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Java Edition version history/Development versions

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This article is about publicly-released development versions for the PC. For the stable versions' history, see Version history.

Starting in the period between Beta 1.7.3 and Beta 1.8, Mojang began to publicly release testing versions of full updates in order to get major feedback, especially for bug reporting, so that the official update is considerably more stable. While these versions were public, they were not auto-installed by the game and are completely optional.

In Beta, these versions went under the tag of "Pre-Release", candidates subject to release for 1.0.0 as "RC#", and post-1.0.0 were given a name under a special syntax (see below).

To install a development version, simply download the minecraft.jar file, place "minecraft.jar" in your .minecraft/bin/ directory and run Minecraft as usual. For GNU/Linux, some extra work needs to be done to get the 1.3 snapshots going.

Note: This is not a page for reporting bugs; they should be posted on the relevant Known bugs page instead.

Weekly Snapshots

The format for the snapshots is YYwWWx.[1]

YY is the two-digit year, WW is the two-digit week number within the year, and x is a unique identifier, starting with "a", in case there is more than one release per week, and "w" simply stands for "week".

Minecraft 1.4 (The Pretty Scary Update) Snapshots & Pre-releases

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary Download
12w38b September 21, 2012
  • Updated sound engine and fixed wrong sounds
    • Added minecart sounds
    • Changed level-up sound
    • Changed fall-damage sound
    • Changed the new block placing sounds (implemented in 12w38a) back to original sounds
    • New cave sound
    • The fire charge makes the same sound as flint and steel when used
  • A few tweaks to the witch mob.
    • Can't hurt themselves now.
    • Texture changed slightly.
    • New drops
      • Misc potion ingredients
      • Sticks
      • Chance to drop what they're holding at the time of death
  • New creeper fall mechanics [2]

Client Server (or .exe)

12w38a[4] September 20, 2012
  • The Nether loads faster when going through a portal
  • The water overlay is more saturated blue.
  • Updated and added new sounds by C418
  • Added a passive mob (bat)
    • Spawns in dark caves
    • Spawns in Peaceful mode
    • Sleeps during the day
    • Hangs on the ceiling when idle, starts flying when players come near
  • Added a hostile mob (witch)
    • Their nose slowly bobs up and down when not hostile.
    • Throws splash potions of poison, slowness, weakness and instant damage at you
    • Regenerate health over time
    • Hold an empty bottle and raise their noses when attacking
    • Drink potions of instant health and fire resistance to defend themselves in combat
    • Rarely drop potions of instant health and fire resistance
    • Is immune to some splash potions​[more information needed]
    • Does not spawn naturally (yet), but a spawn egg exists for it in Creative mode
  • Command block target parameters have been upgraded
  • Beacon artwork was changed
    • The beam of light was changed
    • The texture of bedrock under the beacon is removed.
  • Wood blocks have a different rotation algorithm. Instead of using the player’s position, they rotate based on the face they are placed upon, like a lever (this is mainly a test).
  • Stone monster egg blocks (which spawn Silverfish) will rarely generate underground in Extreme Hills biomes.[8]

Client Server (or .exe)

12w37a September 13, 2012
  • Tweaks to the Wither.
    • It creates an explosion around itself once it is done regenerating from spawning.
    • The Wither now will randomly shoot slow blue-colored versions of wither skull projectiles when idle.
  • Added "Re-Create" option to the World selection menu.
    • Allows you to create a new world as a copy of an existing save, defaulting all of the world options and the world seed to match the original.
  • 'Carrots' are now singularly 'Carrot'.
  • Added pumpkin pie.
  • Tweaks to a couple of item sprites.
  • Leather armor now has a non-dyed layer.
  • Time of the redstone signal of the wooden/stone button extended from 9 to 12 redstone ticks
  • Superflat customization GUI:
    • Comes with 7 presets: Classic Flat, Tunnelers' Dream, Water World, Overworld, Snowy Kingdom, Bottomless Pit (Broken)[9], and Desert.
    • Custom starts off with Classic Flat with three options: Add Layer, Edit Layer, Remove Layer. Adding and editing are not yet included.
      • You can customize superflat without add/edit layer option using the "seed" in the preset list.
  • Fishing now gives the player XP.
  • Pigs are now able to jump when players ride on them.
    • Pigs will cease to move when ridden in water. (player weight or bug?)
  • Added /clear command to empty the inventory.
  • Hostile mobs are now a little bit more fearless in hard difficulty.
    • Mobs will risk taking fall damage to reach the player, provided it will not be deadly to themselves.
  • Seems to be more Wither skeletons in Nether Fortresses.
  • Heads can now be customized to be player heads using an NBT tag [10]

Client Server (or .exe)

12w36a September 6, 2012
  • Updated Wither
    • Place 4 pieces of Soul Sand in a vertical T-shape and place 3 Wither Skeleton Skulls on top to create it.
    • Drops one Nether Star upon death.
    • When spawned in the Overworld, the sky will get darker.
    • Gives players "Wither II" effect when hitting them.
    • Its name is now displayed correctly above its HP bar.
  • Added Wither Skeleton mob which only shows up in the Nether.
    • Gives players "Wither" effect when hitting them.
    • Carry and rarely drop stone swords when killed by players.
    • Drops bones and coal.
    • Has a high chance to spawn from an skeleton egg if the player is in the Nether
    • Wither skeletons can replace skeletons on spider jockeys.
  • Added one new painting depicting the creation of a Wither.
  • Added Carrot on a Stick.
    • Used to maneuver pigs.
    • Pigs follow the player when holding carrots
      • Can also attract pigs similarly to wheat.
    • Main purpose is to control saddled pigs while ridden.
  • Added Nether Star
    • Used as a crafting ingredient for the Beacon block
  • Added heads
    • Five types in this version:
      • Skeleton Skull
      • Wither Skeleton Skull
      • Zombie head
      • Creeper head
      • Human head
    • Wither Skeleton Skulls are dropped very rarely by Wither Skeletons.
    • Other heads are only available via the creative inventory.
    • Can be used as hats
  • Updated the Beacon block, now shows up as Beacon.
    • New model and textures.
    • Can now be crafted by surrounding a Nether Star with 3 blocks of obsidian on the bottom and 5 blocks of glass around the top
  • Retextured the Golden Carrot.
  • Chickens now use seeds instead of wheat to breed.
    • Chickens now follow the player when a seed is in hand.
  • Pigs can be bred with carrots.
  • Zombies and skeletons that pick up items will now always drop them after dying.
  • Saddled pigs will now always drop saddles on death.
  • Minor changes to dyeing.
    • Leather armor now uses two overlayed textures, one being the color.
    • Minor changes to the leather dyeing - the colors will attempt to maintain intensity and not dilute as much
  • Carrots and potatoes can now be found in either Villages or growing in Jungle biomes.
  • The zombie and Zombie Pigman models and textures have changed.
    • No visual difference, except that it breaks old texture packs.

