Abstraction: Minecon Earth

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Abstraction: Minecon Earth
Map maker(s)

Jigarbov Productions



Release date

July 31, 2018

  • Custom Terrain
  • Abstract
  • Difficult
  • Unforgiving
  • Survival
  • SkyBlock

Single player, Multiplayer (1-4)

Website page

Abstraction: MINECON EARTH in Minecraft Marketplace


"Free MINECON stuff on Marketplace!"Minecraft.net.

Key art of the 2018 update.

Abstraction: Minecon Earth is a Marketplace map made to promote various MINECON events.

Summary[edit | edit source]

The map begins on a platform made of obsidian and white concrete, with three paths to chose from. Before the player are two signs, labeling an area as belonging to MINECON Earth 2018 and instructing the player to collect all colors of wool. Below it a second level with a chest[note 1]. Behind the chest is a collection of signs labeling each color, as well as guidance from Jigarbov.

Climbing up ladders can return the player to the top of the platform, where they could also choose between two command blocks. One is labeled Go to 2017, returning the player to an area based off MINECON Earth 2017, where the player must collect concrete powder, with a similar supply chest[note 2]. To the right is one labeled "Go to ???" which is a special posthumous area made after MINECON Earth was discontinued, with another supply chest[note 3]. In order to reach the areas, the player must glide.

2017[edit | edit source]

The player glides right onto the top of a large Earth, onto a plains biome with a pond, oak and birch trees, and a large cave. A donkey, cow, pig, and several zombified piglins can be found. Hidden inside the oak tree is a chest[note 4], and inside the cave is another chest.[note 5] Passing by coal, gold, and iron ores, as well as lava, the player can delve into the cave. Inside, the first concrete powder, cyan, can be found in a chest, as well as a stack of dye.

Nearby is a monster spawner spawning strays, built into a patch of snow. Venturing downward the player will find endstone and netherrack, with a zombified piglin spawner built into the latter. Above the spawner is another chest, in front of lava, however it can't be opened with how it's placed. Opening the chest reveals it holds the pink powder, however if the netherracking blocking it is removed lava will spill into the room. Beside the chest is a glowstone blob, which leads into an intersection on a hole into the void. To the left is the chest for white powder, suspended over the void by dirt. To the right is a sandstone blob, with a husk spawner. Continuing past the blob is an out of reach chest covered in endstone, revealing the magneta powder when uncovered.

Returning to the surface, several more paths and secrets can be found. Going over to the pond where a donkey could be found, a hole can be discovered, leading to a Monster Room. Inside the chests are a collection of items,[note 6] and the blue powder. On the front side of the cube is a Nether Wastes biome, with the gray powder hidden under soul sand growing nether warts. In order to reach the chest, the player can simply drop down from a ledge near a pond with ores. Hidden below, near the white chest, is a double chest containing Nether themed items, including nether bricks and spawn eggs for blazes, ghasts, wither skeletons, and magma cubes.

On the left side of the cube is a desert, with dark oak leaves serving as cacti. A desert well is visible from the top, identifiable by its fence posts. Dropping down to the well will reveal the inside is a room, containing the yellow chest, as well as a second.[note 7] Hidden behind a wall is the light gray powder, identifiable by the sounds of husks. Below the well is another chest, tied up to several floating sand blocks.[note 8] On the back of the cube is a snowy plains biome, where strays will spawn from the inside. The light blue chest can be found frozen inside ice. On the right is the End, with miniaturized end spikes and exit portal. On the pillar in the portal is a conspicuous block of coal, hinting at the location of the black powder. However, due to the surrounding bedrock, it can only be obtained by breaking the chest. Similarly, inside an end spike is the orange powder, reached by breaking a glowstone end crystal.

Nearby the cube are several smaller, satellite cubes, containing additional items. Before the End side is a mycelium cube growing giant mushrooms, with a chest containing the lime powder. Below the mycelium cube is a bamboo jungle in the shape of a branch, with a chest.[note 9] The brown chest is at the bottom, hanging from a jungle log. To the left is a conduit-like planet with guardian spawners and a chest.[note 10] The final planet is themed after end cities, with purpur and endstone brick supports. Two chests can be found there, the more easily reachable being below a chorus plant, containing dark forest blocks.[note 11] The purple powder chest can be found hidden below, identifiable by a stained glass block. Inside are the powder and dye, along with endermen and endermite spawn eggs.

