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For the mechanic used with piglins, see Bartering.
The trading menu in Java Edition.
The trading menu in Bedrock Edition.

The trading system is a gameplay mechanic that allows players to trade principally emeralds for items and vice versa with villagers and wandering traders.

A reference chart for trading and bartering as of Java Edition 1.21. Offers may differ in Bedrock Edition.


Pressing use on an adult villager with a profession, or on a wandering trader, opens a menu, allowing a player to trade with the villager or wandering trader. This action pauses any pathfinding the entity was doing and makes it face you. If the entity takes damage while trading, the trading menu closes. The same thing happens if they walk or are transported far enough away.

All transactions involve emeralds. Villagers buy or sell goods for emeralds, and wandering traders sell items for emeralds but do not buy items (unless the villager trade rebalance experiment is enabled). Trading is the only legitimate method of acquiring the globe banner pattern, woodland explorer maps, trial explorer maps and ocean explorer maps in Survival mode. It is also the only renewable way to obtain bells, diamond gear[note 1], lapis lazuli[BE only], bottles o' enchanting, glass, sand, red sand, coral blocks and small dripleaves.

The rest of this section describes mechanics that only apply to villagers. For wandering trader mechanics, see § Wandering Trader.


Villagers have five career levels that can be increased by trading with them. Each villager starts at the "novice" level. A villager's level can be seen in the trading menu. The badge they wear can also be identified: stone for a novice, iron for an apprentice, gold for a journeyman, emerald for an expert, and diamond for a master. Trading until the villager's trading bar gets full unlocks the next level of trades. When a player trades with a villager, both the villager and the player gain experience. All villager trades reward the player with 3–6 experience, plus an additional 5 experience if the villager levels up due to the trade. Trading with a wandering trader also rewards the player with some experience, although the trader does not have experience levels to gain. A villager levels up when its experience bar becomes full and gains up to two‌[JE only] or three‌[BE only] new trades, along with keeping their old ones. Additionally, a villager receives a Regeneration effect, and becomes surrounded by purple and green particles for ten seconds.

Trades from the Master level would still reward the villager with experience, but it has no actual effect as the villager can't level up any further.

Each badge is 2x3 pixels, except the Novice (stone) badge, which is 4x4 pixels.

Level Badge Name Total villager experience required
1 Novice 0 / None / N/A
2 Apprentice 10
3 Journeyman 70
4 Expert 150
5 Master 250

In Java Edition, villagers have a maximum of 10 trades. Each level unlocks a maximum of two new trades. If a level has a pool of more than two trades, the two offered trades are chosen randomly from the set.

In Bedrock Edition, villagers have 7–10 trade slots. A slot with multiple possible trades will display only one trade; for example, farmer villagers have 4 potential trades in their first trade slot, so each trade has a 14 chance to be chosen.[until Villager Trade Rebalancing][verify]

A villager's profession dictates the trading pool used to determine its trades. For example, villagers wearing straw hats are farmers, so their trades are based on the Farmer trade pool. Each profession unlocks a pre-defined and finite set of offers. Different professions are assigned to each villager based on their job-site block. This profession is indicated by their appearance and in the trading interface. Novice villagers who have not traded can lose their profession and change back into unemployed villagers if their claimed job site block is removed. Removing and then replacing a job site block can alter the trades offered, and a villager with no experience resets its trades every so often. Once a player trades with a villager, the villager keeps its profession forever and subsequently locks in the offered trades.


Each trade can be used a maximum number of times, after which the villager runs out of stock and trade becomes disabled. The exact number is different for each item and referenced in the tables below. When villagers work at their job site blocks, they activate their offers again, up to twice per day. In Bedrock Edition, villagers need to be linked to a bed to restock their trades (it is not necessary for them to sleep, but require a bed nearby). When an offer is disabled, a red "X" appears in the trading interface in Java Edition, or the trading slot becomes red in Bedrock Edition, and the villager displays the same particle effect as an offer being created.

When buying items from players, villagers ignore additional item data; this allows, for example, selling renamed or enchanted items, as well as lodestone compasses instead of regular compasses in Java Edition. When the Villager Trade Rebalance experiment is enabled, taiga armorers can also accept damaged armor.

Sale prices

For the default sale price of a specific trade, find the trade in the tables below.

The price of an item rises and falls depending on three factors. Items with a high price multiplier (0.2) are affected by these changes more than items with a low multiplier (0.05). All price fluctuations affect only the first item involved in trade; for example, for an initial trade of 32 sticks for 1 emerald, the price might be driven down to 1 stick or up to 64 sticks for 1 emerald, but never for 2 emeralds. Additionally, no quantity can go lower than 1 or higher than the stack size.

The first factor is demand. An item that was sold out gets a price increase for all players when resupplied. If a player does not trade for a higher-priced item, the price is reduced the next time the villager resupplies. Demand is tracked per item, not per villager, so a villager can offer a higher-priced trade for a single item while other items are cheaper. Trades that have a price multiplier of 0 are not affected by demand.

The second way to affect prices is the Hero of the Village effect, which temporarily reduces prices for the affected player depending on the level of the effect.

Finally, players get personal discounts or penalties‌[Java Edition only] based on their reputation with that particular villager. A positive reputation is gained by curing zombie villagers (the villager that was cured gives a permanent discount much larger than the temporary discount in nearby villagers). To cure a zombie villager, it must obtain the weakness effect, which can be done by a player, witch or dispenser splashing it with a splash potion, a lingering potion or a tipped arrow, and then feeding it a golden apple. The permanent discount is capped at one cure, while the temporary discount is capped at 8 cures. Players can also gain negative reputation by hitting or killing villagers, and positive reputation by trading. In Bedrock Edition, negative reputation can reduce or eliminate discounts but does not result in penalties.

Non-trading villagers

If the player attempts to trade with a non-trading villager in Java Edition, they grunt and bob their head, but if the player tries to do the same thing in Bedrock Edition, nothing happens.


A nitwit bobbing its head.‌[Java Edition only]

Nitwits are green-coated villagers. They cannot gain a profession.

While they can be used for breeding, it is not possible to get a baby nitwit by feeding the adult nitwits, even if using two nitwits as adults.

Unemployed villager

An unemployed villager bobbing its head.‌[Java Edition only]

Villagers without a job cannot trade. They only wear their biome outfits. An unemployed villager gains a profession by claiming an unclaimed job site block. For example, an unclaimed cartography table converts an unemployed villager into a cartographer when the villager claims it, and both the villager and the table emit green particles. An inaccessible (or destroyed) job site block causes the connected villager to lose its profession, but that does not affect the player's popularity in the village.

Trade offers

For the trades before 1.8, see Trading/Before Java Edition 1.8.
For the trades before 1.14, see Trading/Before Village & Pillage.
For the experimental rebalanced trades, see Villager Trade Rebalance.
This section is a work in progress.
Please help expand and improve it. The talk page may contain suggestions.

The villager pictured on the right is from the plains biome. To see villager professions dressed for other biomes, see Villagers § Professions.

In Java Edition, starting from Novice, at each level two additional trades become available, unless there is only one trade within that level. If there are more than two possible trades, two are randomly selected.

In Bedrock Edition, one trade is chosen randomly from each slot available.