Client Server (or .exe)

12w34b August 24, 2012
  • Changed recipes for buttons. They now require 1 stone block/wooden plank to craft.
  • Leather and diamond armor textures slightly changed:
    • Leather armor sleeves are extended by one pixel.
      • Their item texture has been changed to match the new texture.
    • Diamond armor sleeves now have a notch on the inner side.
  • Removed "map_#/#" on the map and added "Map #" in the tool tip
  • Added boss names above boss health.
  • When taken down to half health, Withers will gain Wither armor, making them immune to arrows.
  • Occasionally, zombies, skeletons, and zombie pigmen will spawn with the ability to pick up items on the ground.
    • Armor will automatically equip. Items will instantly be held, which is not exclusive to weapons. This means these zombies can be found holding items they have come across, such as rotten flesh.
    • This will cause zombie pigmen to drop their sword.
    • This will cause skeleton to drop their bow.
    • The attribute applied to allow them to pick up items is called CanPickUpLoot.
  • Arrows caught on fire (or by enchantments) are able to ignite TNT when on contact.[12]
  • In the Overworld, Zombie Pigmen are eager to get back in the Nether Portal (e.g., if the player makes a portal and spawn Zombie Pigmen in Creative, it will run into the portal).

Server (or .exe)

12w34a August 23, 2012
  • Added item frames.
    • Crafted like a painting but with leather instead of wool.
  • Added cobblestone wall and mossy cobblestone wall.
  • Added flower pot.
  • Added new Full-screen toggle to the Video settings.
  • Added new use Vsync toggle in the Video settings.
  • Improved maps
    • Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps.
    • A compass and paper do now create an empty map
    • An empty map has no data on it until you right click on it. The point on your world where you right clicked it is the map's center
    • A map (with data) can be cloned. Cloned maps are stackable
    • Maps can be zoomed out (but not zoomed in)
  • Stairs now auto-arrange into corners. This is a test and may change based on feedback.
  • Mobs (and all other entities) can travel through portals.
  • Fire charges shot from a dispenser or a Blaze create the "fireball" sound effect.
  • Leather armor can be dyed.
    • The default color of leather has changed.
    • You can right-click a full cauldron with dyed armor to remove dye.
  • Tamed wolves' collars can be dyed.
  • Removed the “Work in Progress block” from the Creative menu.
  • Added two new crops (carrots and potatoes) and associated items.
  • F3+P will toggle the auto-pause when the window loses focus (mainly for debugging).
  • F3+H will toggle detailed item descriptions (also for debugging).
  • Added arrow-sensitive wooden buttons.
  • The particle effect when a trade with a Villager has been successful has changed.
  • Trapdoors can be placed in top-most position (based on cross-hair aim).
  • Added a mob called a Wither, only available through external modification such as editing mob spawners, mods, or hacks. It shoots exploding projectiles called Wither Skulls and destroys nearby blocks. It also has a boss health bar.
  • Added Potion of Invisibility.
    • Mobs do not attack you until you bump into them.
    • Potion also hides the player's name tag.
  • Fire spreads differently based on difficulty.
  • Brewing recipes for Potions of Night Vision and Invisibility added:
  • Added an unused texture in gui/items.png.
  • Mob grinders now give less XP when you farm them continuously.
  • Saplings now have a smaller hitbox.
  • The f: item on the F# debug screen now shows the exact direction the player is looking, between -180 and 180 degrees from south.

Server (or .exe)

12w32a August 9, 2012
  • Villagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
    • This effect only takes place if the villager recognizes nearby housing, most commonly with naturally spawned villagers
    • There is a third, unused particle effect added of a villager's face looking angry.
  • Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
  • Zombies, skeletons and Zombie Pigmen sometimes spawn wearing equipment including enchanted weapons and any type of armor, depending on the difficulty level.
  • Added Zombie Villagers
    • Villagers have a chance of turning into zombies after being killed by one.
    • Zombie spawn eggs may spawn zombie villagers.
    • Zombie villagers can naturally spawn.
    • Zombie villagers can be cured, becoming normal Villagers again.
      • To do this, first use a Splash Potion of Weakness on it. Then, right-click on it with a level one Golden Apple. After several minutes, it will turn back into a normal villager.[13]
  • Rarely, villagers can spawn in the Nether near nether portals.
  • New "villages.dat" file in the data folder of world saves
  • Added the Command Block intended for adventure maps.
    • It can run server commands when triggered by a redstone signal.
      • You can use @player or @p as a placeholder for the nearest player.
    • This block will not be craftable and is currently not available in the creative mode inventory, but can be obtained via the command /give 137
  • New commands:
    • /difficulty <new difficulty>
    • /gamerule <rule name> [value]. Value can be defined as false / true. All rules except keepInventory are true by default. The available rules are as follows:
      • doFireTick (false=fire cannot spread)
      • mobGriefing (false=creeper explosions do not damage blocks)
      • keepInventory (true=keep inventory on death)
      • doMobSpawning (false=mobs do not spawn)
      • doMobLoot (false=mobs do not drop loot)
      • doTileDrops (false=blocks do not drop items when breaking)
    • /spawnpoint [player] [<x> <y> <z>]
    • /weather <clear/rain/thunder> [duration in seconds]
  • Added the Beacon Block (Named "Work in Progress" ingame).
    • By building a pyramid composed of storage blocks such as Blocks of Emerald or Blocks of Diamond and placing this block on top, the player gains access to several powers.
      • A full pyramid can provide level II powers, should the player select the level I variation in the primary powers section.
    • It can not be crafted, although a crafting recipe is planned.
      • It can be obtained via the "Miscellaneous" tab in the creative inventory, or with the /give 138 command.
    • The minimum range is 16 blocks
    • Gives off a light level of 15, as bright as Glowstone
    • Players within the blocks' range will be given the selected effects every 4 seconds
    • The best configuration of blocks requires 164 blocks
  • A working Potion of Night Vision is in the creative inventory.
  • Zombie attack animation shows when it's holding a weapon.
  • Iron Golems now attack slimes and Magma Cubes.