The final powder, red, can be found underneath the starting platform, where a sign saying "something to do... Collect one of each color of any block" can be found. Behind the entirety of the experience is the logo for the convention, with creepers and skeletons on top. Behind the logo is an end portal missing a few eyes of ender.

2018[edit | edit source]

The planet begins similarly to 2017's, with a plains biome. Instead of an empty field, however, is a collection of rivers or lakes with a large house in the center. Before it are three villagers, a chicken, and a horse, with cow and pig spawners subtly integrated into scenery. Approaching the house, players can find a unique dark oak design with a hidden chest containing phantom spawn eggs, membrane, and a purple bed, then climb up several stairs up into two different entrances. Inside is a crafting table, furnace, a ladder up into a second floor, and stairs down into a basement. Climbing up to the top leads to a cramp cellar with no floors and two chests. The first contains the first wool, white, and second two cat spawn eggs, boarded up by a block of concrete.

The basement is more spacious, containing a small library with an enchanting table and several bookshelves. Below two of them are more chests, one containing a monster spawner, and the other the light gray. Beside the table is a birch door into a cramped room, with a white bed beside a bookshelf, potted blue orchid, and stained glass window. Beside the stairs is a brewing stand, and beside it is a hole into a small tunnel made of stone bricks. Going past exposed dirt and iron ore, the player can find a monster room, leaking water. Inside the room are two chests and a double chest, the first containing four ladders and an enchanted golden apple, the second the purple wool and dye, and the third a wide variety of valuable items. These include golden apples, diamonds, a saddle, iron ingots, iron nuggets, dragon's breath, diamond horse armor, and 11.

Swimming into the hole in the wall will lead to the left side of the cube, a coral reef swarming with cod and drowned. Swimming counter clockwise leads to a drowned spawner surrounded by magma and the blue wool chest. In the opposite direction is a conduit, with a chest full of prismarine bricks. Swimming farther will lead to soul sand, which propels entities up into a nook of a cave with a zombie spawner. Climbing up from there, the player can find a chest with the light blue wool, and exit through a waterfall behind the house. Above is the lime chest, hidden inside of a tree, with minor chests nearby hidden under a port and in a bush. The former contains turtle spawn eggs, turtle eggs, and scutes, the latter saplings. Crossing over a bridge to a farm at the back of the cube, the player can find a Nether biome, identifiable by netherrack arches. Maunuvering down, the player can find a chest for the orange wool. Traversing down the player will discover a Nether fortress.

Entering into the fortress, the player can find a zombified piglin spawner, and then a fork. One path will lead down a long hallway and appear to end at a dead end, but actually has an obscured higher level with a chest containing the magenta wool, protected by blazes. The opposing path leads to the opposite, a drop into a chamber containing as coral, pufferfish spawn eggs, nautilus shells, and a heart of the sea. A final chest can be found under the bridge leading into the structure, containing more aquatic items such as salmon spawn egg, sea pickles and sea grass.

A similar setup is present on the right side of the cube, set in both desert and badlands biomes. The badlands chest contains the green wool, identifiable by a nearby cactus. Two additional chests can be found in a river underneath, reachable by swimming, in a creeper face shaped mound. The first contains drowned spawn eggs, more nautilus shells, and another heart of the sea, while the other contains the yellow wool. A desert pyramid leads to another catacomb, which can be accessed through either a sideways door or a hole in the front side of the cube. The doorway can be flown through using elytra with enough precision.

If entered through the door, the player will discover a husk spawner, drop down into a hallway, and then drop down again to a spider spawner surrounded by cobwebs. At the end of the chamber is a chest containing cod spawn eggs, kelp, and seagrass. Hidden above the hole entrance is a fourth floor, containing the pink wool. The rest of the front side is an old growth spruce taiga, where the cyan wool can be found hidden behind a lake, identified by a pumpkin crop in front of it and stray spawner below it. Inside the tree beside it is the brown wool, while the red wool is hidden inside of a mountain covered in lava. However there does not appear to be a direct entrance, leaving it completely encased in stone.[needs testing] The black wool is even more obscured, being encased in sea lanterns close to the cyan wool.

