
(Redirected from Cave Air)
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"Space" redirects here. For the keybind control, see jumping.
This article is about the normal block. For the NBT tag, see Entity format § Entity Format. For the April Fools joke, see Air (April Fools' joke). For the contraption that stops water flow, see Airlocks.
Air (shown) JE2.png: Infobox image for Air the block in Minecraft






Blast resistance










Catches fire from lava


Map color

  0 NONE

Air is an invisible block used to define empty space where other blocks could otherwise exist; it represents the negative or absence of a block. It is one of the few blocks in the game that players cannot normally interact with.

Cave air[Java Edition only] is a variant found only underground in carver caves and some generated structures along with features like lava lakes.

Void air[Java Edition only] is a variant used internally for the 'air' in unloaded chunks and outside of the world height limits (above Y=319 and below Y=-64 in the Overworld, and above Y=255 and below Y=0 in the Nether and the End dimensions).

Appearance[edit | edit source]

All types of air are completely invisible and unable to be viewed or interacted with directly.

The only exception is that air can be visualized with the use of structure blocks in Save mode: when "Show invisible blocks" is enabled, air is represented as small blue cubes. Air, cave air, and void air are all displayed identically in this manner.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

In Bedrock Edition, air cannot be obtained in the inventory without editing. In Java Edition, the block is completely unobtainable. It cannot be obtained with the /give command. Air can be destroyed or created only by the placement or removal of other blocks respectively.

Distribution[edit | edit source]

Upon world generation, all otherwise empty spaces are occupied by air.

In Java Edition, carver caves and some underground structures generate containing cave air instead, including mineshafts[1], strongholds, monster rooms, and lava lakes[2], and void air is used in place of unloaded chunks and above or below the world's buildable area to denote illegal locations for blocks to be put.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Air, shown at left, is represented by blue cubes within structures. Cave air and void air are also shown as such.

Air shares some properties with non-solid blocks, including allowing the player or mob to move within that space without suffocating, and also to catch their breath if they are drowning in water.

Cave air and void air have no special properties; they function the same as normal air.

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

BlockIdentifierFormTranslation key
BlockSprite air.png: Sprite image for air in Minecraft AirairBlock & Item
BlockSprite cave-air.png: Sprite image for cave-air in Minecraft Cave Aircave_airBlock
BlockSprite void-air.png: Sprite image for void-air in Minecraft Void Airvoid_airBlock
BlockSprite air.png: Sprite image for air in Minecraft Emptyempty

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
BlockSprite air.png: Sprite image for air in Minecraft Airair413Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
(Numeric: -158)
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Unavailable with /give command
  3. The block's direct item form has the same ID as the block.

History[edit | edit source]

There is an associated technical blocks page for the internal item form of this block; see Technical blocks/Air.
Java Edition pre-Classic
Cave game tech testAdded air, which is any space devoid of blocks.
Air currently isn't internally a block.
Java Edition Indev
0.31?Air now affects liquid blocks that are horizontally adjacent to it. If air is touching the fluid block, there is a 23 chance for the fluid block to disappear and make the pool recede, and a 13 chance for the fluid block to fill the air, making the pool spread.
Java Edition
1.7.213w38bAir is now internally a block.[3]
1.916w02aAir is now translatable into other languages.
1.1016w20a Air can now be visualized with the use of structure blocks.
1.1318w06aTwo new variations of air have been added: cave air and void air.
Carver caves now generate cave air instead of normal air.
Void air is now internally used at Y values less than 0 or greater than 255 and in unloaded chunks.
1.1519w39a Outlines of air shown by "show invisible blocks" by a structure block no longer have black outlines.
1.1821w37aVoid air is now internally used at Y values less than -64 or greater than 319 and in unloaded chunks.[is this the correct version?]
Pocket Edition Alpha
Pre-releaseAdded air.
Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU1CU11.001.001.00Patch 11.0.1Added air.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Added air.

Data history[edit | edit source]

Java Edition
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this block's numeric ID was 0.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Air" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. MC-125112 — Surface mineshafts in mesas use cave_air — resolved as "Won't Fix".
  2. MC-128250 — Surface water and lava ponds use cave_air — resolved as "Won't Fix".
  3. "This snapshot may be very crashy because @_grum redefined the concept of "air". We're keeping an eye on the crash list though!"@Dinnerbone (Nathan Adams) on X (formerly Twitter), September 20, 2013

Navigation[edit | edit source]