Server (or .exe)

Minecraft 1.3 Snapshots & Pre-releases

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary Download
1.3.2 Pre-release[17] August 14, 2012
  • Large Oak Trees now generate with sideways logs.
  • You can now toggle showing server addresses in the server list using the F1 key

Server (or .exe)

1.3.1 Pre-release July 30, 2012
  • Statement from Mojang: The release has been updated to 1.3.1 instead of just 1.3, because the obfuscation was wrong and made life (more) difficult for modders. We also fixed a couple of other minor issues. Normal users don’t need to bother to download again, the patch doesn’t contain any new features, and this 1.3.1 build will be pushed on Wednesday.

Server (or .exe)

1.3 Pre-release July 26, 2012
  • The block-breaking animation is now shown while the GUI is hidden.
  • TNT no longer does damage to players in peaceful difficulty.[19]
  • Respawning in superflat is no longer random.

Server (or .exe)

12w30e July 25, 2012

Notable bugs (Complete bug list):

  • Player occasionally flies in SMP (caused by double-jumping [jumping while in the air during a jump]).

Server (or .exe)

12w30d July 25, 2012 Client

Server (or .exe)

12w30c July 24, 2012 Client

Server (or .exe)

12w30b July 23, 2012 Client

Server (or .exe)

12w30a July 23, 2012
  • Made creepers stronger.[25][26]
    • Depending on difficulty, creeper damage is scaled now.
      • Easy: ~50% less damage.
      • Normal: same damage as before.
      • Hard: ~33% more damage than before.
    • "In full diamond armor + hard difficulty a creeper can knock you down to 2 hearts".[27]
  • Creeper explosions, Fire Charge explosions, and TNT give off a knockback.[28]
  • Stairs, when placed on the upper half of a block's side, will now be placed upside-down
  • In F3 mode, the y coordinate now shows both the feet level and the eye level.[29]
  • Survival mode's command: /gamemode 3 is changed to /gamemode 0
  • Added Snooper Settings.[30]
    • Allows you to toggle whether your data are sent to Mojang for analysis and improvements, shows which data will be sent to Mojang.
  • Improved performance.
    • Accelerated chunk loading.
    • Decreased lag spike frequency.
    • Made the Nether less laggy.
    • Made chat work smoothly even when the server is lagging.
    • Decreased unnecessary world updates.
    • Decreased packets sent between client and server.
  • Added Vertical Synchronization.
    • Has to be toggled manually in options.txt.
  • Fullscreen mode setting is now persistent
    • Has to be toggled manually in options.txt.

Server (or .exe)

12w27a July 5, 2012
  • Performance improvements, including reduced CPU, RAM & bandwidth requirements.[citation needed]
  • Updated pistons to make them less error-prone, thus they also appear to update slower. This also altered the way pistons work, so you might have to adapt your repeater delays and similar.
    • For this change, pistons now take 2 redstone ticks (4 game ticks) to expand, but they still retract instantly.
  • Added /debug <start|stop> command.
  • Signs are stackable up to 16.
    • Crafting them now gives 3 signs instead of 1 with the same recipe.
  • Creative mode inventory now shows potion effects.
  • Boats now drop the boat item when destroyed by a player.
  • Gaining experience from mining ore is now different for each type of ore (mining coal ore will give you the least amount while diamond ore & emerald ore will give the most amount of XP)
  • Nether Wart can now grow in the Overworld and The End.

Server (or .exe)

12w26a June 27, 2012
  • Monster Spawners now support extra information for the mobs it spawns. This allows unmodified games to have spawners for special variants of mobs. The player still requires external or modified means to set these parameters, though. Some examples of what Monster Spawners can spawn are Charged Creepers, Endermen holding specific blocks, Green Robe Villagers, and Villagers with custom trade offers.
  • Performance improvement.[32]
  • Monsters can now spawn on upside down slabs
  • Silverfish under the poison effect will spawn Silverfish from nearby Monster Eggs more quickly.[33]

Server (or .exe)

12w25a June 21, 2012
  • Added an "Open to LAN" menu in the in-game menu, which allows players to open their world to other players. In the menu, the player can choose to turn cheats on or off, and choose the game mode.
  • The multiplayer menu now scans for LAN servers.
  • Villagers may remove a trade option after it has been used at least 3 times.
  • Added wooden stairs for the remaining three wood types (spruce, birch and jungle).
  • Redstone (including repeaters, torches, levers, and pressure plates), torches and rails can now be placed on top of upside down slabs and stairs.
  • Removed the downwards knockback while drowning.
  • Pigs now drop 1-3 porkchops instead of 0-2.
  • Potentially improved memory usage.[37]
  • “A lot of smaller changes and fixes”.
  • The /tp command now allows teleporting to specified coordinates.
    • The syntax for this is /tp [target player] <x> <y> <z>.
    • The other functionality of the /tp command is still there.
  • The "sky" in The End has changed; it is now purple instead of greenish.
  • Slimes spawning in Superflat world type has reduced.[38]
  • Arrows shot while in Creative Mode can be picked up if approached. However, the player will not receive the arrow item when doing so.

