Dungeons:Dusk Pit

Dusk Pit is an optional sub dungeon within the Pumpkin Pastures mission. It has a random chance of spawning, and is uncommon.

Dusk Pit
MCD Dusk Pit 2.png: Infobox image for Dusk Pit the dungeons mission in Minecraft
MCD Dusk Pit (Entrance 2).png: Infobox image for Dusk Pit the dungeons mission in Minecraft
Part of
Raid captains

Never has captains

Appearance and description Edit

Dusk Pit is located next to a small elevated house at the start of Pumpkin Pastures. Its entrance door is concealed by five wooden crates, which move out of the way after interacting with the skeleton sign to the left. It is a small cave featuring skeleton skulls, a structure made from wooden poles, two barrels, and a small walkway leading to a dead end. It is arguably the most obscure optional sub dungeon in the game despite not being very rare. Getting close to the skeleton skulls starts a short ambush that gives no reward chest.

Objectives location Edit

Main article: MCD:Objective

Dusk Pit is found during the following Pumpkin Pastures objective: "THE LAST HEARTH: FIND THE VILLAGE"

Locations Edit

Main article: MCD:Location
Level ID
Resource pack ID Is required Is DLC exclusive Contains scroll Contains rune room Contains eye of ender
Dusk Pit
  • Crypts

Spawning Edit

Mobs and entities Edit

Main article: MCD:Mob

Native Edit

Mob Difficulty
Ancient Hunt Default Adventure Apocalypse
DungeonsEntitySprite vindicator.png: Sprite image for vindicator in Minecraft linking to MCD:VindicatorVindicator No Yes Yes Yes

Items Edit

Main article: MCD:Item
Item Difficulty
Default Adventure Apocalypse
DungeonsItemSprite beenest-armor.png: Sprite image for beenest-armor in Minecraft linking to MCD:Beenest ArmorBeenest armor Daily Trials Only Daily Trials Only Daily Trials Only
DungeonsItemSprite hunter's-armor.png: Sprite image for hunter's-armor in Minecraft linking to MCD:Hunter's ArmorHunter's armor Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite scale-mail.png: Sprite image for scale-mail in Minecraft linking to MCD:Scale MailScale mail Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite corrupted-beacon.png: Sprite image for corrupted-beacon in Minecraft linking to MCD:Corrupted BeaconCorrupted beacon No Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite flaming-quiver.png: Sprite image for flaming-quiver in Minecraft linking to MCD:Flaming QuiverFlaming quiver Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite golem-kit.png: Sprite image for golem-kit in Minecraft linking to MCD:Golem KitGolem kit No No Yes
DungeonsItemSprite light-feather.png: Sprite image for light-feather in Minecraft linking to MCD:Light FeatherLight feather Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite wind-horn.png: Sprite image for wind-horn in Minecraft linking to MCD:Wind HornWind horn Yes Yes Yes
Melee Gear
DungeonsItemSprite sickles.png: Sprite image for sickles in Minecraft linking to MCD:SicklesSickles Yes Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite soul-scythe.png: Sprite image for soul-scythe in Minecraft linking to MCD:Soul ScytheSoul scythe No Yes Yes
DungeonsItemSprite sword.png: Sprite image for sword in Minecraft linking to MCD:SwordSword Yes Yes Yes
Ranged Gear
DungeonsItemSprite longbow.png: Sprite image for longbow in Minecraft linking to MCD:LongbowLongbow Yes Yes Yes

Data values Edit

  • In the game files, Dusk Pit uses the following objectgroup IDs in the following order: crypt_duskpit

History Edit

[hide]Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons BetaAdded Dusk Pit.

Trivia Edit

  • This sub dungeon is a reference to the 2018 video game Dusk. It resembles the first level of that game, along with referencing the game's title.[1]
  • The song used in this sub dungeon is a slowed down version of the song Crypt.

Music Edit

OST Edit

Ambient Edit

Ambush Edit

In-game Edit

SoundDescriptionResource location
SoundDescriptionResource location

Gallery Edit

Progression Edit

Screenshots Edit

References Edit

Navigation Edit