Job site block: BlockSprite blast-furnace.png: Sprite image for blast-furnace in Minecraft linking to Blast FurnaceBlast Furnace

An armorer.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%40%15 × Invicon Coal.png: Sprite image for Coal in Minecraft linking to CoalCoalInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
225%40%5 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Iron Helmet.png: Sprite image for Iron Helmet in Minecraft linking to Iron HelmetIron Helmet12High1
25%40%9 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Iron Chestplate.png: Sprite image for Iron Chestplate in Minecraft linking to Iron ChestplateIron Chestplate12High1
25%40%7 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Iron Leggings.png: Sprite image for Iron Leggings in Minecraft linking to Iron LeggingsIron Leggings12High1
25%40%4 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Iron Boots.png: Sprite image for Iron Boots in Minecraft linking to Iron BootsIron Boots12High1
Apprentice3100%50%4 × Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Sprite image for Iron Ingot in Minecraft linking to Iron IngotIron IngotInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
433%50%36 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Bell.png: Sprite image for Bell in Minecraft linking to BellBell12High5
33%50%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Chainmail Leggings.png: Sprite image for Chainmail Leggings in Minecraft linking to Chainmail LeggingsChainmail Leggings12High5
33%50%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Chainmail Boots.png: Sprite image for Chainmail Boots in Minecraft linking to Chainmail BootsChainmail Boots12High5
Journeyman5100%40%Invicon Lava Bucket.png: Sprite image for Lava Bucket in Minecraft linking to Lava BucketLava BucketInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
6100%40%Invicon Diamond.png: Sprite image for Diamond in Minecraft linking to DiamondDiamondInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
733%40%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Chainmail Helmet.png: Sprite image for Chainmail Helmet in Minecraft linking to Chainmail HelmetChainmail Helmet12High10
33%40%4 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Chainmail Chestplate.png: Sprite image for Chainmail Chestplate in Minecraft linking to Chainmail ChestplateChainmail Chestplate12High10
33%40%5 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Shield.png: Sprite image for Shield in Minecraft linking to ShieldShield12High10
Expert850%100%19–33 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Leggings[t 1]3High15
50%100%13–27 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Boots[t 1]3High15
Master950%100%13–27 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Helmet[t 1]3High30
50%100%21–35 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Chestplate[t 1]3High30
  1. Jump up to: a b c d When creating an enchantment offer, the game uses a random enchantment level from 5 – 19. The enchantments are never treasure enchantments.


Job site block: BlockSprite smoker.png: Sprite image for smoker in Minecraft linking to SmokerSmoker

A butcher.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice133%50%14 × Invicon Raw Chicken.png: Sprite image for Raw Chicken in Minecraft linking to Raw ChickenRaw ChickenInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
33%50%4 × Invicon Raw Rabbit.png: Sprite image for Raw Rabbit in Minecraft linking to Raw RabbitRaw RabbitInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
33%50%7 × Invicon Raw Porkchop.png: Sprite image for Raw Porkchop in Minecraft linking to Raw PorkchopRaw PorkchopInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
2100%50%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Rabbit Stew.png: Sprite image for Rabbit Stew in Minecraft linking to Rabbit StewRabbit Stew12Low1
Apprentice3100%67%15 × Invicon Coal.png: Sprite image for Coal in Minecraft linking to CoalCoalInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
450%67%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald8 × Invicon Cooked Chicken.png: Sprite image for Cooked Chicken in Minecraft linking to Cooked ChickenCooked Chicken16Low5
50%67%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald5 × Invicon Cooked Porkchop.png: Sprite image for Cooked Porkchop in Minecraft linking to Cooked PorkchopCooked Porkchop16Low5
Journeyman550%100%10 × Invicon Raw Beef.png: Sprite image for Raw Beef in Minecraft linking to Raw BeefRaw BeefInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
50%100%7 × Invicon Raw Mutton.png: Sprite image for Raw Mutton in Minecraft linking to Raw MuttonRaw MuttonInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
Expert6100%100%10 × Invicon Dried Kelp Block.png: Sprite image for Dried Kelp Block in Minecraft linking to Dried Kelp BlockDried Kelp BlockInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
Master7100%100%10 × Invicon Sweet Berries.png: Sprite image for Sweet Berries in Minecraft linking to Sweet BerriesSweet BerriesInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30


Job site block: BlockSprite cartography-table.png: Sprite image for cartography-table in Minecraft linking to Cartography TableCartography Table

A cartographer.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%100%24 × Invicon Paper.png: Sprite image for Paper in Minecraft linking to PaperPaperInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
2100%100%7 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Empty Map.png: Sprite image for Empty Map in Minecraft linking to Empty MapEmpty Map12Low1
Apprentice3100%100%11 × Invicon Glass Pane.png: Sprite image for Glass Pane in Minecraft linking to Glass PaneGlass PaneInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
4100%100%13 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ Invicon Compass.png: Sprite image for Compass in Minecraft linking to CompassCompass
Invicon Ocean Explorer Map.png: Sprite image for Ocean Explorer Map in Minecraft linking to Ocean Explorer MapOcean Explorer Map[t 1]12High5
Journeyman5100%67%Invicon Compass.png: Sprite image for Compass in Minecraft linking to CompassCompassInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
6100%67%14 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ Invicon Compass.png: Sprite image for Compass in Minecraft linking to CompassCompass
Invicon Woodland Explorer Map.png: Sprite image for Woodland Explorer Map in Minecraft linking to Woodland Explorer MapWoodland Explorer Map[t 1]12High10
7100%67%12 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ Invicon Compass.png: Sprite image for Compass in Minecraft linking to CompassCompass
Invicon Trial Explorer Map.png: Sprite image for Trial Explorer Map in Minecraft linking to Trial Explorer MapTrial Explorer Map[t 1]12High10
Expert8100%12%7 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Item Frame.png: Sprite image for Item Frame in Minecraft linking to Item FrameItem Frame12Low15
9100%100%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Banner.png: Sprite image for White Banner in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Banner.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Banner in MinecraftInvicon Gray Banner.png: Sprite image for Gray Banner in MinecraftInvicon Black Banner.png: Sprite image for Black Banner in MinecraftInvicon Brown Banner.png: Sprite image for Brown Banner in MinecraftInvicon Red Banner.png: Sprite image for Red Banner in MinecraftInvicon Orange Banner.png: Sprite image for Orange Banner in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Banner.png: Sprite image for Yellow Banner in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Banner.png: Sprite image for Lime Banner in MinecraftInvicon Green Banner.png: Sprite image for Green Banner in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Banner.png: Sprite image for Cyan Banner in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Banner.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Banner in MinecraftInvicon Blue Banner.png: Sprite image for Blue Banner in MinecraftInvicon Purple Banner.png: Sprite image for Purple Banner in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Banner.png: Sprite image for Magenta Banner in MinecraftInvicon Pink Banner.png: Sprite image for Pink Banner in Minecraft
Any color Banner[t 2]
Master10100%100%8 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Globe Banner Pattern.png: Sprite image for Globe Banner Pattern in Minecraft linking to Globe Banner PatternGlobe Banner Pattern12Low30
  1. Jump up to: a b c In Java Edition, all copies of the map traded by a particular villager lead to the same structure. In worlds that do not have the structure, this trade is not offered.
    In Bedrock Edition, Cartographers adopting the profession in the Nether or the End do not offer explorer maps.
  2. The list of possible offers contains individual offers for each color, so multiple colors may be offered by the same villager as separate trades.


Job site block: BlockSprite brewing-stand.png: Sprite image for brewing-stand in Minecraft linking to Brewing StandBrewing Stand

A cleric.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%100%32 × Invicon Rotten Flesh.png: Sprite image for Rotten Flesh in Minecraft linking to Rotten FleshRotten FleshInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
2100%100%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald2 × Invicon Redstone Dust.png: Sprite image for Redstone Dust in Minecraft linking to Redstone DustRedstone Dust12Low1
Apprentice3100%100%3 × Invicon Gold Ingot.png: Sprite image for Gold Ingot in Minecraft linking to Gold IngotGold IngotInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
4100%100%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Lapis Lazuli.png: Sprite image for Lapis Lazuli in Minecraft linking to Lapis LazuliLapis Lazuli12Low5
Journeyman5100%100%2 × Invicon Rabbit's Foot.png: Sprite image for Rabbit's Foot in Minecraft linking to Rabbit's FootRabbit's FootInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
6100%100%4 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Glowstone.png: Sprite image for Glowstone in Minecraft linking to GlowstoneGlowstone12Low10
Expert750%67%4 × Invicon Turtle Scute.png: Sprite image for Turtle Scute in Minecraft linking to Turtle ScuteTurtle ScuteInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
50%67%9 × Invicon Glass Bottle.png: Sprite image for Glass Bottle in Minecraft linking to Glass BottleGlass BottleInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
8100%67%5 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Ender Pearl.png: Sprite image for Ender Pearl in Minecraft linking to Ender PearlEnder Pearl12Low15
Master9100%100%22 × Invicon Nether Wart.png: Sprite image for Nether Wart in Minecraft linking to Nether WartNether WartInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
10100%100%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Bottle o' Enchanting.png: Sprite image for Bottle o' Enchanting in Minecraft linking to Bottle o' EnchantingBottle o' Enchanting12Low30


