Dungeons:Warped Forest

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This page describes content that is a part of the Flames of the Nether DLC.
Warped Forest
Warped Forest MCD.png: Infobox image for Warped Forest the dungeons mission in Minecraft
Part of
Minimum difficulty


Unlock predecessor

DungeonsLevelSprite Nether Wastes.png: Sprite image for Nether Wastes in Minecraft linking to MCD:Nether WastesNether Wastes

Raid captains

Never has captains

Daily trials

Can have daily trials

THE WARPED WAY – There is only one way in and out of the Nether: portals. With nothing but a broken portal at your back, you'll need to hope that the Warped Forest is hiding a new way to make it home. Watch your step, for these are dark woods and Endermen lurk within the shadows.

In-game story

Warped Forest is the second other dimensions mission in Minecraft Dungeons, and is part of the Flames of the Nether DLC. It is unlocked after the completion of Nether Wastes, and completing Warped Forest does not unlock any missions.

It always generates a scroll which, if collected, unlocks the Crimson Forest secret mission.

Appearance and description[edit | edit source]

This mission is set in the warped forest biome in the base game where blue nethershrooms and warped fungi grow wildly. The ground and the environment is dark teal and lush, and even more decorated than the base game's biome, with new plants, and glowing spots on warped roots and warped wart blocks. Lava craters and lavafalls appear everywhere in this level and the forest is just above a huge and dangerous lava sea. There are some blackstone structures, such as bridges and walls, scattered throughout this mission, possibly built by piglins. The hero has to walk through the dark and creepy woods with the occasional Enderman in order to escape.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Main article: MCD:Location
Level ID
Resource pack ID Is required Is DLC exclusive Contains scroll Contains rune room Contains eye of ender
DungeonsLevelSprite Warped Forest.png: Sprite image for Warped Forest in Minecraft linking to MCD:Warped ForestWarped Forest
  • WarpedForest
warpedforest DungeonsLevelSprite Flames of the Nether.png: Sprite image for Flames of the Nether in Minecraft linking to MCD:Flames of the NetherFlames of the Nether

Objectives[edit | edit source]

Main article: MCD:Objective

Voiceovers[edit | edit source]

All adventures in the Nether begin and end with a portal, but what’s a hero to do with nothing but the weapons at their side and a broken portal at their back? Forge a new path forward and find another portal to take you home.

Opening voiceover

Mobs and entities[edit | edit source]

Main article: MCD:Mob

Native[edit | edit source]

Entity Difficulty
Default Adventure Apocalypse
DungeonsEntitySprite key-golem.png: Sprite image for key-golem in Minecraft linking to MCD:Key GolemKey Golem Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite piggy-bank.png: Sprite image for piggy-bank in Minecraft linking to MCD:Piggy BankPiggy Bank Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite blue-nethershroom.png: Sprite image for blue-nethershroom in Minecraft linking to MCD:Blue NethershroomBlue Nethershroom Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite fungus-thrower.png: Sprite image for fungus-thrower in Minecraft linking to MCD:Fungus ThrowerFungus Thrower Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite hoglin.png: Sprite image for hoglin in Minecraft linking to MCD:HoglinHoglin Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite piglin.png: Sprite image for piglin in Minecraft linking to MCD:PiglinPiglin Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite piglin-hunter.png: Sprite image for piglin-hunter in Minecraft linking to MCD:Piglin HunterPiglin Hunter Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite wither-skeleton.png: Sprite image for wither-skeleton in Minecraft linking to MCD:Wither SkeletonWither Skeleton Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite wither-skeleton-archer.png: Sprite image for wither-skeleton-archer in Minecraft linking to MCD:Wither Skeleton ArcherWither Skeleton Archer Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite zombified-fungus-thrower.png: Sprite image for zombified-fungus-thrower in Minecraft linking to MCD:Zombified Fungus ThrowerZombified Fungus Thrower Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite zombified-piglin.png: Sprite image for zombified-piglin in Minecraft linking to MCD:Zombified PiglinZombified Piglin Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite zombified-piglin-hunter.png: Sprite image for zombified-piglin-hunter in Minecraft linking to MCD:Zombified Piglin HunterZombified Piglin Hunter Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite enderman.png: Sprite image for enderman in Minecraft linking to MCD:EndermanEnderman Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsEntitySprite raid-captain.png: Sprite image for raid-captain in Minecraft linking to MCD:Raid CaptainRaid Captain No No No

Items[edit | edit source]

Main article: MCD:Item
Item Difficulty
Default Adventure Apocalypse
DungeonsItemSprite soul-robe.png: Sprite image for soul-robe in Minecraft linking to MCD:Soul RobeSoul Robe Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite blast-fungus.png: Sprite image for blast-fungus in Minecraft linking to MCD:Blast FungusBlast Fungus No Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite death-cap-mushroom.png: Sprite image for death-cap-mushroom in Minecraft linking to MCD:Death Cap MushroomDeath Cap Mushroom Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite powershaker.png: Sprite image for powershaker in Minecraft linking to MCD:PowershakerPowershaker Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite shock-powder.png: Sprite image for shock-powder in Minecraft linking to MCD:Shock PowderShock Powder Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite apple.png: Sprite image for apple in Minecraft linking to MCD:AppleApple Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite arrow-bundle.png: Sprite image for arrow-bundle in Minecraft linking to MCD:Arrow BundleArrow Bundle Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite bread.png: Sprite image for bread in Minecraft linking to MCD:BreadBread Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite pork.png: Sprite image for pork in Minecraft linking to MCD:PorkPork Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite shadow-brew.png: Sprite image for shadow-brew in Minecraft linking to MCD:Shadow BrewShadow Brew Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite strength-potion.png: Sprite image for strength-potion in Minecraft linking to MCD:Strength PotionStrength Potion Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite swiftness-potion.png: Sprite image for swiftness-potion in Minecraft linking to MCD:Swiftness PotionSwiftness Potion Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite tnt.png: Sprite image for tnt in Minecraft linking to MCD:TNTTNT Yes Yes Yes
Melee Gear
DungeonsItemSprite boneclub.png: Sprite image for boneclub in Minecraft linking to MCD:BoneclubBoneclub No Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite sickles.png: Sprite image for sickles in Minecraft linking to MCD:SicklesSickles No No Yes
DungeonsItemSprite soul-knife.png: Sprite image for soul-knife in Minecraft linking to MCD:Soul KnifeSoul Knife Yes Yes Yes
Ranged Gear
DungeonsItemSprite twisting-vine-bow.png: Sprite image for twisting-vine-bow in Minecraft linking to MCD:Twisting Vine BowTwisting Vine Bow Yes Yes Yes

History[edit | edit source]

This article is missing information about: History of Netherwart Forest.
Please expand the article to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
[hide]Minecraft Dungeons to a location called NetherwartForest can be found in the files. Warped Forest.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Before the release of the Flames of the Nether DLC, Warped Forest and Crimson Forest were internally one mission under the title Netherwart Forest. Alongside the name Netherwart Forest, there were small level tiles in the game files for a limited time before the Flames of the Nether DLC was completed, featuring an unfinished mix of crimson and warped foliage with nether portals in the center.
  • Despite not appearing in the game, strider sounds can be occasionally heard during this mission.

Music[edit | edit source]

OST[edit | edit source]

Ambient[edit | edit source]

Ambush[edit | edit source]

In-game[edit | edit source]

SoundDescriptionResource location
Warped ForestD4_bgm_env_wafoMain-001.ogg
SoundDescriptionResource location

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Early level tiles[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]