Server (or .exe)

12w24a June 14, 2012
  • Allowed those connected to a player's LAN network to join SP games
    • The player can now use “/publish” to open your single-player game for LAN players to join. This is still very much work in progress, so it lacks some necessary settings such as what game mode players will get, and if they should be able to use cheats or not. Also, the “/publish” command is temporary, since the player can not even access it if they have not enabled cheats (LAN connections will be GUI based in the future)
    • Added the /tp command from multiplayer to singleplayer, allowing teleporting between players.
  • The player can now place Levers on the underside of blocks, upside-down.[41]
  • Improved Ender Chests
    • Now has an inventory per player and not per world. Also, knocking down the chest will break it into 8 obsidian, unless the player has Silk Touch enchantment
  • Updated language files
  • The texture pack folder button now works on Mac.
  • A lot of smaller changes and fixes.

Server (or .exe)

12w23b June 7, 2012

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed frequent null pointer exceptions in survival mode.[43][44]

Notable bugs (Complete bug list):

  • Because Singleplayer acts similar to Multiplayer, Minecraft sometimes doesn't save your progress, or it may just stop generating chunks and freeze all the mobs.[citation needed]

Server (or .exe)

12w23a June 7, 2012
  • Enchantment levels are slightly exponential again
    • It now takes 825 experience to reach level 30.
    • The first 16 levels are linear, while level 17+ require more points per level to the maximum level of 30 (although one can still have more than 30 XP levels to spend).
  • Added End Portal Frame to creative inventory.
  • Tripwire adjusted
    • Tripwire is now activated by most entities, including arrows (but not an eye of ender or a Bottle o' Enchanting).
    • The max distance has been increased to 40 blocks.
  • Boats adjusted
    • Boats can accelerate to faster than previous speeds.
    • Boats are now easier to control.
  • Wooden pressure plates detect arrows.
  • A lot of smaller changes and fixes.
  • Texture Packs that are in folders and not in a zip file are recognized as a texture pack.
    • Texture Pack image is displayed for folder-based texture packs.
  • The player can now see the cracking effect on blocks when other players mine blocks in multiplayer.[45]
  • Stairs now have the correct hitbox.

Removed Debug Features:

  • Pressing F no longer reloads chunks

Server (or .exe)

12w22a May 31, 2012
  • Trading with Villagers has been updated
    • Villagers can now trade all sorts of items with you (for example, 1 emerald + 10 gravel -> 3 flint)
    • Some villagers will offer to enchant items (e.g. 3 emerald + 1 iron pickaxe -> 1 iron pickaxe with Fortune I)
  • Enchantment system has been rebalanced
    • The maximum enchantment level has been lowered from 50 to 30.
      • As a result enchantment tables now require only 15 bookcases around them to allow maximum level enchantments.
    • With a full enchantment table set with bookshelves, at the bottom of the 3 enchantments, it always shows you the highest number possible
    • Using level 30 enchantments, the player has a lot more luck; almost all items get at least 2 enchantments
    • Various actions will now reward the player with Experience Orbs, such as mining ores (except Gold Ore and Iron Ore), using furnaces, and getting achievements
    • Levels are now awarded linearly. It takes 17 experience to go up one level.
    • Shift-clicking now works with enchantment tables.
  • Smelting in a furnace with a lava bucket now leaves an empty bucket for the player to retrieve.
  • Added Jungle temples.
  • Added Tripwire Hooks.
    • String can now be placed to create a tripwire between the hooks
  • Added potions to the Creative inventory; found in "brewing" category.
  • Added Block of Emerald.
  • Added delete item, armor and crafting to survival inventory when in creative.
  • Pausing now works again in singleplayer.
  • Some minor terrain changes.
  • Added an "adventure" game mode (/gamemode 2).
    • The player cannot break or place any blocks.
    • The player can interact with any blocks, like doors and levers, and can buy from Villagers.
    • The player can still damage mobs.
  • Added Silverfish cobblestone and Stone Brick Egg blocks to the Creative inventory.
  • Rain will slowly drip through leaves.
  • Extremely rarely, Nether Portals will spawn Zombie Pigmen.[46]
  • When exposed to rain, cauldrons have a possibility of slowly filling with water.[47][48]
  • Blocks seen in inventory are oriented to the right instead to the left.
  • Half-slabs can now be placed upside-down when pointing at the upper half of the side of a block. This does not work with stairs.

Debug Features:

  • Pressing F will reload the chunks.

Server (or .exe)

12w21b May 25, 2012
  • There were actually two versions of this snapshot, and the original version is no longer available. The old one had translation griefings, and one of the translators was banned.[51][52]
  • New inventory screen in Creative mode.
  • Blocks and items are sorted by category, each category in its own tab. The categories are:
  • Building Blocks
  • Decoration Blocks
  • Redstone
  • Transportation
  • Miscellaneous
  • Foodstuffs
  • Tools
  • Combat
  • Brewing
  • Materials
  • The inventory can be searched for specific items: just start typing while in the inventory screen. The search results will be displayed in the Search Items tab.
  • The player's survival mode inventory is accessible via a tab with the chest as its icon.
  • Brewed potions will not be included in their own category.
  • To close the new inventory window you must press 'Esc'. Using the default inventory key does not currently work.
  • Added Monster Egg (Silverfish blocks) to Creative inventory.
  • Saving and Loading chunks is slightly faster.
  • Chainmail Armor is now available in-game.
  • The F3 menu no longer has the graphs.