Job site block: BlockSprite composter.png: Sprite image for composter in Minecraft linking to ComposterComposter

A farmer.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice125%40%20 × Invicon Wheat.png: Sprite image for Wheat in Minecraft linking to WheatWheatInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
25%40%26 × Invicon Potato.png: Sprite image for Potato in Minecraft linking to PotatoPotatoInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
25%40%22 × Invicon Carrot.png: Sprite image for Carrot in Minecraft linking to CarrotCarrotInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
25%40%15 × Invicon Beetroot.png: Sprite image for Beetroot in Minecraft linking to BeetrootBeetrootInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
2100%40%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald6 × Invicon Bread.png: Sprite image for Bread in Minecraft linking to BreadBread16Low1
Apprentice3100%67%6 × Invicon Pumpkin.png: Sprite image for Pumpkin in Minecraft linking to PumpkinPumpkinInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
450%67%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Pumpkin Pie.png: Sprite image for Pumpkin Pie in Minecraft linking to Pumpkin PiePumpkin Pie12Low5
50%67%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Apple.png: Sprite image for Apple in Minecraft linking to AppleApple16Low5
Journeyman5100%100%4 × Invicon Melon.png: Sprite image for Melon in Minecraft linking to MelonMelonInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
6100%100%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald18 × Invicon Cookie.png: Sprite image for Cookie in Minecraft linking to CookieCookie12Low10
Expert717%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Suspicious Stew.png: Sprite image for Suspicious Stew in Minecraft linking to Suspicious StewSuspicious Stew[t 1]12Low15
17%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Suspicious Stew.png: Sprite image for Suspicious Stew in Minecraft linking to Suspicious StewSuspicious Stew[t 2]12Low15
17%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Suspicious Stew.png: Sprite image for Suspicious Stew in Minecraft linking to Suspicious StewSuspicious Stew[t 3]12Low15
17%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Suspicious Stew.png: Sprite image for Suspicious Stew in Minecraft linking to Suspicious StewSuspicious Stew[t 4]12Low15
17%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Suspicious Stew.png: Sprite image for Suspicious Stew in Minecraft linking to Suspicious StewSuspicious Stew[t 5]12Low15
17%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Suspicious Stew.png: Sprite image for Suspicious Stew in Minecraft linking to Suspicious StewSuspicious Stew[t 6]12Low15
8100%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Cake.png: Sprite image for Cake in Minecraft linking to CakeCake12Low15
Master950%100%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald3 × Invicon Golden Carrot.png: Sprite image for Golden Carrot in Minecraft linking to Golden CarrotGolden Carrot12Low30
50%100%4 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald3 × Invicon Glistering Melon Slice.png: Sprite image for Glistering Melon Slice in Minecraft linking to Glistering Melon SliceGlistering Melon Slice12Low30
  1. The stew gives 6 seconds of Blindness in Java Edition and 5-7 seconds in Bedrock Edition
  2. The stew gives 8 seconds of Jump Boost in Java Edition and 7-10 seconds in Bedrock Edition
  3. The stew gives 5 seconds of Night Vision in Java Edition and 7-10 seconds in Bedrock Edition
  4. The stew gives 14 seconds of Poison in Java Edition and 10-20 seconds in Bedrock Edition
  5. The stew gives 0.35 seconds of Saturation in Java Edition and 0.3-0.35 seconds in Bedrock Edition
  6. The stew gives 7 seconds of Weakness in Java Edition and 6-8 seconds in Bedrock Edition


Job site block: BlockSprite barrel.png: Sprite image for barrel in Minecraft linking to BarrelBarrel

A fisherman.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice150%50%20 × Invicon String.png: Sprite image for String in Minecraft linking to StringStringInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
50%50%10 × Invicon Coal.png: Sprite image for Coal in Minecraft linking to CoalCoalInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
250%50%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Bucket of Cod.png: Sprite image for Bucket of Cod in Minecraft linking to Bucket of CodBucket of Cod16Low1
50%50%6 × Invicon Raw Cod.png: Sprite image for Raw Cod in Minecraft linking to Raw CodRaw Cod
+ Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
6 × Invicon Cooked Cod.png: Sprite image for Cooked Cod in Minecraft linking to Cooked CodCooked Cod16Low1
Apprentice3100%67%15 × Invicon Raw Cod.png: Sprite image for Raw Cod in Minecraft linking to Raw CodRaw CodInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
450%67%2 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Campfire.png: Sprite image for Campfire in Minecraft linking to CampfireCampfire12Low5
50%67%6 × Invicon Raw Salmon.png: Sprite image for Raw Salmon in Minecraft linking to Raw SalmonRaw Salmon
+ Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
6 × Invicon Cooked Salmon.png: Sprite image for Cooked Salmon in Minecraft linking to Cooked SalmonCooked Salmon16Low5
Journeyman5100%100%13 × Invicon Raw Salmon.png: Sprite image for Raw Salmon in Minecraft linking to Raw SalmonRaw SalmonInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
6100%100%8–22 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Fishing Rod[t 1]3High10
Expert7100%100%6 × Invicon Tropical Fish.png: Sprite image for Tropical Fish in Minecraft linking to Tropical Fish (item)Tropical FishInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
Master8100%100%4 × Invicon Pufferfish.png: Sprite image for Pufferfish in Minecraft linking to Pufferfish (item)PufferfishInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
9100%100%Invicon Oak Boat.png: Sprite image for Oak Boat in Minecraft linking to BoatBoat[t 2]Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
  1. When creating an enchantment offer, the game uses a random enchantment level from 5 – 19. The enchantments are never treasure enchantments.
  2. The type of boat trade depends on the biome outfit of the villager. Plains villagers buy oak boats, taiga and snowy villagers buy spruce boats, desert and jungle villagers buy jungle boats, savanna villagers buy acacia boats, and swamp villagers buy dark oak boats.


Job site block: BlockSprite fletching-table.png: Sprite image for fletching-table in Minecraft linking to Fletching TableFletching Table

A fletcher.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%67%32 × Invicon Stick.png: Sprite image for Stick in Minecraft linking to StickStickInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
250%67%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16 × Invicon Arrow.png: Sprite image for Arrow in Minecraft linking to ArrowArrow12Low1
50%67%10 × Invicon Gravel.png: Sprite image for Gravel in Minecraft linking to GravelGravel
+ Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
10 × Invicon Flint.png: Sprite image for Flint in Minecraft linking to FlintFlint12Low1
Apprentice3100%100%26 × Invicon Flint.png: Sprite image for Flint in Minecraft linking to FlintFlintInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
4100%100%2 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Bow.png: Sprite image for Bow in Minecraft linking to BowBow12Low5
Journeyman5100%100%14 × Invicon String.png: Sprite image for String in Minecraft linking to StringStringInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
6100%100%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Crossbow.png: Sprite image for Crossbow in Minecraft linking to CrossbowCrossbow12Low10
Expert7100%100%24 × Invicon Feather.png: Sprite image for Feather in Minecraft linking to FeatherFeatherInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low30
8100%100%7–21 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Bow[t 1]3Low15
Master9100%67%8 × Invicon Tripwire Hook.png: Sprite image for Tripwire Hook in Minecraft linking to Tripwire HookTripwire HookInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
1050%67%8–22 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Crossbow[t 1]3Low15
50%67%2 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ 5 × Invicon Arrow.png: Sprite image for Arrow in Minecraft linking to ArrowArrow
5 × Invicon Tipped Arrow.png: Sprite image for Tipped Arrow in Minecraft linking to Tipped ArrowTipped Arrow[t 2]12Low30
  1. Jump up to: a b When creating an enchantment offer, the game uses a random enchantment level from 5 – 19. The enchantments are never treasure enchantments.
  2. In Java Edition, the type of arrow is chosen randomly from all possible brewable potions with effects, including extended and strengthened versions.
    In Bedrock Edition, the type of arrow is randomly chosen from 15 options: Night Vision, Invisibility, Leaping, Fire Resistance, Swiftness, Slowness, Water Breathing, Healing, Harming, Poison, Regeneration, Strength, Weakness, Turtle Master, or Decay (Level 2).


