Hardened Clay'.
1.1217w06aStained hardened clay can now be smelted into glazed terracotta.
17w16aStained hardened clay are now called '<Color> "terracotta".
17w17aAll 16 colors of terracotta now have unique colors on the map.
18w09aLight blue terracotta now generates in ocean ruins.
1.1418w48aWhite terracotta can now be found in plains villages.
18w49aYellow, orange, and red terracotta can now be found in savanna villages.
18w50aLime terracotta can now be found in desert villages.
19w11aAll 16 colors of terracotta can now be obtained from an expert level mason villager via trading, which has now made it renewable.
1.2023w12aAll 16 colors of terracotta except purple, magenta, and pink can now be found in trail ruins.
[hide]Upcoming Java Edition
1.21.525w05aSand, red sand and terracotta of any color have a chance of playing ambient sounds when surrounded by any one of them on at least 3 sides 8 blocks away.
[hide]Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.9.0build 1 Added stained clay.
build 11Stained clay can now be obtained from crafting, using hardened clay.
v0.13.0build 1Blue and orange stained clay now generates as part of desert pyramids.
[hide]Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha hardened clay are now called '<Color> "terracotta".
All 16 colors of terracotta can now be smelted into glazed terracotta.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
1.4.0beta blue terracotta now generates in some ocean ruins.
1.10.0beta, green, yellow, orange, and red terracotta now generates in the new villages.
1.12.0beta 16 colors of terracotta can now be bought from stone mason villagers, making them renewable.
Next Major Update
Preview 16 colors of terracotta except purple, magenta, and pink can now be found in trail ruins.
[hide]Upcoming Bedrock Edition
Drop 1 2025
Preview, red sand and terracotta of any color have a chance of playing ambient sounds when surrounded by any one of them on at least 3 sides 8 blocks away.
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU19CU71.121.121.12Patch 11.0.1 Added stained clay.
TU31CU191.221.221.22Patch 3Select colors of stained clay now generate naturally in mesa biomes.
Stained clay can now be found in desert pyramids.
TU43CU331.361.361.36Patch 13Stained clay blocks are now renamed from '<Color> Stained Clay' to '<Color> Hardened Clay'.
TU53CU431.491.501.49Patch 231.0.3Stained hardened clay are now called '<Color> "terracotta".
Terractta can now be smelted into glazed terracotta.
[hide]New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Added stained clay.

Data history Edit

[hide]Java Edition
1.1317w47aThe different block states for the stained_hardened_clay ID have now been split up into their own IDs.
Prior to The Flattening, the block's numeral ID was 159.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
1.20.30Preview different block states for the stained_hardened_clay ID have now been split up into their own IDs.

Issues Edit

Issues relating to "Stained Terracotta" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Gallery Edit

Screenshots Edit

References Edit

  1. The term “stained terracotta” is not used in the UI. However, recipe files for the default data pack of Java Edition (such as data/minecraft/recipes/white_terracotta.json) put all stained terracotta crafting recipes into the stained_terracotta group.

Navigation Edit

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