Bedrock Edition beta

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Bedrock Infobox image for beta the version in Minecraft

Bedrock Edition

Release date

Xbox One, Windows 10, Android: April 25, 2018



Beta for


Protocol version


Beta is the first beta version for Bedrock Edition 1.5.0, released on April 25, 2018,[1] which makes several changes and fixes bugs.

Additions[edit | edit source]

Gameplay[edit | edit source]


  • Riptide
    • Added an animation when using Riptide in first person perspective.

Changes[edit | edit source]

Items[edit | edit source]

Nautilus shells


Mobs[edit | edit source]




  • Husks that have sunk in water now transform into zombies and zombies will transform into drowned.

Skeleton horses

  • Can now be ridden underwater.

Skeletons and strays

  • Now switch from ranged to melee attacks while underwater and switch back when out of water.

Undead mobs

  • Now sink in water and can walk on the bottom.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]


  • Changed the steering when using keyboard and mouse by pressing W to move forward and S to reverse.



  • Improved the player's swimming at the surface of water.

Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed several of the top crashes that occurred during gameplay.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when playing Truffletop Town and dying while using elytra and fireworks.
  • Pick Block will now work in Survival mode.
  • Players can once again resurface after tapping "fly down" arrow while swimming with touch controls.
  • Breaking coral with a pickaxe will now drop dead coral and will drop living coral when using Silk Touch.
  • Fixed dolphins getting stuck in their idle animation.
  • Firework rockets now appear in the recipe book when being searched for in Survival.
  • Fixed fish not rendering when moving out of render distance and back.
  • /clear will now clear items properly.
  • The first mouse click after re-mapping an action to a key is now recognized.
  • Improved messaging when there are no old worlds to sync.
  • Leads and balloons can no longer be attached to horses being ridden by players.
  • Enchantment names can now be seen on the enchantment table screen with Pocket UI when using keyboard and mouse.
  • Fixed helmets being visible after being destroyed by taking damage from a mob.
  • Resource and behavior packs are now properly enabled/disabled on Realms when restoring backups or replacing worlds.
  • Changes made to the 'Trust Player Permissions' setting during world creation will now persist after loading into the world.
  • Fixed some visual issues with kelp.
  • Ladders no longer appear as invisible blocks with collision when placed using '/setblock'.
  • The surface of water can now be seen when viewing from behind glass underwater.
  • Sneaking and jumping into water no longer prevents jumping or swimming upwards.
  • Double doors once again display correctly.
  • Fixed the texture of dark prismarine Stairs.
  • Banners are no longer consumed from the inventory when placed in Creative mode.
  • Pick Block will now pick the proper variant of buttons and pressure plates.
  • Glass once again renders properly at further distances and certain angles.
  • Zombie villagers created during world generation are no longer super fast.
  • It's once again possible to eat raw fish.
  • It is no longer possible to refill breath by swimming against ice.
  • Fixed a redundant gray line at the top of the drowned's legs.
  • The trident will now be thrown the direction the cursor is pointing when playing in VR.
  • Pressing the 'Default Settings' button will now only affect the control scheme that is selected.
  • Personal game mode is now fully applied in Game Settings when switched from Survival to Creative.
  • The ender dragon will no longer get stuck if the player moves too far away.
  • Bone meal is now depleted when used on Kelp from a dispenser.
  • Dropped items can once again pass under top slabs.
  • Image thumbnails and game modes for worlds and world templates will now appear when searching on the Storage screen.
  • The book on the enchantment table screen no longer overlaps the suggested enchantment's name.
  • Tall birch trees will once again generate in mutated birch forests.
  • Mobs will no longer rotate their heads 360 degrees while in boats.
  • Fixed water not rendering when viewed at certain angles near the surface.
  • Splash water bottles will now keep dolphins hydrated on land.
  • A controller tooltip will now appear when it is possible to place blocks underwater.
  • All overhangs and floating islands will once again generate with grass or snow under them.
  • Bryce mesa biomes will now generate correctly.
  • Fixed entering a minecart from another minecart.
  • Players will no longer spawn on land in the swimming animation after swimming near land and exiting a world.
  • Blocks can no longer be placed with no other block to support it when sprint-flying underwater in Creative mode.
  • Riptide can no longer be used while riding a mount.
  • Icebergs, seagrass, and kelp can no longer replace blocks of an ocean monument when generated.
  • Fixed the glint on enchanted tridents in first person.
  • Fixed the rotation of tridents while charging in first person.

References[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]