Job site block: BlockSprite cauldron.png: Sprite image for cauldron in Minecraft linking to CauldronCauldron

A leatherworker.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%67%6 × Invicon Leather.png: Sprite image for Leather in Minecraft linking to LeatherLeatherInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
250%67%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Leather Pants.png: Sprite image for Leather Pants in Minecraft linking to Leather PantsLeather Pants[t 1]12High1
50%67%7 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Leather Tunic.png: Sprite image for Leather Tunic in Minecraft linking to Leather TunicLeather Tunic[t 1]12High1
Apprentice3100%67%26 × Invicon Flint.png: Sprite image for Flint in Minecraft linking to FlintFlintInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
450%67%5 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Leather Cap.png: Sprite image for Leather Cap in Minecraft linking to Leather CapLeather Cap[t 1]12High5
50%67%4 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Leather Boots.png: Sprite image for Leather Boots in Minecraft linking to Leather BootsLeather Boots[t 1]12High5
Journeyman5100%100%9 × Invicon Rabbit Hide.png: Sprite image for Rabbit Hide in Minecraft linking to Rabbit HideRabbit HideInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
6100%100%7 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Leather Tunic.png: Sprite image for Leather Tunic in Minecraft linking to Leather TunicLeather Tunic[t 1]12High10
Expert7100%100%4 × Invicon Turtle Scute.png: Sprite image for Turtle Scute in Minecraft linking to Turtle ScuteTurtle ScuteInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
8100%100%6 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Leather Horse Armor.png: Sprite image for Leather Horse Armor in Minecraft linking to Leather Horse ArmorLeather Horse Armor[t 1]12High15
Master950%100%5 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Leather Cap.png: Sprite image for Leather Cap in Minecraft linking to Leather CapLeather Cap[t 1]12High30
50%100%6 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Saddle.png: Sprite image for Saddle in Minecraft linking to SaddleSaddle12High30
  1. Jump up to: a b c d e f g The leather armor has a random color created by two dyes (possibly the same dye twice.)


Job site block: BlockSprite lectern.png: Sprite image for lectern in Minecraft linking to LecternLectern

A librarian.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%67%24 × Invicon Paper.png: Sprite image for Paper in Minecraft linking to PaperPaperInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
250%67%9 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Bookshelf.png: Sprite image for Bookshelf in Minecraft linking to BookshelfBookshelf12Low1
50%67%5–64 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ Invicon Book.png: Sprite image for Book in Minecraft linking to BookBook
Enchanted Book[t 1]12High1
Apprentice3100%67%4 × Invicon Book.png: Sprite image for Book in Minecraft linking to BookBookInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
450%67%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Lantern.png: Sprite image for Lantern in Minecraft linking to LanternLantern12Low5
50%67%5–64 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ Invicon Book.png: Sprite image for Book in Minecraft linking to BookBook
Enchanted Book[t 1]12High5
Journeyman5100%67%5 × Invicon Ink Sac.png: Sprite image for Ink Sac in Minecraft linking to Ink SacInk SacInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
650%67%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Glass.png: Sprite image for Glass in Minecraft linking to GlassGlass12Low10
50%67%5–64 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ Invicon Book.png: Sprite image for Book in Minecraft linking to BookBook
Enchanted Book[t 1]12High10
Expert7100%50%Invicon Book and Quill.png: Sprite image for Book and Quill in Minecraft linking to Book and QuillBook and Quill
+ Invicon Book and Quill.png: Sprite image for Book and Quill in Minecraft linking to Book and QuillBook and Quill[t 2]
Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
833%50%4 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Compass.png: Sprite image for Compass in Minecraft linking to CompassCompass12Low15
33%50%5 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Clock.png: Sprite image for Clock in Minecraft linking to ClockClock12Low15
33%50%5–64 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald
+ Invicon Book.png: Sprite image for Book in Minecraft linking to BookBook
Enchanted Book[t 1]12High15
Master9100%100%20 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Name Tag.png: Sprite image for Name Tag in Minecraft linking to Name TagName Tag12Low30
  1. Jump up to: a b c d The enchantment is chosen randomly with equal chance of any enchantment type occurring (except for Soul Speed, Swift Sneak, and Wind Burst) and equal chance to get any level of the enchantment, meaning high-level enchantments are as likely as low-level enchantments. It is possible for a librarian to sell the same book more than once. The price in emeralds depends on the enchantment level and "treasure" status. The minimum price of a book is given by 2 + 3 * (enchantment level), while the maximum price is 6 + 13 * (enchantment level). The possible values are 5–19 emeralds for Lvl I, 8–32 for Lvl II, 11–45 for Lvl III, 14–58 for Lvl IV, and 17–71 for Lvl V. For treasure enchantments the price is doubled. The cost is capped at 64 emeralds. All values below this cap are equally probable.
  2. In Java Edition only one is requested per trade because of MC-248042 — Librarian's book and quill trade is always discounted to 1 since books are unstackable. In Bedrock Edition, the second book is placed in another slot instead.


Job site block: BlockSprite stonecutter.png: Sprite image for stonecutter in Minecraft linking to StonecutterStonecutter

A mason.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%100%10 × Invicon Clay Ball.png: Sprite image for Clay Ball in Minecraft linking to Clay BallClay BallInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
2100%100%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald10 × Invicon Brick.png: Sprite image for Brick in Minecraft linking to BrickBrick16Low1
Apprentice3100%100%20 × Invicon Stone.png: Sprite image for Stone in Minecraft linking to StoneStoneInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
4100%100%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Chiseled Stone Bricks.png: Sprite image for Chiseled Stone Bricks in Minecraft linking to Chiseled Stone BricksChiseled Stone Bricks16Low5
Journeyman533%29%16 × Invicon Granite.png: Sprite image for Granite in Minecraft linking to GraniteGraniteInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
33%29%16 × Invicon Andesite.png: Sprite image for Andesite in Minecraft linking to AndesiteAndesiteInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
33%29%16 × Invicon Diorite.png: Sprite image for Diorite in Minecraft linking to DioriteDioriteInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
625%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Dripstone Block.png: Sprite image for Dripstone Block in Minecraft linking to Dripstone BlockDripstone Block16Low10
25%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Polished Andesite.png: Sprite image for Polished Andesite in Minecraft linking to Polished AndesitePolished Andesite16Low10
25%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Polished Diorite.png: Sprite image for Polished Diorite in Minecraft linking to Polished DioritePolished Diorite16Low10
25%29%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald4 × Invicon Polished Granite.png: Sprite image for Polished Granite in Minecraft linking to Polished GranitePolished Granite16Low10
Expert7100%6%12 × Invicon Nether Quartz.png: Sprite image for Nether Quartz in Minecraft linking to Nether QuartzNether QuartzInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
850%74%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Terracotta.png: Sprite image for White Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Gray Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Gray Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Black Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Black Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Brown Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Brown Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Red Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Red Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Orange Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Orange Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Yellow Terracotta in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Lime Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Green Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Green Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Cyan Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Blue Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Blue Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Purple Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Purple Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Magenta Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Pink Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Pink Terracotta in Minecraft
Any color Stained Terracotta[t 1]
50%74%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for White Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Gray Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Gray Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Black Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Black Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Brown Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Brown Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Red Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Red Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Orange Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Orange Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Yellow Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Lime Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Green Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Green Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Cyan Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Blue Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Blue Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Purple Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Purple Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Magenta Glazed Terracotta in MinecraftInvicon Pink Glazed Terracotta.png: Sprite image for Pink Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft
Any color Glazed Terracotta[t 1]
Master950%100%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Quartz Pillar.png: Sprite image for Quartz Pillar in Minecraft linking to Quartz PillarQuartz Pillar12Low30
50%100%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Block of Quartz.png: Sprite image for Block of Quartz in Minecraft linking to Block of QuartzBlock of Quartz12Low30
  1. Jump up to: a b The list of possible offers contains individual offers for each color, so multiple colors may be offered by the same villager as separate trades.