Server (or .exe)

12w21a May 24, 2012
  • Added Ender Chest.
    • On SMP, the Ender Chest's contents will be the same for all players on a server.[54]
  • Added emerald.
  • Added emerald ore.
  • Added villager trading.
  • Made buckets stackable.
  • Added snow to Creative Inventory.
  • While sitting inside of a minecart pushing the directional keys will make it move the direction you are pressing. This will only work while the minecart is sitting on rails.
  • NPC Villages change style according to their biome.
  • Stars are more realistic.
    • They are now slightly smaller and slightly brighter.[55]
  • Changed gravel texture.
  • Improved Options menu.
  • Added pyramids.
  • Added a second Golden Apple made with Blocks of Gold.
    • After being consumed, the player receives 30 second Regeneration IV, plus Resistance and Fire Resistance for 5 minutes.
  • Added sandstone Stairs
  • Dispensers will eject water and lava source blocks (from buckets)
    • Will also take water and lava source blocks if there is an empty bucket inside
  • Boats will now pass through lilypads without breaking the boat; the lilypad drops as an item instead.
  • New command; /seed displays current world seed
  • Passive mobs can be easily pushed around by simply walking, most likely intended to help the player navigate through animal farms more easily.
  • Removed Server Jar dependency in Single Player.
  • Removed old chest texture, causing locked chests to appear as the purple default block.

Server (or .exe)

12w19a May 10, 2012 Client

Server (or .exe)

12w18a May 3, 2012
  • New addition and changes in debug screen:
    • Coordinates are now rounded to 5 digits.
    • "ws", "fs" and "g" (Walking speed, flying speed and ground. "g" is true if player is touching the ground.)
  • Separated server logic and client. Singleplayer is now a local server.
    • Game no longer pauses when entering a command, writing on a sign/book or pausing the game.
  • More fixes to silk touch and block picking.
    • Fixed picking a block in Creative with a tool in your hand causing you to lose it.
    • Fixed Silk Touch giving you only one slab from double slabs.
  • Support and auto-download for server texturepacks.
  • Wooden tools work in furnaces as one full furnace use.
  • Cocoa Beans are now obtainable in jungle tree leaves.
  • Villagers spawned from spawning eggs will get a random profession.
  • Hardcore Mode is now available in multiplayer.
  • Updated language files.
  • Splash "Mojang" screen now appears for a shorter time (1 second instead of 3 seconds).
  • Added names for wooden planks and logs (e.g., Oak Wood or Spruce Wood Planks).
  • Fixed being unable to switch tools of the same kind in your inventory.
  • Fixed water destroying non-solid blocks when breaking them from above.

Server (or .exe)

12w17a April 26, 2012
  • Editable Books - Book and Quill, crafted using a Book, Feather, and Ink Sac.
    • When a Book and Quill is made, it can be right-clicked to open a screen that allows you to type the book.
    • Pressing "Done" will save whatever was typed and allow you to edit the book again later, yet will not "sign" it.
    • When "signing" a book, it will allow you to choose a title up to 16 characters long and disable editing of the book. The Book and Quill then becomes a Written Book, with the icon changing along with the label.
  • Wooden slabs for each of the four shades of wood added
    • These new slabs no longer act like stone
      • An axe should be used to break them
      • They are no longer immune to fire and lava
    • New block IDs 125 for double wooden slabs and 126 for single wooden slabs.
    • Wooden slabs created in older versions of Minecraft are still stone-like and fireproof and will not change to the new slabs when placed or mined.
  • Leather is now required to craft Books.
  • Silk touch can now retrieve Ice blocks and glass panes.
  • Ice no longer turns into water in the Nether.
  • In the menu, Chat Options were added.
    • Added chat opacity, letting the chat be semi-transparent.
    • Added chat disabling, removing the chat for SMP servers.
    • Added chat colors option.
    • Added "Only Commands" mode to chat.
  • /help added.
  • Tools now have infinite durability in Creative mode.
  • Minecart and boats are destroyed in one hit in Creative mode.
  • Various bugfixes, some regarding entity collision, the pick block function, and chat.
    • Livestock, such as chickens, can now be "walked through" instead of pushing the player around in crowded pens
  • Flying through water in Creative mode is no longer slow
  • You can no longer have a bonus chest in Hardcore mode.
  • Server Commands now appear in italics in SMP.
  • Saplings now have their proper names.

Server (or .exe)

12w16a April 19, 2012
  • Added a demo mode for non-premium users (won’t be available until the full update).
    • In the language files, new text was added for the demo mode. The demo mode will last for 6 in-game days (about 1 hour and 40 minutes) according to the language files. It also teaches the player how to use the controls and how to begin playing.
  • Added bonus chest option to create world screen.
  • Added option to enable single-player commands to create world screen.
    • Added several cheats: /gamemode, /toggledownfall, /time, /give, /xp, /kill.
    • Typing / then pressing Tab will show a list of available commands.
    • These commands are enabled in previously generated creative mode-worlds.
    • While using commands, the world around the player is frozen, unlike in multiplayer.
  • Updated language files.
  • Items can now be deleted from the hotbar by shift-clicking while on the Creative mode item selection screen.
  • Bug fixing and tweaks.

Server (or .exe)

12w15a April 12, 2012 Client

Server (or .exe)

Minecraft 1.2 Snapshots & Pre-releases

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary Download
1.2.5 Pre-release[57] March 30, 2012

  • Added shift clicking support in furnaces.
  • Added method to easily acquire blocks you have selected in the world in Creative mode using the "pick block" key.
  • Made the Direct Connect dialog remember the last IP for the current session.
  • Made cats less eager to sit on things.
  • Made cats less patient.
  • Made punching a TNT block with flint and steel in hand destroy and drop a TNT block (right-clicking will activate the TNT).


