Tutorial:X-ray glitches

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This page uses a bug to make a contraption or demonstrate a game mechanic.
Bugs of this nature may be fixed at any time without warning, causing the contraption to stop working. Bug exploits may be disallowed on some multiplayer servers and lead to a ban if used.
Use at your own risk.
What the world looks like when using an x-ray glitch. The dark strips are caves
The same screenshot but with Night Vision. A drowned can be seen.

X-ray glitches allow the player to see certain features that are normally hidden behind blocks.

Why bother?[edit | edit source]

X-ray glitches are useful for locating underground structures such as dungeons, mineshafts and trial chambers. They can also help you find end portal rooms once you are near a stronghold. If you are in the Nether, you can use x-ray glitches to locate fortresses and bastions.

Make sure that you're allowed to use this glitch in servers, though. For most servers, this can count as cheating because you can see the surroundings for mobs, loot chests or precious ores. If others catch you cheating, they can forbid you to do something or even ban you off the server.

General approach[edit | edit source]

For time efficiency, the game only renders block surfaces if there is a transparent block between the surface and the player. For this purpose, transparent generally means that the player can see through the block, although lava is also transparent for this purpose.

Normally, the camera is inside a transparent block, unless the player is suffocating, in which case the game renders blocks differently. However, it is possible for the camera to be inside a block, but the game does not register that the player is inside. In this case, the player "x-rays" through blocks immediately in the front.

Java Edition[edit | edit source]

This tutorial is outdated and should no longer be followed.
This tutorial only works in specified older versions of Minecraft.

Composter and gravity block method [Not working since 1.18 onward][edit | edit source]

Video by Lewis

This method works by putting the player into the crawl animation using a falling block while inside of a composter.

The method requires the following:

  • 1 composter
  • 1 of any solid falling block (Sand, gravel, and concrete powder all work)

To execute the glitch, simply position yourself inside of a composter and place the falling block above your head so it falls on top of the composter and puts you into the crawl position. It might be easier to see underground spaces if you dig a 1×1 hole downwards a few blocks before placing a composter down at the bottom and executing the glitch there.

Another method of having a similar effect is to have a sticky piston facing upwards with a slab. Crouch on the slab while under a block on the edge to fall through the slab onto the piston. Afterwards, deactivate the piston while staying on the piston (not on the edge). The X-Ray effect only works below the player, but is helpful for finding caves/structures below the player.

Bedrock Edition[edit | edit source]

Piston and slab method[edit | edit source]

This method works by pushing a slab into the player's head to x-ray blocks underneath them. Since slabs are partial blocks, the game does not consider the player to be inside a block. You need the following materials:

It is recommended to have multiple slabs, so you can see more. The main setup is as follows, where everything is at head height:

Surround yourself with additional blocks, with slabs on top, to maximize visibility. Before pulling the lever, sand has to be placed directly above yourself so that it falls and fills in the bottom half of the space you occupy. After you pull the lever, the x-ray glitch does not happen yet. Therefore, you can destroy the redstone, including the pistons, and surround yourself further. For the location that was the piston head, placing the full block may be tricky, as you might not be able to look at a suitable surface. Instead, place sand above where you want it to land, then place the slab as normal. When you are ready to trigger the glitch, enter sneak mode, and your eyes will lie below the top of the slab.

Attempting to use a similar setup to x-ray upwards does not work since the player automatically starts sneaking when a top slab is pushed into their head.

Falling snow method[edit | edit source]

This method works by gravity-affected blocks landing at the player's feet and piling up to the player's eye level. It can only be used to x-ray downward. You need the following materials:

  • 1 sand (or other cubic, gravity-affected block)
  • 4 top snow
  • Lots of slabs (optional, but increases visibility)

To begin, dig a 1-deep hole, and surround it with bottom slabs. Place a solid block above the hole, high enough that you can walk underneath. Next, place the sand on top, then stack the snow. Finally, stand in the hole, break the block, and enter sneaking.

Chain-lava method[edit | edit source]

This method allows you to X-ray through a lava sea in the Nether.

  • As many chains as desired.

All you need to do is place the chains sideways and you're done.

Pig method[edit | edit source]

Another X-ray hack allows you to ride a pig in a 1 1/2 block high space. Place top slabs one block up from the floor, then ride a pig beneath them. This should glitch you into the ceiling. The only challenge about this hack is getting a pig down to the bedrock layer (which is most effective). It is easy to just push the pig down a shaft into a water landing at the bottom.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In Bedrock Edition the Stripe Lands may be considered an x-ray bug, in that they follow the same rules for what blocks are visible. This is why the sides of blocks do not always render.

Navigation[edit | edit source]