Job site block: BlockSprite loom.png: Sprite image for loom in Minecraft linking to LoomLoom

A shepherd.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice125%40%18 × Invicon White Wool.png: Sprite image for White Wool in Minecraft linking to White WoolWhite WoolInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
25%40%18 × Invicon Brown Wool.png: Sprite image for Brown Wool in Minecraft linking to Brown WoolBrown WoolInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
25%40%18 × Invicon Black Wool.png: Sprite image for Black Wool in Minecraft linking to Black WoolBlack WoolInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
25%40%18 × Invicon Gray Wool.png: Sprite image for Gray Wool in Minecraft linking to Gray WoolGray WoolInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
2100%40%2 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Shears.png: Sprite image for Shears in Minecraft linking to ShearsShears12Low1
Apprentice320%5%12 × Invicon White Dye.png: Sprite image for White Dye in Minecraft linking to White DyeWhite DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
20%5%12 × Invicon Gray Dye.png: Sprite image for Gray Dye in Minecraft linking to Gray DyeGray DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
20%5%12 × Invicon Black Dye.png: Sprite image for Black Dye in Minecraft linking to Black DyeBlack DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
20%5%12 × Invicon Light Blue Dye.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Dye in Minecraft linking to Light Blue DyeLight Blue DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
20%5%12 × Invicon Lime Dye.png: Sprite image for Lime Dye in Minecraft linking to Lime DyeLime DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low10
450%68%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Wool.png: Sprite image for White Wool in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Wool.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Wool in MinecraftInvicon Gray Wool.png: Sprite image for Gray Wool in MinecraftInvicon Black Wool.png: Sprite image for Black Wool in MinecraftInvicon Brown Wool.png: Sprite image for Brown Wool in MinecraftInvicon Red Wool.png: Sprite image for Red Wool in MinecraftInvicon Orange Wool.png: Sprite image for Orange Wool in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Wool.png: Sprite image for Yellow Wool in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Wool.png: Sprite image for Lime Wool in MinecraftInvicon Green Wool.png: Sprite image for Green Wool in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Wool.png: Sprite image for Cyan Wool in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Wool.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Wool in MinecraftInvicon Blue Wool.png: Sprite image for Blue Wool in MinecraftInvicon Purple Wool.png: Sprite image for Purple Wool in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Wool.png: Sprite image for Magenta Wool in MinecraftInvicon Pink Wool.png: Sprite image for Pink Wool in Minecraft
Any color Wool[t 1]
50%68%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Carpet.png: Sprite image for White Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Carpet.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Gray Carpet.png: Sprite image for Gray Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Black Carpet.png: Sprite image for Black Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Brown Carpet.png: Sprite image for Brown Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Red Carpet.png: Sprite image for Red Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Orange Carpet.png: Sprite image for Orange Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Carpet.png: Sprite image for Yellow Carpet in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Carpet.png: Sprite image for Lime Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Green Carpet.png: Sprite image for Green Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Carpet.png: Sprite image for Cyan Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Carpet.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Blue Carpet.png: Sprite image for Blue Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Purple Carpet.png: Sprite image for Purple Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Carpet.png: Sprite image for Magenta Carpet in MinecraftInvicon Pink Carpet.png: Sprite image for Pink Carpet in Minecraft
4 × Any color Carpet[t 1]
Journeyman520%10%12 × Invicon Yellow Dye.png: Sprite image for Yellow Dye in Minecraft linking to Yellow DyeYellow DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
20%10%12 × Invicon Light Gray Dye.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Dye in Minecraft linking to Light Gray DyeLight Gray DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
20%10%12 × Invicon Orange Dye.png: Sprite image for Orange Dye in Minecraft linking to Orange DyeOrange DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
20%10%12 × Invicon Red Dye.png: Sprite image for Red Dye in Minecraft linking to Red DyeRed DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
20%10%12 × Invicon Pink Dye.png: Sprite image for Pink Dye in Minecraft linking to Pink DyePink DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low20
6100%95%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Bed.png: Sprite image for White Bed in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Bed.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Bed in MinecraftInvicon Gray Bed.png: Sprite image for Gray Bed in MinecraftInvicon Black Bed.png: Sprite image for Black Bed in MinecraftInvicon Brown Bed.png: Sprite image for Brown Bed in MinecraftInvicon Red Bed.png: Sprite image for Red Bed in MinecraftInvicon Orange Bed.png: Sprite image for Orange Bed in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Bed.png: Sprite image for Yellow Bed in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Bed.png: Sprite image for Lime Bed in MinecraftInvicon Green Bed.png: Sprite image for Green Bed in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Bed.png: Sprite image for Cyan Bed in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Bed.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Bed in MinecraftInvicon Blue Bed.png: Sprite image for Blue Bed in MinecraftInvicon Purple Bed.png: Sprite image for Purple Bed in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Bed.png: Sprite image for Magenta Bed in MinecraftInvicon Pink Bed.png: Sprite image for Pink Bed in Minecraft
Any color Bed[t 1]
Expert717%9%12 × Invicon Brown Dye.png: Sprite image for Brown Dye in Minecraft linking to Brown DyeBrown DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low30
17%9%12 × Invicon Purple Dye.png: Sprite image for Purple Dye in Minecraft linking to Purple DyePurple DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low30
17%9%12 × Invicon Blue Dye.png: Sprite image for Blue Dye in Minecraft linking to Blue DyeBlue DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low30
17%9%12 × Invicon Green Dye.png: Sprite image for Green Dye in Minecraft linking to Green DyeGreen DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low30
17%9%12 × Invicon Magenta Dye.png: Sprite image for Magenta Dye in Minecraft linking to Magenta DyeMagenta DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low30
17%9%12 × Invicon Cyan Dye.png: Sprite image for Cyan Dye in Minecraft linking to Cyan DyeCyan DyeInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low30
8100%94%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon White Banner.png: Sprite image for White Banner in MinecraftInvicon Light Gray Banner.png: Sprite image for Light Gray Banner in MinecraftInvicon Gray Banner.png: Sprite image for Gray Banner in MinecraftInvicon Black Banner.png: Sprite image for Black Banner in MinecraftInvicon Brown Banner.png: Sprite image for Brown Banner in MinecraftInvicon Red Banner.png: Sprite image for Red Banner in MinecraftInvicon Orange Banner.png: Sprite image for Orange Banner in MinecraftInvicon Yellow Banner.png: Sprite image for Yellow Banner in Minecraft
Invicon Lime Banner.png: Sprite image for Lime Banner in MinecraftInvicon Green Banner.png: Sprite image for Green Banner in MinecraftInvicon Cyan Banner.png: Sprite image for Cyan Banner in MinecraftInvicon Light Blue Banner.png: Sprite image for Light Blue Banner in MinecraftInvicon Blue Banner.png: Sprite image for Blue Banner in MinecraftInvicon Purple Banner.png: Sprite image for Purple Banner in MinecraftInvicon Magenta Banner.png: Sprite image for Magenta Banner in MinecraftInvicon Pink Banner.png: Sprite image for Pink Banner in Minecraft
Any color Banner[t 1]
Master9100%100%2 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald3 × Invicon Painting.png: Sprite image for Painting in Minecraft linking to PaintingPainting12Low30
  1. Jump up to: a b c d The list of possible offers contains individual offers for each color, so multiple colors may be offered by the same villager as separate trades.


Job site block: BlockSprite smithing-table.png: Sprite image for smithing-table in Minecraft linking to Smithing TableSmithing Table

A toolsmith.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%40%15 × Invicon Coal.png: Sprite image for Coal in Minecraft linking to CoalCoalInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
225%40%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Stone Axe.png: Sprite image for Stone Axe in Minecraft linking to Stone AxeStone Axe12High1
25%40%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Stone Shovel.png: Sprite image for Stone Shovel in Minecraft linking to Stone ShovelStone Shovel12High1
25%40%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Stone Pickaxe.png: Sprite image for Stone Pickaxe in Minecraft linking to Stone PickaxeStone Pickaxe12High1
25%40%Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Stone Hoe.png: Sprite image for Stone Hoe in Minecraft linking to Stone HoeStone Hoe12High1
Apprentice3100%100%4 × Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Sprite image for Iron Ingot in Minecraft linking to Iron IngotIron IngotInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
4100%100%36 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Bell.png: Sprite image for Bell in Minecraft linking to BellBell12High5
Journeyman5100%40%30 × Invicon Flint.png: Sprite image for Flint in Minecraft linking to FlintFlintInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
625%40%6–20 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Iron Axe[t 1]3High10
25%40%7–21 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Iron Shovel[t 1]3High10
25%40%8–22 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Iron Pickaxe[t 1]3High10
25%40%4 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Diamond Hoe.png: Sprite image for Diamond Hoe in Minecraft linking to Diamond HoeDiamond Hoe3High10
Expert7100%67%Invicon Diamond.png: Sprite image for Diamond in Minecraft linking to DiamondDiamondInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
850%67%17–31 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Axe[t 1]3High15
50%67%10–24 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Shovel[t 1]3High15
Master9100%100%18–32 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe[t 1]3High30
  1. Jump up to: a b c d e f When creating an enchantment offer, the game uses a random enchantment level from 5 – 19. The enchantments are never treasure enchantments.