1.2 Preview[58] February 29, 2012

  • Added a new type of Stone Brick, called Circle Stone Brick, which is only accessible in Creative Mode.[59]
  • Pressing F3 now displays what biome you are currently in. Also, raw, sky & block brightness values called rl, sl & bl respectively.
  • Slabs can now be placed upside-down.
  • Added mechanical sounds for Iron Golems
  • When crafting slabs, you now get 6 instead of 3
  • When crafting ladders, you now get 3 instead of 2
  • Removed camera controls accidentally added in 12w08a
  • Two new blocks have been added to the terrain.png file. They look similar to sandstone but instead they contain hieroglyphics. These blocks have not been added to game yet. ( ?, ? )


12w08a[60] February 23, 2012

  • Added Iron Golem, a new utility mob.
  • Removed some Canadian English stereotypes.
    • Multiplayer no longer says "Go camping with your buddies, eh?"
  • Added upside-down stairs.
  • Many changes to the world and lighting system
    • Lava ponds and flat stone areas generate on the surface more frequently.
  • Fixed the End and caverns generation.
  • Redstone torches and torches can be placed on the top of glass
  • Added camera controls (These were accidentally added. Jeb noted them as "deadmau5 camera" controls and will likely be removed again in an upcoming snapshot.)[61][62]
    • Pressing F6 causes the player to get "stuck" to the camera until F6 is pressed again. This allows players to appear to phase into blocks.
    • Pressing F9 causes the camera to freeze in its position, allowing to see the player model rotating in third person view.
    • Scrolling the mouse wheel (which also scrolls the inventory) rotates the forward, left, right, and back directions
    • Pressing Y, H, U, O, I, K, J, L, N and M change the camera positioning in a variety of ways, While pressing two functionally connected keys at the same time (example: Y + H) will revert that view back to normal (but U + O doesn't work).


12w07b[63] February 15, 2012

  • Fixed the bug when hitting a block on fire the block gets destroyed
  • Fixed crash when mobs were spawned above block 255.
  • Fixed sheep animation in SMP.


12w07a[63] February 15, 2012

  • World file format changed to format called Anvil.
    • World height is now 256 blocks instead of 128 blocks.
    • Up to 4096 block IDs can be used.
  • Multiplayer light calculations no longer cause affected blocks to be transmitted to the clients, instead the clients will recalculate the light on their own.
    • This means that chunk errors can not be fixed by placing a torch anymore
  • Villagers will repopulate villages based on how many houses there are available.
    • The player may add houses to villages, provided they are enclosed with a roof and wooden door.[64][65]
  • Some nights in villages will be worse than others. Referring to Zombie Invasions
  • Added Redstone Lamp.
  • Decreased chance for the rare mob drops.
  • All animals use the new AI system now.
    • Animals can now move their heads when walking.
    • Baby animals will now follow wheat.
  • Fixed wolf AI (They no longer teleport huge distances when the player is hit).
  • Fixed zombies breaking Iron Doors.


12w06a[66] February 9, 2012


12w05b[68] February 3, 2012

  • Fixed shift-clicking the result from crafting only giving half the items and consuming all leftover materials.
  • Cats will now sit if right-clicked with an empty hand.
  • Death screen has a slight delay before buttons become active, to avoid accidentally clicking buttons when killed.
  • Creepers have a slightly improved AI.
  • NPC Villagers now have the ability to open and close doors.
  • Creepers will run away from tamed cats and ocelots.


12w05a[69] February 2, 2012

  • There were actually two versions of this snapshot, and the original version is no longer available. The second version would technically have been 12w05b, but since it was released so soon after the original 12w05a, jeb decided to simply replace 12w05a, and the version released the next day was named 12w05b.[70] The original 12w05a had a bug where the game would crash when right-clicking a sitting cat empty-handed, and it also had some griefing in the translation. It is for these reasons that the snapshot was updated so soon.
  • Lava sounds now function.
  • Many mob-related bug fixes (and some new behaviors).
  • Ocelots are easier to tame, and cats can be told to sit.
  • Many small bug fixes and tweaks.
  • Villagers will try to detect village houses and live in them.
  • Updated language files.
    • Removed some offensive translation text.
    • If your home bed is missing/obstructed while you are on Canadian English, it will say "Sorry, your home bed is missing or obstructed, eh?"
  • Creepers run away from cats.
  • Creepers now have new AI - they stalk the player.
  • Abandoned mine shafts now bridge over ravines[71]
  • Enchantment tables no longer require experience in creative mode
  • You can get Dead Bushes by using shears on them.


12w04a[72] January 26, 2012


12w03a[73] January 19, 2012


Minecraft 1.1 Snapshots

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary Download
12w01a[75] January 5, 2012
  • Added 18 new language translations
  • Removed 4 language translations
  • Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes
    • Added proper color transitions for the darkened Swamp biomes into other biomes
  • Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds
  • Decreased randomness of Enchantment Tables
  • Changed spawn eggs colors to better represent their respective mobs they spawn
    • Spawning eggs also reordered in the Creative Inventory screen
  • Changed biomes to be slightly more varied, examples of which being hills in forests and deserts
  • Re-added Beaches after being removed in Beta 1.8
  • Added World Type options, currently only Default and Superflat
  • Removed collision box from ladders, meaning they are no longer solid and can not be stood on
  • Updated the Fence Gate collision and hit boxes to align with Fences


11w50a[76] December 15, 2011
  • Added 15 new splash texts
  • All music discs can be obtained if a skeleton kills a creeper.[77]
  • Baby sheep eat faster.

Removed Debug features:

  • Pressing B changes gamemode.

Notable bugs: (Complete bug list)

  • The version tag is shown as 11w49a, although it truly is 11w50a.


11w49a[78] December 8, 2011

Notable bugs: (Complete bug list)


11w48a December 1, 2011
  • Changed farmland trampling.
  • Void Fog has been removed in Creative Mode.
  • Oak Leaves now have a 1/200 chance of dropping a Red Apple.

Bug fixes:

  • Taiga biomes now once again contain snow and ice.

