Bedrock Edition beta

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Bedrock Infobox image for beta the version in Minecraft

Bedrock Edition

Release date

Xbox One, Windows 10: July 26, 2019
Android: August 2, 2019[1]

Internal version

Xbox One:



Beta for


Protocol version


Beta is the third beta version released for Bedrock Edition 1.13.0,[2] which fixes bugs.

Fixes[edit | edit source]


  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay.
  • Fixed a crash that happened when quick moving a structure void block. (MCPE-47903)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when blocking projectiles with a shield. (MCPE-48070)
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when approaching world spawn. (MCPE-46686)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on Xbox when changing internet connection.


  • Improved performance and stability when playing on split-screen on Xbox.


  • Fixed the minecart rider rotation not being updated correctly on some packs.
  • Fixed the third-person camera view shaking issue. (MCPE-48987)
  • Adjusted the player's sneak animation position. (MCPE-47883)
  • Players can now join a world correctly after accepting an invite.
  • Nether portals now connect properly after being cloned.
  • Fixed the animation of nausea (including using nether portals). (MCPE-47960)
  • Added the mirror back to the left arm in humanoid geometry. (MCPE-47944)
  • Split-screen players can now only join if they have an adequate controller available.
  • The correct Marketplace inventory items are now shown when switching users.
  • Fixed broken rotations in player animation for attacking.
  • Players now face the specified direction when added to teleport commands.
  • Fixed issue of damaged elytra texture never getting used. (MCPE-47758)
  • /clear now works correctly with damageable items.
  • Global resource packs in Settings now update to the new chosen language.
  • The throwing animation now plays when charging a trident with Riptide.
  • Corrected the player's sprint/swim state when exiting water.
  • Fixed an issue with making purchases on Oculus Rift.
  • Fixed a controller issue when docking the Nintendo Switch.
  • Left and right brackets on the world/friend/server tabs now function correctly with full keyboard controls toggled on.
  • The text to speech narrator now works correctly with punctuation in text boxes.
  • Fixed an issue with in-game patch notes not always showing up correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with some damageable items (such as armor, tools) not being suggested in the recipe book.
  • Removed the “Create Realm” button from beta versions of the game.


  • Fixed an issue that was sometimes causing mobs to despawn randomly. (MCPE-47922)
  • Players no longer fall through opening shulker boxes and pistons. (MCPE-47882)
  • Items that have been smelted can now be crafted and stacked correctly. (MCPE-47907, MCPE-48421, MCPE-47684)
  • Buttons are now craftable from the recipe book again. (MCPE-48584)


  • Adult villagers can now get into beds with low ceilings.
  • Creepers no longer lose aggro when the line of sight is broken briefly.
  • Removed the fox “moveToVillage” behavior to match Java Edition.
  • Mobs can now enter minecarts and boats again. (MCPE-48596)
  • Dolphins now jump properly again.
  • Zombies no longer become stuck on doors.
  • The parrot dancing animation is now at the correct speed. (MCPE-48356)
  • Parrots can now fly correctly again. (MCPE-47954)
  • Armor stands and players can again wear helmets with secondary layers.
  • Items no longer appear as mobs when held by armor stands. (MCPE-48629)
  • Arrows now render correctly when held by armor stands.
  • Dolphins now follow players in boats again.


  • Fixed cloud shading. (MCPE-47814)
  • Fixed an issue with water not rendering correctly on some servers. (MCPE-46813)
  • Fixed the flame height issue when player in on fire. (MCPE-48175)
  • Multiple blocks no longer change color to black when moved by pistons.
  • Using /fill and /clone commands with glass structures now render correctly.

User interface

  • Fixed the directional arrow controls when using the full keyboard gameplay setting. (MCPE-47853)
  • Removed the accessibility tab from the "Create World" screen.

Add-ons and scripting engine

  • Ducks can once again be hit by the player in the MINECON 2018 pack.
  • Fixed the positioning of particles that were only showing correctly when centered on screen.
  • Adding backward compatibility for old player animation flags.
  • Experimental UI is now registered as a trusted pack. (MCPE-47818)
  • Fixed the horse rein positioning and rotation in certain packs.
  • Fixed an issue with nested behavior pack definitions not running correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with minimum compatible versions of certain packs not working correctly.
  • The Timer component now works on vanilla projectiles.
  • minecraft:spell_effects no longer trigger a second timer.
  • Fixed an issue with the must_see_forget_duration component not working.
  • Fixed an entity collision issue that was affecting some marketplace maps.
  • Invisible end rods (variant 6) used in various Marketplace maps are now invisible again.

References[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]