Job site block: BlockSprite grindstone.png: Sprite image for grindstone in Minecraft linking to GrindstoneGrindstone

A weaponsmith.
LevelBedrock EditionJava EditionItem wantedItem givenTrades in
Price multiplierVillager XP
Novice1100%67%15 × Invicon Coal.png: Sprite image for Coal in Minecraft linking to CoalCoalInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald16Low2
2100%67%3 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Iron Axe.png: Sprite image for Iron Axe in Minecraft linking to Iron AxeIron Axe12High1
3100%67%7–21 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Iron Sword[t 1]3Low1
Apprentice4100%100%4 × Invicon Iron Ingot.png: Sprite image for Iron Ingot in Minecraft linking to Iron IngotIron IngotInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low10
5100%100%36 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmeraldInvicon Bell.png: Sprite image for Bell in Minecraft linking to BellBell12High5
Journeyman6100%100%24 × Invicon Flint.png: Sprite image for Flint in Minecraft linking to FlintFlintInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low20
Expert7100%100%Invicon Diamond.png: Sprite image for Diamond in Minecraft linking to DiamondDiamondInvicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald12Low30
8100%100%17–31 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Axe[t 1]3High15
Master9100%100%13–27 × Invicon Emerald.png: Sprite image for Emerald in Minecraft linking to EmeraldEmerald Enchanted Diamond Sword[t 1]3High30
  1. Jump up to: a b c When creating an enchantment offer, the game uses a random enchantment level from 5 – 19. The enchantments are never treasure enchantments.

Wandering trader sales

Wandering Trader

If the villager trade rebalance experiment is disabled, the wandering trader does not buy items in exchange for emeralds – it only sells items, using emeralds as a currency. Therefore, the following tables' leftmost column is how many emeralds the player needs to give to receive the items listed in the middle column of the table.

Java Edition sales

The wandering trader offers six trades in total: five random ordinary trades and one special trade. The five random trades are chosen from the list below.

Price Item Trades until
1 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft BlockSprite allium.png: Sprite image for allium in Minecraft linking to AlliumAllium 12
BlockSprite azure-bluet.png: Sprite image for azure-bluet in Minecraft linking to Azure BluetAzure Bluet 12
BlockSprite blue-orchid.png: Sprite image for blue-orchid in Minecraft linking to Blue OrchidBlue Orchid 8
BlockSprite cornflower.png: Sprite image for cornflower in Minecraft linking to CornflowerCornflower 12
BlockSprite dandelion.png: Sprite image for dandelion in Minecraft linking to DandelionDandelion 12
BlockSprite lily-of-the-valley.png: Sprite image for lily-of-the-valley in Minecraft linking to Lily of the ValleyLily of the Valley 7
BlockSprite orange-tulip.png: Sprite image for orange-tulip in Minecraft linking to Orange TulipOrange Tulip 12
BlockSprite oxeye-daisy.png: Sprite image for oxeye-daisy in Minecraft linking to Oxeye DaisyOxeye Daisy 12
BlockSprite pink-tulip.png: Sprite image for pink-tulip in Minecraft linking to Pink TulipPink Tulip 12
BlockSprite poppy.png: Sprite image for poppy in Minecraft linking to PoppyPoppy 12
BlockSprite red-tulip.png: Sprite image for red-tulip in Minecraft linking to Red TulipRed Tulip 12
BlockSprite white-tulip.png: Sprite image for white-tulip in Minecraft linking to White TulipWhite Tulip 12
BlockSprite open-eyeblossom.png: Sprite image for open-eyeblossom in Minecraft linking to Open EyeblossomOpen Eyeblossom 7
BlockSprite fern.png: Sprite image for fern in Minecraft linking to FernFern 12
BlockSprite brown-mushroom.png: Sprite image for brown-mushroom in Minecraft linking to Brown MushroomBrown Mushroom 12
BlockSprite red-mushroom.png: Sprite image for red-mushroom in Minecraft linking to Red MushroomRed Mushroom 12
ItemSprite beetroot-seeds.png: Sprite image for beetroot-seeds in Minecraft linking to Beetroot SeedsBeetroot Seeds 12
ItemSprite melon-seeds.png: Sprite image for melon-seeds in Minecraft linking to Melon SeedsMelon Seeds 12
ItemSprite pumpkin-seeds.png: Sprite image for pumpkin-seeds in Minecraft linking to Pumpkin SeedsPumpkin Seeds 12
ItemSprite wheat-seeds.png: Sprite image for wheat-seeds in Minecraft linking to Wheat SeedsWheat Seeds 12
BlockSprite pumpkin.png: Sprite image for pumpkin in Minecraft linking to PumpkinPumpkin 4
ItemSprite sugar-cane.png: Sprite image for sugar-cane in Minecraft linking to Sugar CaneSugar Cane 8
BlockSprite vines.png: Sprite image for vines in Minecraft linking to VinesVines 12
BlockSprite pale-hanging-moss.png: Sprite image for pale-hanging-moss in Minecraft linking to Pale Hanging MossPale Hanging Moss 12
BlockSprite lily-pad.png: Sprite image for lily-pad in Minecraft linking to Lily PadLily Pad (×2) 5
BlockSprite moss-block.png: Sprite image for moss-block in Minecraft linking to Moss BlockMoss Block (×2) 5
BlockSprite pale-moss-block.png: Sprite image for pale-moss-block in Minecraft linking to Pale Moss BlockPale Moss Block (×2) 10
BlockSprite pointed-dripstone.png: Sprite image for pointed-dripstone in Minecraft linking to Pointed DripstonePointed Dripstone (×2) 5
BlockSprite rooted-dirt.png: Sprite image for rooted-dirt in Minecraft linking to Rooted DirtRooted Dirt (×2) 5
BlockSprite small-dripleaf.png: Sprite image for small-dripleaf in Minecraft linking to Small DripleafSmall Dripleaf (×2) 5

ItemSprite black-dye.png: Sprite image for black-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite blue-dye.png: Sprite image for blue-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite brown-dye.png: Sprite image for brown-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite cyan-dye.png: Sprite image for cyan-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite gray-dye.png: Sprite image for gray-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite green-dye.png: Sprite image for green-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite light-blue-dye.png: Sprite image for light-blue-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite light-gray-dye.png: Sprite image for light-gray-dye in Minecraft
ItemSprite lime-dye.png: Sprite image for lime-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite magenta-dye.png: Sprite image for magenta-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite orange-dye.png: Sprite image for orange-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite pink-dye.png: Sprite image for pink-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite purple-dye.png: Sprite image for purple-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite red-dye.png: Sprite image for red-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite white-dye.png: Sprite image for white-dye in Minecraft ItemSprite yellow-dye.png: Sprite image for yellow-dye in Minecraft
Any color dye (×3)[note 2]