The gray wool can be found inside of a rock on the top of the cube, reachable by swimming. The only satellite in the area is a downsized pillager outpost, with a pillager spawner inside. At the top is a chest containing illager centric items.[note 12]

???[edit | edit source]

This article is missing information about: Lapis ore location.
Please expand the article to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Unlike the preceding area, there are three cubes of moderate size, not in the shape of Earth. Instead, the highest cube has a large azalea on top, with a patch of moss underneath. Also unlike the previous areas, the accompanying challenge is to locate deepslate ores. Digging down into it reveals a lush cave biome. Slightly above a spring is a skeleton spawner, to the right a zombie skeleotn and inside the water a drowned spawner and an axolotl spawner. Beside the latter in the water is a chest.[note 13]

The second cube is made primarily of deepslate. Inside is a large dripstone cave, filled with evokers, creepers, and a zombie villager. Inside a small aquifer is a chest,[note 14] and beside it is a spawner for glow squid. Hidden inside a wall is an evoker spawner. Deepslate copper, emerald, gold, and redstone ores can be found within the cave, with diamonds on the bottom.

The final cube is a deep dark cube, covered in sculk with a catalyst on top. Dropping onto the highest point of the cave, the player can land on a nook with a zombie, and a chest.[note 15] Dropping down, the player can find three sculk shriekers, one slightly below a chest.[note 16] Another is slightly above a catalyst[note 17], with another beside a catalyst.[note 18] Another chest can be located beside deepslate redstone ores, stuck underneath a sculk block.[note 19] Two additional chests can be found below, one beside a shrieker[note 20], the other between a sculk sensor and a catalyst.[note 21] A hidden chest is hidden under a patch of sculk nearby,[note 22] and another is hidden above the rest of the area, in a heavily infested area.[note 23] Deepslate copper, emerald, gold, and redstone ores can be found within the cave.

A final chest can be found in the corner of the deep dark cube, made of mud, beside a mangrove propagule.[note 24]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

External[edit | edit source]

Featuring the logos that were just begging to be played on, MINECON EARTH has floating landmasses with a surprising amount of hidden secrets and challenges.

+ Explore both the 2018 and the 2017 logos.

+ Complete both monuments, 32 blocks to find!

+ Explore this CTM solo or in multiplayer.

+ FREE! Gratis!

By Jigarbov Productions

Minecraft Marketplace description

Internal[edit | edit source]

Your goal is whatever it to be, but if you need something to do... Collect one of each color of any block. I hope you enjoy this Survival Challenge! <3 Jigarbov


