Pocket Edition alpha
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Edition | |||||||
Release date |
November 18, 2016 | ||||||
Type |
Build | ||||||
Build for | |||||||
Protocol version |
91 | ||||||
{ "title": "alpha", "images": [ "Pocket Edition" ], "rows": [ { "field": "''(link to Pocket Edition article, displayed as Pocket Edition)''", "label": "(link to Edition article, displayed as Edition)" }, { "field": "November 18, 2016", "label": "Release date" }, { "field": "Build", "label": "(link to Version types article, displayed as Type)" }, { "field": "(link to Pocket Edition 1.0.0 article, displayed as 1.0.0)", "label": "Build for" }, { "field": "91", "label": "(link to Protocol version article, displayed as Protocol version)" } ], "invimages": [], "footer": "<table style=\"margin: auto; word-break: break-word;\">\n<tr style=\"background: inherit;\">\n<td style=\"padding: 0.4em\" >[[Pocket Edition v0.16.2 alpha|<span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">◄</span>◄ v0.16.2 alpha]]</td>\n<td style=\"padding: 0.4em\">'''[[Pocket Edition 1.0.0|1.0.0]]'''</td>\n<td style=\"padding: 0.4em\" >[[Pocket Edition 1.0.1| 1.0.1 <span style=\"margin-right:-0.35em\">►</span>►]]</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"background: inherit;\">\n<td style=\"padding: 0.4em\">\n[[Pocket Edition alpha|◄ alpha]]\n</td>\n<td style=\"padding: 0.4em\">''' alpha'''</td>\n<td style=\"padding: 0.4em\">\n[[Pocket Edition alpha| alpha ►]]\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>" }
Alpha (also known as 1.0.0 build 2) is the second build version released for 1.0.0, also known as the Ender Update.[1]
Additions[edit | edit source]
- Added downloadable in-game music.
- Added mash-up pack (currently does not work).
- Added Seed Picker
Changes[edit | edit source]
- Command
is no longer available - "100% dragon free" and "It's alpha" removed from the Splash text because the ender dragon has been implemented and the game is no longer in alpha.
- The player's device will now check to make sure they have enough available storage for the game before starting the download.
- Tweaked the slime/magma cube loot drops to the way they should be.
- Tweaked the natural texture pack description so it doesn't get cut-off.
- Lowest render distance value the player can have is now 3 chunks (because chunks get stuck trying to load if it's below 3).
- Tweaked the blaze charge time for attacks to match other editions.
- Tweaked chunk generation.
- Capitalized the "r" in Realms on the dialog text.
- Changed "Save world to device" text to "Download World"
- Changed "Create new world" text to "Create New"
- Tweaked the UI in the Realms selection screen so Realms don't move around slightly.
- Added the ignite sound for minecarts with TNT & creepers.
- Tweaked the error validation screen to better convey information about a failing Add-on pack.
- Localization fixes and an update to the Rift launcher (Win 10 Oculus Rift only).
- Tweaks to narration accessibility mode.
- Play screen layout & achievement screen tweaks.
- Text tweaks to keep them where they belong (and are readable!)
- "Leave Bed" button updated.
Fixes[edit | edit source]
From previous development versions
- MCPE-17616 - Withers don't attack when summoned via command
- MCPE-17623 - Wither attacks wither skeleton and stray
- MCPE-17984 - Wither skeleton has normal skeleton texture after it summons
Other fixes
- Fixed biomes looking strange when loading previously generated worlds.
- No longer get "import failed" message when the player imports an Add-on that has already been imported- now they get a correct message!
- The Manifest Validation window now activates during a failed import of an Add-on with an exceptionally long pack name or description.
- Add-on packs with syntax errors in the manifests that worked in 0.16 will now also work in 0.17
- Baby ocelots who grow up to be adult ocelots can now be tamed.
- Enchantments found in End Cities are now the same strength as those found in other editions.
- Horse armor can now spawn in End Cities chests.
- Throwing a splash water bottle on an Enderman no longer crashes the game.
- If the player joins their friend's game while they are in a vehicle or riding an animal, their friend no longer clips through the vehicle/mount.
- All current textures will now update when switching resource packs.
- Snowballs now dispense properly.
- Fixed a bug with saddles/chests on donkeys and mules.
- Fixed the Dragon's breath AOE (area of effect) cloud
- Fixed buckets so they behave as they should in Creative.
- Iron golems now have full knockback resistance.
- Fixed a bug so now entering an End Portal always takes the player to the End (unless they're already in The End and then they go to the Overworld).
- The player can't use fishing rods on the ender dragon anymore
- Mob heads can be placed again.
- Applied Add-on packs now appear correctly in the UI while in game.
- Mushrooms obtained from shearing mooshrooms no longer have a blank icon in the player's inventory.