BlockSprite red-sand.png: Sprite image for red-sand in Minecraft linking to Red SandRed Sand (×4) 6
BlockSprite sand.png: Sprite image for sand in Minecraft linking to SandSand (×8) 8
2 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft BlockSprite glowstone.png: Sprite image for glowstone in Minecraft linking to GlowstoneGlowstone 5
BlockSprite sea-pickle.png: Sprite image for sea-pickle in Minecraft linking to Sea PickleSea Pickle 5
3 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft BlockSprite cactus.png: Sprite image for cactus in Minecraft linking to CactusCactus 8
BlockSprite brain-coral-block.png: Sprite image for brain-coral-block in Minecraft linking to Brain Coral BlockBrain Coral Block 8
BlockSprite bubble-coral-block.png: Sprite image for bubble-coral-block in Minecraft linking to Bubble Coral BlockBubble Coral Block 8
BlockSprite fire-coral-block.png: Sprite image for fire-coral-block in Minecraft linking to Fire Coral BlockFire Coral Block 8
BlockSprite horn-coral-block.png: Sprite image for horn-coral-block in Minecraft linking to Horn Coral BlockHorn Coral Block 8
BlockSprite tube-coral-block.png: Sprite image for tube-coral-block in Minecraft linking to Tube Coral BlockTube Coral Block 8
ItemSprite kelp.png: Sprite image for kelp in Minecraft linking to KelpKelp 12
4 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft ItemSprite slimeball.png: Sprite image for slimeball in Minecraft linking to SlimeballSlimeball 5
5 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft BlockSprite acacia-sapling.png: Sprite image for acacia-sapling in Minecraft linking to Acacia SaplingAcacia Sapling 8
BlockSprite birch-sapling.png: Sprite image for birch-sapling in Minecraft linking to Birch SaplingBirch Sapling 8
BlockSprite dark-oak-sapling.png: Sprite image for dark-oak-sapling in Minecraft linking to Dark Oak SaplingDark Oak Sapling 8
BlockSprite jungle-sapling.png: Sprite image for jungle-sapling in Minecraft linking to Jungle SaplingJungle Sapling 8
BlockSprite oak-sapling.png: Sprite image for oak-sapling in Minecraft linking to Oak SaplingOak Sapling 8
BlockSprite spruce-sapling.png: Sprite image for spruce-sapling in Minecraft linking to Spruce SaplingSpruce Sapling 8
BlockSprite mangrove-propagule.png: Sprite image for mangrove-propagule in Minecraft linking to Mangrove PropaguleMangrove Propagule 8
BlockSprite cherry-sapling.png: Sprite image for cherry-sapling in Minecraft linking to Cherry SaplingCherry Sapling 8
BlockSprite pale-oak-sapling.png: Sprite image for pale-oak-sapling in Minecraft linking to Pale Oak SaplingPale Oak Sapling 8
ItemSprite nautilus-shell.png: Sprite image for nautilus-shell in Minecraft linking to Nautilus ShellNautilus Shell 5

The one random special trade is chosen from the list below. It is always the wandering trader's final trade offer.

Price Items Trades until
1 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft ItemSprite gunpowder.png: Sprite image for gunpowder in Minecraft linking to GunpowderGunpowder 8
3 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft BlockSprite podzol.png: Sprite image for podzol in Minecraft linking to PodzolPodzol (×3) 6
BlockSprite packed-ice.png: Sprite image for packed-ice in Minecraft linking to Packed IcePacked Ice 6
5 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft ItemSprite bucket-of-pufferfish.png: Sprite image for bucket-of-pufferfish in Minecraft linking to Bucket of PufferfishBucket of Pufferfish 4
ItemSprite bucket-of-tropical-fish.png: Sprite image for bucket-of-tropical-fish in Minecraft linking to Bucket of Tropical FishBucket of Tropical Fish 4
6 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft BlockSprite blue-ice.png: Sprite image for blue-ice in Minecraft linking to Blue IceBlue Ice 6

Villager Trade Rebalance

The wandering trader offers nine trades in total: two random trades from purchasing table, two random trades from special selling table, and five random trades from ordinary trades table.

Bedrock Edition sales

This section is missing information about: The Garden Awakens items.
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

In Bedrock Edition, wandering traders offers 6 random trades. Their trades are unaffected by demand.

Five of the random trades are shown in the table below:

Price Regular offer Single offer[note 4] Trades until
Items Weight
1 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 4 12
2 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 5
3 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 12
5 8
4 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 5
5 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 7 8

The other random trade is shown below (these items are chosen for each wandering trader and always offered but only one of them):

Price Items Trades until
1 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 8
3 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 6
5 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 4
6 ItemSprite emerald.png: Sprite image for emerald in Minecraft 6


  1. There is 0.04% chance for zombies and skeletons to spawn with diamond armor, but the chance is so negligible that it is infeasible to obtain diamond armor in this way.
  2. The list of possible offers contains individual offers for each color, so multiple colors may be offered by the same villager as separate trades.
  3. When creating an enchantment offer, the game uses a random enchantment level from 5 – 19. The enchantments are never treasure enchantments.
  4. Only one item is offered (e.g. wandering trader cannot sell both brown dye and pink dye). Each group of single-offer trades has the same chance to be chosen as a normal trade based on weight. For example, each individual sapling has the same chance of being offered as a slimeball, because the sapling group as a whole which consist of 4 items and has 4 weight (multiple saplings cannot be offered however).
  5. Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Crop seeds offered in both grouped and individual trades


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS)
AchievementSprite buy-low-sell-high.png: Sprite image for buy-low-sell-high in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Buy Low, Sell HighNewAchievementSprite buy-low-sell-high.png: Sprite image for buy-low-sell-high in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Buy Low, Sell HighBuy Low, Sell HighTrade for the best possible price.Buy something for 1 emerald, or when the Hero of the Village effect is applied.50Gold
AchievementSprite master-trader.png: Sprite image for master-trader in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Master TraderNewAchievementSprite master-trader.png: Sprite image for master-trader in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Master TraderMaster TraderTrade for 1,000 emeralds.Obtain 1,000 emeralds from trading with villagers.30Silver
AchievementSprite star-trader.png: Sprite image for star-trader in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Star traderNewAchievementSprite star-trader.png: Sprite image for star-trader in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Star traderStar traderTrade with a villager at the build height limit.20Silver
AchievementSprite the-haggler.png: Sprite image for the-haggler in Minecraft linking to Achievement#The HagglerNewAchievementSprite the-haggler.png: Sprite image for the-haggler in Minecraft linking to Achievement#The HagglerThe HagglerAcquire or spend 30 Emeralds by trading with villagers or with wandering trader. [sic]30Silver
AchievementSprite treasure-hunter.png: Sprite image for treasure-hunter in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Treasure HunterNewAchievementSprite treasure-hunter.png: Sprite image for treasure-hunter in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Treasure HunterTreasure HunterAcquire a map from a cartographer villager, then enter the revealed structureVisit the structure indicated while the purchased map is in your main hand (hotbar).40Silver


IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)
Cover Me with DiamondsDiamond armor saves livesHave any type of diamond armor in the inventory.
Getting an UpgradeConstruct a better PickaxeHave a stone pickaxe in the inventory.
Isn't It Iron PickUpgrade your PickaxeHave an iron pickaxe in the inventory.
Star TraderTrade with a Villager at the build height limitStand on any block that is higher than 318 and trade with a villager or wandering trader.
Suit UpProtect yourself with a piece of iron armorHave any type of iron armor in the inventory.
What a Deal!Successfully trade with a VillagerTake an item from a villager or wandering trader's trading output slot.


Note: This Video is from Java Edition 1.5, so Trading/Before 1.8 appears.