Notable bugs: (Complete bug list)

  • Particles and entities incorrectly trample farmland.


11w47a November 24, 2011
  • Subtle code optimizations

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug with double doors where one may not open correctly.

Notable bugs: (Complete bug list)

  • Experience orbs are invisible to clients on SMP.



Minecraft 1.0.0 Release Candidates

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary Download
Minecraft 1.0.0RC2 November 13, 2011

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused all tools to break quickly after loading an old map in Minecraft 1.0.0RC1

Client Server

Minecraft 1.0.0RC1 November 13, 2011
  • New sound effects/usage of previously unused sound effects
    • Players and all mobs make the same sound when taking fall damage
    • Arrow sounds
      • Firing sound changed
      • Landing sound
    • Chest opening and closing
    • Door, wooden and iron, and fence gate opening and closing
    • Experience Orbs make a twinkling sound when collected.
    • Mob sounds
      • Blaze sounds (Ambient Breathing Noise)
      • Enderman (strange whistles and grunts)
        • Enderman teleportation sound (Shortened version of the Nether portal sound)
      • Magma Cube sounds
      • Silverfish sounds
    • Thrown item (snowball, chicken egg, fishing rod and Eye of Ender) sounds
    • Player sounds
      • Damage to player sound changed to genderless stabbing sound
      • Eating and drinking sounds
    • Explosions now have several new, slightly differing sounds instead of just one.
    • Tool and armor Breaking Sound and Animation
  • Added "Quit Game" button to the main menu.
  • Changed redstone wire placement on one block from a "+" to a "•" shape.
  • Bows now have a durability bar, with 385 uses.
  • Bows can be fired without having arrows in Creative mode.
  • Thrown eggs now hatch baby chickens.
  • Added 28 new splashes and changed 7 of them.

Notable bugs:

  • All Tools break after 8 uses; the primary cause of the quick release of 1.0RC2

Client Server

Beta 1.9 Pre-releases

Considered the "Lost Update",[80] a full version under the name "Beta 1.9" never came. Instead, Mojang opted to delay the release of this update until MineCon 2011 and release it under the name "Minecraft 1.0.0". This decision was made after a few development versions tagged as Beta 1.9 were already sent out, so the name Beta 1.9 was kept for all of the development versions in the gap between Beta 1.8.1 and Minecraft 1.0.0, other than the Release Candidates.

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary Download
1.9pre6 November 11, 2011
  • credits.txt, earlyplayers.txt and win.txt added to /title/ in minecraft.jar.
  • Revised beds; Attempting to sleep in a Bed while hostile mobs are nearby will display "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby".
  • Several block's tool weaknesses have been fixed, such as Crafting Tables now mining faster with an Axe and rails now mining faster with a Pickaxe.
  • Added ending titles and credits.
  • Mined stairs of any materials will drop a stair block now instead of a block form of its material.
  • Added "Particles" setting in Video Settings. Has three possible states: "All", rendering all particle effects, "Decreased", rendering half of all particle effects, and "Minimal", rendering no particle effects (except for those created when breaking blocks).
  • Added (currently useless) dragon egg.
  • Changes to the mining time of many blocks, including Redstone Ore, stone brick, Nether Brick, iron bars, doors, Monster Spawners and obsidian, making their mining times much faster.
  • 'Efficiency' enchantment now affects all blocks for any tool enchanted with it.
  • Tools not suited to digging a certain block can be faster than digging by hand, e.g. a pickaxe can dig dirt faster than by hand, but not faster than by shovel.
  • More minor changes to textures, this time to:
    • Side texture of grass, adhering to dirt texture change in previous pre-release
    • Sand
  • Sun and Moon are square again.
  • Downward flowing water now creates flowing water once more.
  • More finished Enderdragon boss fight.
    • "Boss Health" Meter appears on the middle top part of the screen in the same purple hue as the Enderdragon.
    • Leaves behind a fountain like bedrock structure with the Enderdragon Egg sitting on top and has another Ender Portal to return to the players spawn point/ bed.
  • Ender Crystal added, an entity which sits atop of a block of bedrock. It is diamond shaped, with 2 cubes spinning on their axis with a point at the center that fires a healing beam at the Enderdragon when within range, and can be destroyed with a melee or hit with an arrow, causing an explosion. They appear on all obsidian spikes in The End.

Client Server

1.9pre5 October 27, 2011
  • Several new Achievements
  • Added option to turn off clouds in Video Settings.
  • In Creative mode, if using empty bucket, the bucket won't fill up if removing fluids with it.
  • Texture change to Blocks of Iron, appearing to be corrugated.
  • Minor changes to textures of:
  • Hostile mobs act neutral in creative mode.
    • Entity punch range in creative mode reduced, as a result.
  • Fence post selection boxes now resemble their collision boxes.
  • Slimes now spawn on levels 0-40 rather than 0-16, making them much more common.
  • Enderdragons now have a new dying animation even though they still do not spawn, and their health has been changed to ♥ to test this.
  • Water flowing downwards creates source blocks, instead of flowing water.

Debug Features:

  • Debug Camera features
    • Pressing F6 causes the player to get "stuck" to the camera until F6 is pressed again. This allows players to appear to phase into blocks.
    • Pressing F9 causes the camera to freeze in its position, allowing to see the player model rotating in third person view.
    • Scrolling the mouse wheel (which also scrolls the inventory) rotates the forward, left, right, and back directions
    • Pressing Y, H, U, O, I, K, J, L, N and M change the camera positioning in a variety of ways, While pressing two functionally connected keys at the same time (example: Y + H) will revert that view back to normal.

