Java Edition Infdev 20100625-1917

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This version does not have an official title.
This version is referred to only as "Minecraft Infdev" in-game. The current title of this version is unofficial and has not been used by Mojang.
Please update the name if confirmed by reliable sources, such as in the launcher.
Minecraft Infdev
Infdev 20100625-1917.png: Infobox image for Minecraft Infdev the version in Minecraft

Java Edition

Official name

Seecret Friday 2

Release date

June 25, 2010


Client (.json)
No corresponding server

Minimum Java version

Java SE 5



A version of Minecraft Infdev was released on June 25, 2010, marking the second Seecret Friday update.[1]

Additions[edit | edit source]

Blocks[edit | edit source]

Monster spawner

  • Found in dungeons.

Items[edit | edit source]


  • Can be found in dungeons.
  • Used to ride pigs.

Generated structures[edit | edit source]


Player format[edit | edit source]

  • [Byte] OnGround tag.
    • 0 if the player is in the air, 1 if on ground.

Changes[edit | edit source]

World generation[edit | edit source]

  • Tree density reduced.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

  • Map generation creates "bad chunk" areas of the map in which the player and all mobs stutter and move very slowly through.
  • The Far Lands now lag and have positioning errors, allegedly different from those introduced in Infdev 20100624.[verify for Java Edition]
  • Placing signs crash the game.
  • If a minecart is used by the player and the player breaks it, it crashes the game.
  • The game crashes when changing window's height to 0.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Seecret Friday update 2! OooooOOOoo! – The Word of Notch, June 25, 2010

Navigation[edit | edit source]