[hide]Java Edition Beta
August 31, 2010The first time Notch hinted at plans for a possible future trading system was in an interview during MinecraftCon. The implementation of villages themselves and their inhabitants wasn't even confirmed at this point, but Notch still had a couple of ideas: "If you treat the villagers well, they become friendly to you and might start throwing things at you as gifts. If you treat them badly though by attacking and killing them they hate you and might chase you."
Notch also mentioned a meter of how much "villagers like you."
[hide]Java Edition
May 21, 2012Jeb released a screenshot of himself testing the trading system. The image showed buying and selling areas.
An ore block can be seen in the background later revealed in snapshot 12w21a to be ruby ore, it was changed to emerald ore before 12w21a because Dinnerbone is colorblind. [2]
1.3.112w21aAdded villager trading.
12w22aEyes of ender are now sold by priests instead of bought, and rotten flesh is no longer bought.
The trading UI has been changed where an extra input space has been added where tools can be placed for buying enchantments and/or repair.
12w23aBefore this snapshot, the librarian defaulted to written books instead of gold ingots, since the written books had a potential offer of 1.3.
1.4.212w32aThe librarian's paper offer was adjusted to 24–35 paper per emerald from 19-29 paper
The farmer's arrow offer was fixed to sell 9-12 arrows from only 5 before. The original 1 emerald for 5 arrows trade was a result of a bug in the code where the minimum and maximum values of the arrow trade were swapped.
The librarian's buy book offer was adjusted to 11-12 books from 12-14.
The farmer's gravel to flint trade now produces 4-5 flint from 2-3.
The offer probability mechanic was changed: as more offers exist for a villager, the probability of all offers rise. When an offer's probability goes beyond a certain limit, its probability goes down. The net effect is that rarer offers become more common when a villager has many offers, and common offers become rarer.
The offer removal mechanic has been replaced with an offer disabling mechanic.
All offers begin with 7 uses, allowing the offer to be traded up to seven times.
After this, even if the player has not left the trading menu, the offer is disabled.
If a player trades the last offer on the list and closes the menu, waiting for particles to appear around the villager, all disabled offers are renewed with 2–12 additional uses added to them.
It is possible for the final offer slot to be disabled, at which point no new offers can be generated and no existing offers can be renewed.
Trading with the last offer slot available increases the player's popularity with the village by one point. Popularity applies to the village as a whole; other players are not affected.
1.4.612w50aLibrarians now can sell enchanted books.
1.513w04aA villager spawned from a renamed spawn egg shows its name in the trading interface in place of "Villager".
1.814w02aVillager trading has been revamped. See here for offers before 1.8.
Trading now gives the player experience.
14w03aClerics no longer buy ender pearls, as they did in 14w02a.
14w31aClerics now can sell bottles o' enchanting, prices range from 3 to 11 emeralds each.
1.915w41aClerics no longer sell eyes of ender.
Clerics now can sell ender pearls. Prices range from 4 to 7 emeralds each.
15w43aLibrarians charge double for books with treasure enchantments.
1.1116w33aFarmers now sell 5 to 7 apples and 6 to 10 cookies for an emerald instead of just 5 and 6 respectively.
16w39aAdded new trades through the cartographer career.
1.1419w05aAdded wandering traders, which can trade with the player.
19w11aRevamped the trading system, adding many new trades for each villager profession.
Villager profession now depends on their job site block, rather than randomly assigned at birth.
Villager trading prices now depend on the player's popularity in the village.
Villagers now resupply their trades up to two times a day, if they get to work at a job site block.
Added the mason profession, which uses a stonecutter as a job site block.
The trading UI has been updated.
The villager now gains experience as it trades with the player, and the experience is visible in a bar on top of the trading UI.
19w13bAll available trades are now listed in a sidebar on the left of the trading interface.
When the player has the required materials, clicking on an available trade puts the items into the slots automatically.
1.1519w45aLibrarians now sell one bookshelf for nine emeralds, instead of three bookshelves for six emeralds.
1.1721w05aWandering traders now can sell small dripleaf.
21w13aWandering traders now can sell pointed dripstone, rooted dirt and moss block.
Masons now can sell dripstone blocks.
1.1922w15aWandering traders now can sell mangrove propagules.
Update 1.20
23w07aWandering traders now can sell cherry saplings.
1.20.223w31aA villager now only gives a big discount the first time it is cured from a zombie villager. There are no longer multiple stacked discounts if a villager is zombified and cured multiple times.[3]
Existing villagers with multiple curing discounts keep their lowered prices when updated to this snapshot.
1.20.2 Pre-release 1When villagers unlock new trades, the order of those trades in the UI is now always random instead of sometimes being deterministic.
Villager Trade Rebalance
23w31aLibrarians from different biomes now sell different enchanted books.
Each village biome has one special enchantment that is only available from master-level librarians, and players must visit all seven village biomes to get all the enchanted books available from trading.
Some enchanted book trades are exclusive to jungle and swamp villagers, which do not spawn naturally, unless villagers are brought to and bred in jungle and swamp biomes.
Enchantments for tridents, crossbows and fishing rods are no longer obtainable from trading, and must be acquired by other means.
Wandering traders now sell more items, and buy certain items from the player.
Some of the existing trades from wandering traders have reduced prices.
1.20.2 Pre-release 1Added seven new maps which cartographers can sell.
Buying diamond armor from armorers now also requires a small amount of diamonds.
Most master-level armorers buy iron blocks and pay 4 emeralds for them.
Chainmail armor is exclusively sold by jungle and swamp armorers.
The savanna armorer sells cursed diamond armor at reduced prices.
The taiga armorer can swap one piece of diamond armor for another.
Villager Trade Rebalance
24w03aVillagers who buy armor now ignore durability and can buy damaged armor.
Update 1.21
24w12aAdded the trial chambers maps, sold by journeyman-level cartographers.
[hide]Pocket Edition
1.0.4alpha villager trading.
1.1.0alpha new trades through the cartographer career.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
1.2.13beta Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing enchantments, which at this time can be obtained only via trading with librarians.
1.4.0beta the curse enchantments in enchanted books from librarian trading.
1.10.0beta new trades through the stone mason villager profession and wandering trader.
1.11.0beta economic trades, where players can unlock multiple tiers at once by leveling up villagers.
Villagers now have a demand in which their emerald cost can change higher or lower than usual.
beta trading for villagers.
Villager no longer instantly resupply their trades when disabled, as now they need to work at a job site block to resupply themselves.
Hero of the Village now gives a trading price discount, except for one emerald trades (as it already costs one emerald).
beta use on a trade now auto-trades items.
Reverted cake trade from farmer villagers, increased max amount of some trade until disabled for master level stone mason and wandering trader.
1.12.0beta some trades for both villager and wandering trader.
beta regular sand from the wandering trader trades and adjusted the cost of a diamond hoe on the toolsmith.
1.13.0beta villager now buy 11 glass panes, rather than 10.
beta villagers now sell suspicious stew.
1.16.0beta trade values have been changed to closely match Java Edition.
?Enchanted items now cost in a range.
1.17.0beta traders can sell small dripleaf, pointed dripstone, rooted dirt, and moss blocks.
Stone masons can now sell dripstone blocks.
1.18.10beta, cartographer, librarian, and wandering trader trades have been changed to match Java Edition.
1.18.30beta, cleric, fisherman, shepherd, toolsmith, and weaponsmith villager trades have been changed to match Java Edition.
Villager Trade Rebalancing
Preview from different biomes now sell different enchanted books.
Librarians now sell, as their only master-level trade, enchanted books with a special enchantment that depends on the biome they spawned in (as shown by their garments). This is the only way to obtain these enchantments via trading.
Since jungle and swamp villagers do not spawn naturally, the only way to obtain the special enchanted books from these librarians is to bring in villagers from outside, get them to mate, and arrange for their babies to become librarians.
Enchantments for tridents, crossbows and fishing rods are no longer obtainable from trading, and must be acquired by other means.
Wandering traders now sell more items, and buy certain items from the player.
Some of the existing trades from wandering traders have reduced prices.
Update 1.21
Preview the trial chambers maps, sold by journeyman-level cartographers.
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU14CU11.041.001.00Patch 11.0.1Added villager trading.
TU20CU81.131.131.13Librarian villagers now may offer name tags for sale.
TU31CU191.221.221.22Patch 3Changed villager trades to offers as of Java Edition 1.8.
TU46CU361.381.381.38Patch 15Clerics no longer sell eyes of ender.
Clerics now sell ender pearls. Prices range from 4 to 7 emeralds each.
Librarians charge double for books with treasure enchantments.[is this the correct version?]
TU54CU441.521.521.52Patch 241.0.4Farmers now sell 5 to 7 apples and 6 to 10 cookies for an emerald instead of just 5 and 6 respectively.[is this the correct version?]
Added new trades through the cartographer career.
1.91 The trading interface shows the new career level for villagers and which trades are locked.
Villager trading prices now depend on the player's popularity in the village.
Villagers now resupply their trades up to two times a day, if they get to work at a job site block.
Added new trades through the stone mason villager profession and wandering trader.
1.95Stone mason villagers now sell 4 chiseled stone bricks for 1 emerald instead of 1 for 20 emeralds.
Stone mason villagers now sell 12 glazed terracotta for 1 emerald instead of buying it.


Issues relating to "Trading", "Trades", or "Trade system" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.


  • While diamonds are not renewable, their products (armor, tools, and weapons) are renewable via trading.




Development images


  1. MC-264555 — Wandering Trader doesn't sell Mangrove Log
  3. MC-181190 — The discount for curing a villager is multiplied if the villager is reinfected and cured again — resolved as "Fixed".
