Revision as of 16:04, 12 January 2012 by Drenay3612@legacy41472665(talk | contribs)(Added the word again after the wool regrowth line because they used to do this in Survival Test)
A (?) denotes version's info here is guess-work, possibly incorrect. Known bugs in the latest versions are listed here, and in the latest development version here.
On death, a proper score is given based on how many experience orbs the player has collected.
When flowing lava hits a water source directly from above, it creates Stone where previously the lava would flow through the water.
You can toggle between three states when pressing F5 (first person, third person back, third person front), having the addition of 3rd person view from the front.
Ender Pearls have a unique ability. When thrown, the player will teleport to the Ender Pearl's impact location, but take 2 and 1/2 hearts of fall damage. They will not work in Creative.
Fences no longer block you from moving onto their space. You can now stand next to them, like you can with glass panes and iron bars.
They will also connect to solid blocks.
There is a slight delay between jumps when holding down the jump button, so that the player no longer bounces between ceiling and floor in two-block-high spaces.
The "/give" command can now set the damage value of the wanted item : /give username itemID quantity damage (For example: "/give player 35 12 1" to give 12 orange wool.)
"The End" (unofficially called "The Ender", or "Enderlands"), which replaces the previously announced Sky Dimension.
End Portals take the player from the Overworld to The End. To go back to the Overworld, one must defeat the Enderdragon and jump through the portal that appears.
New sounds for the Skeletons' walk to make them sound more skeleton-y.
Bow models now appear in third-person larger and in 3D.
Bows no longer have an infinite number of uses. (385 shots before breaking)
If water or lava is above a ceiling that is a single block thick, particles of water or lava will drip through, provided you are within 13 blocks of the ceiling.
Hardcore Mode - Locks the difficulty to Hard and forces you to delete your world if you die. The health bar changes appearance to indicate you are playing in Hardcore mode.
Oftentimes when trying to connect to an SMP server, the error "The server responded with an invalid server key" will show instead. This is followed by an "End of Stream" error which appears whenever a connection attempt to the server is made for up to 60 seconds after the initial attempt.