- Rabbits again properly eat carrot crops.
- Skeletons and strays will now follow the player during the day if it is raining or they are wearing a helmet.
- Fixed a crash potentially due to some player models. (iOS only)
- Fixed random colors on grass when a player overrides grass colors.
- Fixed carried waterlillies (lilypads) in resource packs - the pack files were named incorrectly.
- Eggs now cause knockback and make the mob/player flash when hit.
- Now only one "you have been given…" message displays per use when using the /give command.
- Fixed a bug that should improve response when players interact with some blocks.
- Pushed blocks no longer flicker once after being moved.
- Fixed bugs dealing with mob spawn rates (i.e. ghast spawn rate, increased the frequency of mob spawning in some cases, detecting whether a mob spawned from spawner)
- Recipes that have items that have a damage value will no longer have the wrong craft number in the pocket crafting UI.
- Beacon is now correctly highlighted in the pocket crafting screen when the player doesn't have all the ingredients to make one.
- Fixed a crash that happened when the player and a friend entered the End Portal fountain to see the credits but their friend was standing in front of them.
- Fixed a crash when an item went into a hopper.
- The strays' clothing now renders correctly!
- The store downloading layout now displays correctly (MCPE only).
- Skin picket custom button now sizes itself based on the length of text.
- Realms will no longer show up in the list of worlds the player can upload to their Realm.
- Settings are now correctly displayed on expired Realms.
- Paintings can have transparency now.
- XP orbs and loot now comes out of mobs with the smoke particles.
- The player no longer gain the Respiration effect from just holding an enchanted helmet.
- Melted ice blocks now create flowing water.
- All note blocks now start with the lowest note.
- The sound of a playing note block doesn't fade out too early now when the player walks away from it.
- Fixed ghast & lightning/thunder sounds.
- Creepers no longer use their hurt sound as an idle sound (as creepers are quiet!)
- Snow golem now has a special sound when they are hit or die.
- Zombie villagers, silverfish, squid, and husks now all make the sounds they are supposed to make.
- Leash offset for chickens corrected.
- Fixed another game crash when the player respawned.
- Cured zombie villagers now make the appropriate sounds when cured.
- When beds explode in The End, they now also destroy blocks.
- TNT ignition animation now looks like it does in other versions.
- Fixes to unusual minecart movement and minecarts floating above tracks.
- Elder guardian egg now renamed properly so resource packs can find it.
- Fixed issue where texture packs were not applying to mob heads.
- Fixed a crash after undoing an emoji in chat (MCPE iOS only).
- Fixed a timing issue with falling blocks.
- Ender dragon boss bar is now visible all the time during the dragon battle.
- Ender dragon no longer respawns each time the player reloads the game.
- Burning players are now extinguished when jumping in a cauldron with water in it.
- Witches spawn from witch huts now.
- Hoes till dirt again!
- Removed Realms offers from the store in the Android beta as well as any Realms purchases and features (because Realms don't work if the player is in the Android beta).
- Fixed a bug where the Ender dragon would appear in the Overworld after the character died in The End before killing it.
- Fixed a crash when opening a .mcworld file (MCPE iOS only).
- Fixed various unicode bugs.
- Fixed the Ender dragon's perch-mode fire break attack's radius.
- Ender crystals can now be destroyed in survival (Android only).
- The player can now use the left bumper on the controller on the inventory screen to wrap to the right side (MCPE only).
- Wrapping now allowed when cycling through tabs.
- Some characters in the chat text box are no longer moved off screen when the send button appears.
- "#" can be used in text boxes again.
- Advanced video settings toggle now saves its state.
- Chat can be closed again with the back button.
- Scroll bars should no longer have their max overshot value become negative.
- Fixed a crash relating to store screenshots.
- Fixed a crash on launch if there was no speech pack installed (Win 10 only).
- Chat messages again read in the correct order in narrator mode.
- Now there's a notification when keyboard shortcuts are used to toggle the TTS accessibility option (Win 10 only).
- Fixed some mob models not being able to be changed using mobs.json
- The player now see the hand movement & TNT's texture blink when joined to a game and the TNT is ignited.
- Fixed a bug where the Ender dragon would disappear if the game crashed while fighting it.
- Command output from /gamemode command is now displayed for other players.
- Fixed a severe FPS drop with lots of purple particles around the player while fighting the Ender dragon (Android only).
- Blaze projectiles are now visible (Realms only).
- Dragon head can move when powered without having to reload the game.
- The player is no longer repositioned at spawn when above 128 world height and the game is reloaded.
- Minecraft launcher no longer crashes when the hard drive is full (Win 10 Oculus Rift only).
- If the player is on their friend's world, they can now see their friend switching between mob heads.
