Java Edition Indev 20100218-0011

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This version does not have an official title.
This version is referred to only as "Minecraft Indev" in-game. The current title of this version is unofficial and has not been used by Mojang.
Please update the name if confirmed by reliable sources, such as in the launcher.
This version is currently lost.
While this release is known to exist, it has not been archived in the launcher or elsewhere, and is therefore considered lost.
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Minecraft Indev

Java Edition

Release date

February 18, 2010


Client nor archived
No corresponding server

Minimum Java version

Java SE 5



A version of Minecraft Indev was released on February 18, 2010 at 00:11 UTC[1]. It was announced on TWoN at 00:19 UTC[2], by which time next version had already been released.

Additions[edit | edit source]

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Leaf decay

  • Leaves don't decay if:
    • They are on top of a solid block.
    • They are on top of a leaf block.
    • There is a log within a 5×5×2 box around the leaf. (Note that the leaf does not have to touch the log.)
  • If these conditions are not met, the leaf decays.

General[edit | edit source]


  • Added new splashes:
    • "Bringing home the bacon!"
    • "Indie!"
    • "GOTY!"
    • "Ceci n'est pas une title screen!"
    • "Euclidian!"
    • "Now in 3D!"
    • "Inspirational!"
    • "Herregud!"
    • "Complex cellular automata!"
    • "Yes, sir!"
    • "Played by cowboys!"
    • "OpenGL 1.1!"
    • "Thousands of colors!"
    • "Try it!"
    • "Age of Wonders is better!"
    • "Try the mushroom stew!"
    • "Sensational!"
    • "Hot tamale, hot hot tamale!"
    • "Play him off, keyboard cat!"
    • "Guaranteed!"
    • "Macroscopic!",
    • "Bring it on!"
    • "Random splash!"
    • "Call your mother!"
    • "Monster infighting!"

Changes[edit | edit source]

Blocks[edit | edit source]

  • Still water is no longer lighter than flowing water.

General[edit | edit source]


  • Only armor items can now be placed in the slots next to the player miniature.
  • Added empty armor icons to the inventory.
    • Previously they were unused sprites in items.png.
  • Armor slots are now stored in slots 100, 101, 102 and 103 in the save file, instead of slots 36, 37, 38 and 39.
    • This means that items placed in these slots in older world are lost after loading level starting from this version.

Items[edit | edit source]


  • Now has durability based on the material.
  • Is now fully functional.


  • Now bounce off the player on Peaceful difficulty instead of dealing ghost damage.

Mobs[edit | edit source]


  • If an entity is missing its [Short] Health tag, now they set it to 10 health points by default.

Skeletons and zombies

Fixes[edit | edit source]

2 bugs fixed

  • Entities no longer produce step sounds when moving above liquids.
  • Players' health saves now. Reloading a save no longer makes the player have full health again.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

  • Lava now deals 1HP♥ damage per hit instead of 10HP♥♥♥♥♥ to players.
    • This is caused by the addition of an additional invincibility time to players, which causes them to not receive damage from lava since it also took damage from burning on the same tick.
    • This bug remained in the game until Alpha v1.2.2.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. IRC logs: "(19:11:22) <Notch> armor's up"
  2. Armor is out, and third person view – The Word of Notch, February 18, 2010

Navigation[edit | edit source]