Java Edition Classic 0.0.15a/Development

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Not to be confused with Classic 0.0.15a.
This page documents an unreleased version.
While there is proof of this version's existence, it was never released to the public.

An unreleased development version of the game labelled 0.0.15a was developed on May 28, 2009. It shows in-development features later included in 0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 1) and later releases.

Word of Notch post

  • General
    • Updated tree generation to not make giant green matchsticks.
    • New logs and leaves textures. It is unconfirmed if the gravel and sand textures were changed in this version, but it is likely they were not, since the terrain.png file found in 0.0.15a Multiplayer Test 1 dates to May 31st, 2009, three days after this version was made. This, coupled with the fact Notch never said anything about those textures, may mean they were changed at a later date.
    • Notch experimented with dark fog in this version. Fog would change color and become darker depending on what blocks the player was looking at. Later removed due to buggy behavior.

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