- Protection enchantment fixed to be the same as other versions - it no longer protects against suffocation & cactus damage.
- Caves are no longer pitch black in VR (VR only).
- Fixed chunks of other dimensions (e.g. the Nether) generated when the player enters a dimension the second time on a server/game with a smaller render distance than them.
- Play screen now properly shows Realms trial when the trial is still available but the player has accepted a friend's Realm invitation.
- Achievement screen will now populate with a single list of achievements if suspending/resuming the player's game.
- If the player dies and rejoins a game, they are again respawned in their last bed (or at world spawn if their bed was destroyed) rather than where they died.
- 90 degree fences have correct collision boxes now.
- Fixed a bug where the sneak button wouldn't disappear when switch sneak/jump button option is active.
- Loading worlds from templates shouldn't fail sometimes anymore.
- Fixed a bug with using spawn eggs on spawners- it now behaves correctly.
- Fixed a duplication glitch with Eye of Ender.
- Ender crystals and projectiles fixed so players with short render distance can now fight the Ender dragon without issues.
- Cocoa pods now show a crack animation when breaking them.
- Various skin bug fixes.
- Lingering potion effects now refresh every few ticks if the player is standing in its effect cloud.
- If the player is in a friend's game and their friend throws an eye of ender, the animation now looks like it should.
- Fixed a crash caused by the End portal on certain graphics settings.
- Fixed a graphics bug where mob spawners allowed the player to see through the world.
- Fixed a graphics glitch with End gateway blocks near water.
- Fixed an occasional crash when the player returns through a Nether portal with a mob spawner nearby.
- Fixed the Ender charge so it doesn't slow down over time.
- Plastic texture pack particles fixed.
- Fixed the error message for the /give command when invalid values are entered.
- Dropped items now move to the next empty space when a block is placed on top of them.
- Silverfish now take damage when on soul sand.
- Fixed a crash when the game was resumed (MCPE iOS only).
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to join a LAN game.
- End gateway no longer suffocates the player.
- Fixed a crash when a game was stopped with players still logged into it.
- Thrown lingering potions now have a splash effect.
- The armor and clothes the skeleton models wear disappear when they're splashed with invisibility potion
- An animal on a lead should land safely on the ground now without taking any damage.
- Shulkers no longer attack the player when the difficulty is set to peaceful.
- Clocks again rotate at the same speed as one held in hand when placed in item frames in dimensions other than the Overworld.
- Villagers now run from zombie pigmen.
- Mobs no longer jump and turn near obstacles on slabs, carpet, etc.
- Fixes and updates for City, Fantasy, Natural, and Plastic texture packs.
- Weather now clears up after using the /toggledownfall command during a thunderstorm.
- The auto-complete list now show players that are on the same world but just in different dimensions than the player.
- The close button in the chest UI no longer overlaps an item slot when the player hovers their mouse over it (Win 10 only).
- The d-pad on the controller is now supported in the Exit Minecraft prompt.
- The player can now whisper to themselves in text chat in the game
- The player can now see the animation of a witch drinking a potion.
- Fixed crashes when loading terrain.
- Fixed an occasional crash when moving the visibility distance slider in the options.
- Importing a world with an Add-on will no longer fail due to duplicate world IDs.
- Held items are no longer cropped or off-frame when playing in a different aspect ratio so clocks & compasses will show up correctly again.
- When an Enderman is being hit, its head color is consistent - the bottom part no longer turns completely red.
- Clocks continue to work when dropped now.
- The player can no longer enter a vehicle while riding a pig/horse/donkey/mule.
- Cocoa pod stems are now correctly displayed.
- The game now registers mouse clicks as fast as the player clicks them.
- Fixed lag when the player's world is saving.
- Animals breed again (instead of just showing hearts with no baby appearing).
- Chat position is fixed.
- Throwing rate of snowballs is fixed.
- The spawn rate of Golden Apples in chests is fixed.
- Pointing the crosshair near the top or the bottom of a block while the player is in sneak mode no longer highlights the block next to the one the player wants.
- Framed maps' green indicators no longer disappear from a held map after the player teleports to another dimension.
- All zombie pigmen within range will now attack the player if they attack one of them.
- The anvil no longer deletes items if the game is closed while the screen is open.
- Leaves no longer act as opaque blocks when the Fancy Graphics option is off.
- Leaf blocks held in the hand or dropped on the ground now have transparency if Fancy Graphics option is on.
- Broken spruce and birch leaves no longer have different colors than they should.
- The player cannot walk through fences anymore.
- Compasses placed in item frames now show the correct direction towards spawn.
- Minecarts with mobs no longer fly upwards after the player joins a game.
- Fixed the looped sound for the ignite action.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when hostile mobs die.
- Fixed a crash when the player returned to their world after the credits ended.