A Survival Map by Jigarbov

Videos[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Bedrock Edition
July 31, 2018Abstraction: Minecon Earth is added to the Marketplace.
?Abstraction: Minecon Earth is updated.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Within the 2017 area, each sign listing off concrete powder gives a different piece of trivia about MINECON.
    • The white represents the "color of the original MINECON logo."
    • The orange sign says the first was held at Mandalay Bay. Magenta establishes that 5,000 people were in attendance.
    • Light blue is about how Java Edition 1.0.0 released during MINECON.
    • Yellow signifies that MINECON 2012 was held in Paris.
    • Lime mentions that Xbox 360 Edition released shortly prior. Pink remarks "only 4,500 fans attended this one. Still a lot!"
    • Gray believes MINECON 2013 was "fun" and held in Orlando.
    • Light gray celebrates 7,500 people attending. Cyan relays that the first 2,500 tickets were bought in three seconds.
    • Purple asserts that "no one knows where MINECON 2014 was held." Blue confirms MINECON 2015 happened.
    • Brown discusses how it was held in London with an attendance of 10,000.
    • Green tells that MINECON 2016 was the largest, with 12,000 people. Red specifies it was held in Anaheim and "the weather was beautiful!"
    • Black simply says MINECON Earth exists.
  • Behind the cave entrance and on the snowy plains side in 2017, a sweet berry bush can be found, despite being added in 2019. Similarly, pandas and bamboo were not added until 2018.
  • The cubes in ??? are a reference to Abstraction: Cubes, pointed out in a set of signs under the area's platform.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Promotional images[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Containing 64 oak planks, 4 pairs of elytra, 3 beetroot seeds, 3 melon seeds, 3 pumpkin seeds, 3 wheat seeds, a lava bucket, a water bucket, and a white bed.
  2. Containing 4 pairs of elytra, 3 beetroot seeds, 3 melon seeds, 3 pumpkin seeds, 3 wheat seeds, a lava bucket, a water bucket, and a white bed.
  3. Containing 64 oak planks, 4 pairs of elytra, 3 beetroot seeds, 3 melon seeds, 3 pumpkin seeds, 3 wheat seeds, a lava bucket, a water bucket, and a black bed.
  4. Containing 9 grass blocks, 3 oak saplings, 2 chicken spawn eggs, and 2 rabbit spawn eggs.
  5. Containing 9 short grass, 2 oak fences, 2 cow spawn eggs, 2 pig spawn eggs, and 2 sheep spawn eggs.
  6. Containing 8 sand, 3 sugar cane, and 3 water bottles.
  7. Containing 9 grass blocks, 3 acacia saplings, 3 acacia slabs, 2 acacia logs, and a horse spawn egg.
  8. Containing 5 terracotta, 5 yellow terracotta, 3 red sand, 2 rails, and a powered rail.
  9. Containing 9 bamboo, 9 jungle saplings, 9 jungle leaves, 2 cocoa beans, 2 ocelot spawn eggs, 2 panda spawn egg, 2 and parrot spawn eggs.
  10. Containing 40 prismarine, 25 prismarine bricks, 11 sea lanterns, 5 wet sponges, 4 guardian spawn eggs, 2 elder guardian spawn eggs, and 1 squid spawn egg.
  11. Containing 6 cobblestone, 5 dark oak planks, 4 dark oak saplings, a red carpet, a brown mushroom, a red mushroom, and a vindicator spawn egg.
  12. Containing crossbows, spawn eggs for pillagers, allays, foxes, and ravagers, as well as piercing and multishot enchanted books.
  13. Containing 192 calcite, 13 blocks of amethyst, 5 budding amethyst, 2 amethyst clusters, 2 glow ink sacs, an enchanted book for silk touch, and a goat spawn egg.
  14. Containing a monster spawner, as well as spawn eggs for axolotls, endermen, and glow squid.
  15. Containing 9 coal, 18 books, a disc fragment, otherside, enchanted leggings, and the ward trim. The leggings use protection IV, unbreaking III, curse of vanishing, and mending.
  16. Containing 25 coal, a name tag, two potions of regeneration II, swift sneak, the cat music disc, and two pairs of diamond leggings. The first is enchanted with fire protection IV and mending, the other projectile protection IV, mending, and curse of vanishing.
  17. Containing 15 coal, 4 candles, 3 glow berries, swift sneak I, and diamond leggings enchanted with protection IV, unbreaking III, and mending.
  18. Containing 19 coal, 7 books, 3 sculk sensors, 3 glow berries, diamond horse armor, a compass, and a diamond hoe. The hoe is enchanted with unbreaking III and efficency V.
  19. Containing 7 amethyst shards, 3 potions of regeneration II, depth strider II and piercing II enchanted books, music disc 13, and a name tag.
  20. Containing 12 coal, 6 bones, 3 sculk sensors, 2 disc fragments, and a potion of regeneration II.
  21. Containing 9 coal, 3 candles, 2 sculk catalysts, enchanted book with protection II and smite II, music disc 13, and ward armor trim.
  22. Containing 19 echo shards, 10 coal, 10 soul torches, 9 disc fragments, 6 potions of regeneration II, a bottle o' enchanting, an enchanted golden apple, lead, and a warden spawn egg.
  23. Containing 20 bones, 8 books, 5 glow berries, 4 candles, 3 disc fragments, 2 amethyst shards, 2 coal, and an efficency I enchanted book.
  24. Containing 190 mud, 64 mangrove logs, 64 mangrove roots, 6 mangrove propagules, and spawn eggs for frogs and tadpoles.

See also[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]