Client Server

1.9pre4 October 13, 2011
  • New Dimension: the End
  • New settings in
    • debug
    • enable-query
    • enable-rcon
    • query.port
    • rcon.password
    • rcon.port
  • Glistering Melon, used to brew Potions of Healing instead of Ghast Tears
  • Enchanting fully implemented
  • The Sun and Moon now rise in the east and set in the west, based on the top of maps being North, and are round.
    • The Moon now has multiple phases, somewhat akin to the real Moon.
  • Flowers now grow randomly around the world like grass on dirt.
  • Throwable splash potions with Area of Effect when thrown, created by brewing an existing potion with gunpowder.
  • Added a swirl effect while under the effect of a potion effect.
  • Glistering Melons cause instant health when brewed into a potion
  • Placing fluids (water or lava) with a bucket treats other fluid source blocks like solid blocks, allowing you to place them on top of each other without an adjacent wall.
  • You can reload the texture pack by pressing F3+T[81]

Client Server

1.9pre3 October 6, 2011
End Portal Frame
Currently useless End Portal
  • More randomly placed chests in strongholds
  • Baby animals:
    • Baby chicken
    • Baby cow
    • Baby Mooshroom
    • Baby pig
    • Baby sheep
  • Exp level shown above Exp bar
  • Destroyed bookshelves drop 3 books.
  • Item repair
  • The tooltips for rare items(Golden Apples, Music Discs) are now pink.
  • Added Pie chart detailing CPU usage to debug screen.
  • Access to Skylands due to bug in terrain generation
    • Skylands no longer a biome as such, but instead its own type of terrain generation(akin to the Nether)

Debug Features:

  • 1x1 glass pillars protruding from ground to sky limit at location of strongholds.

Bug fixes:

Client Server

1.9pre2 September 29, 2011

Notable bugs: (Complete bug list)

Client Server

1.9pre1 September 22, 2011

Debug Features:

  • Jumping increases your experience.

Client Server

Beta 1.8 Pre-releases

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary Download
1.8pre2 September 13, 2011

Differences from Beta 1.8:

  • Fog key mapped to F3+F in Beta 1.8, but mapped to F here.


  • Fixed SSP chunk memory leak
  • Abandoned Mineshaft density is now halved
  • Increased stronghold count to three per map instead of one
  • Fixed furnace tile entity crash
  • Fixed leaving the crafting table with items on the grid creating phantom blocks
  • Vine and leaf blocks no longer crash the game when placed in the Nether
  • Blocking now works in SMP
  • Sprinting with right-click or sneaking is now fixed
  • Some of the missing blocks are now on the creative selection screen
  • You can no longer eat in Creative
  • Fixed Endermen having client-side problems in SMP
  • Chickens and cows killed by burning now drop their cooked meat
  • Squid now drop exp orbs when killed
  • "Generate structures" is now on by default
  • Fixed farmlands rejecting melon and pumpkin seeds
  • You can now use bone meal on pumpkin and melon seeds
  • Huge Mushrooms can only be made if a mushroom is planted on grass or dirt
  • Cracked and Mossy Stone Brick now drop themselves instead of regular Stone Brick.
  • Adjusted fog strength at low altitudes to be less extreme
  • F6 and F7 working as a result of left-in debug code is now removed

Client Server

1.8pre1 September 9, 2011

Differences from Beta 1.8:

  • Viewmodel sway has not been added yet
  • There is no hotkey to change fog distance

Debug Features:

  • F6 and F7 change time, forward and back respectively.

Client Server


  1. jebtweet:139695743823917058
  3. Paintings overlapping and being unsupported in Snapshot 12w36a.
  5. dinnerbonetweet:248788022634635264
  6. c418tweet:248774282715471873
  7. c418tweet:248785611740311552
  8. Monster egg generated in 12w38a, found by removing other blocks with MCEdit.
  9. dinnerbonetweet:246241126711975937
  11. Paintings overlapping and being unsupported in Snapshot 12w36a.
  13. dinnerbonetweet:233649433601011712
  14. Jump up to: a b Video on Youtube
  15. Jump up to: a b Video on Youtube
  18. jebtweet:233480472989167616
  19. jebtweet:228472280592809984
  20. [1]
  21. jebtweet:228062707402821632
  22. Video on Youtube
  23. dinnerbonetweet:227762109214236673
  24. dinnerbonetweet:227458210943098880
  26. dinnerbonetweet:227366124742930433
  27. dinnerbonetweet:227339500941082626
  31. dinnerbonetweet:226702479449026560
  34. Minecraft 12w26a Block Type bug on YouTube.
  37. Dinnerbonetweet:215792627101077505
  38. Minecraft SLIMES NO MORE ! Safe Superflat in 12w25a ! on YouTube.
  39. Dinnerbonetweet:216694545314885632
  40. Dinnerbonetweet:215786837728428032
  41. Dinnerbonetweet:213379019129884672
  43. Jump up to: a b jebtweet:210704135429963777
  44. /
  45. dinnerbonetweet:210711375037730818
  46. Relevant part in the portal code.
  47. source
  48. evilsephtweet:208155764571897857 - EvilSeph stated this fact.
  49. evilsephtweet:207996349088673792
  50. dinnerbonetweet:207933814641659905
  52. jebtweet:206015255132905472
  53. jebtweet:206001156516876289
  54. jebtweet:205664232740634626
  55. jebtweet:205271693088919553
  56. dinnerbonetweet:190479459059642370
  57. Jump up to: a b
  59. jebtweet:174839496339234816
  61. jebtweet:172982497104240640
  62. jebtweet:172983022038163456
  63. Jump up to: a b
  64. jonkagstromtweet:169758195168972800
  65. jonkagstromtweet:169773860235915264
  67. Iron door bug: jebtweet:167613914870329345
  70. jebtweet:165084866843639808
  74. Minecraft 1.2 - AI Movement Test on YouTube.
  77. Minecraft 11w50a: Proof of Creepers Dropping newer Music Discs on Youtube.
  79. jebtweet:144832220232826881
  81. jebtweet:124785274638184448
  82. jebtweet:124519169122254849
  83. jebtweet:124927972330323969
  87. Jump up to: a b