Smithing Template

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This article is about the item. For the block, see Smithing Table. For the mechanic, see Smithing.
Smithing Template
Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png: Infobox image for Smithing Template the item in Minecraft


Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template JE1 BE1.png: Infobox image for Smithing Template the item in Minecraft

Armor Trim

Invicon Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template Applies to:  Diamond Equipment Ingredients:  Netherite Ingot
Invicon Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Host Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Host Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Host Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & Crystals
Rarity tier

Netherite Upgrade, Sentry, Dune, Coast, Wild, Tide, Snout, Rib, Wayfinder, Shaper, Raiser, Host, Flow, Bolt: Uncommon
Ward, Eye, Vex, Spire: Rare
Silence: Epic


Ward and Silence: No
All others: No (except via vault)[a]


Yes (64)

A smithing template is an item used with a smithing table to apply a decorative alteration to a tool or armor. The template is consumed when used, but can be duplicated using an existing template, its material, and diamonds.

The 18 armor trim smithing templates are found in a variety of generated structures and are used to apply various decorative trims to armor with its color determined by the used material. Netherite upgrade smithing templates are used to upgrade diamond equipment to netherite, and are only found in bastion remnants and guaranteed in treasure rooms.

Variants[edit | edit source]

There are 19 types of smithing templates, of which 18 are armor trim templates and 1 is an upgrade template.

Upgrade smithing template:

Armor Trim smithing templates:

Some armor trim patterns are based on a mob or block found in the same structure as the corresponding smithing template. For example, the snout armor trim resembles a piglin.[1]

With 18 total armor trim smithing templates and 4 armor slots, excluding materials, enchantments, and colors, 184 or 104,976 template combinations are possible for a full armor set.

There are 6 types of armor: Leather, Chainmail, Iron, Gold, Diamond and Netherite.

Since leather can be dyed, and there are 16,777,216 possible combinations, that brings up an amount of 1,610,622,456 combinations. There are 11 colors, meaning that there are 104976 × 1,610,622,456 × 11 = 1,859,843,732,351,616 possible trimmed armor variations (2,308,877,219,972,136 if counting both trimmed and untrimmed).

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Smithing templates can be found in various structures and can be duplicated by crafting the smithing template with seven diamonds and its corresponding material.

Mob loot[edit | edit source]

Elder guardians have a 20% chance to drop 1 tide armor trim upon death. Looting doesn't affect this percentage, and the elder guardian doesn't need to be killed by a player in order for the trim to drop.

Generated loot[edit | edit source]

Item Structure Container Quantity [hide]Chance
Java Edition and Bedrock Edition
ItemSprite netherite-upgrade-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for netherite-upgrade-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Netherite UpgradeNetherite Upgrade Smithing Template EnvSprite bastion-remnant.png: Sprite image for bastion-remnant in Minecraft linking to Bastion RemnantBastion Remnant Bridge chest 1 10%
Treasure chest 1 100%
Hoglin stable chest 1 10%
Generic chest 1 10%
ItemSprite sentry-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for sentry-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Sentry Armor TrimSentry Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite pillager-outpost.png: Sprite image for pillager-outpost in Minecraft linking to Pillager OutpostPillager Outpost Chest 2 25%
ItemSprite vex-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for vex-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Vex Armor TrimVex Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Sprite image for woodland-mansion in Minecraft linking to Woodland MansionWoodland Mansion Chest 1 50%
ItemSprite wild-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for wild-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Wild Armor TrimWild Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite jungle-temple.png: Sprite image for jungle-temple in Minecraft linking to Jungle PyramidJungle Pyramid Chest 2 33.3%
ItemSprite coast-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for coast-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Coast Armor TrimCoast Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite shipwreck.png: Sprite image for shipwreck in Minecraft linking to ShipwreckShipwreck Treasure chest 2 16.7%
Map chest 2 16.7%
Supply chest 2 16.7%
ItemSprite dune-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for dune-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Dune Armor TrimDune Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite desert-temple.png: Sprite image for desert-temple in Minecraft linking to Desert PyramidDesert Pyramid Chest 2 14.3%
ItemSprite ward-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for ward-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Ward Armor TrimWard Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 5%
ItemSprite silence-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for silence-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Silence Armor TrimSilence Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 1.2%
ItemSprite snout-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for snout-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Snout Armor TrimSnout Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite bastion-remnant.png: Sprite image for bastion-remnant in Minecraft linking to Bastion RemnantBastion Remnant Bridge chest 1 8.3%
Treasure chest 1 8.3%
Hoglin stable chest 1 8.3%
Generic chest 1 8.3%
ItemSprite rib-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for rib-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Rib Armor TrimRib Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite nether-fortress.png: Sprite image for nether-fortress in Minecraft linking to Nether FortressNether Fortress Chest 1 6.7%
ItemSprite eye-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for eye-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Eye Armor TrimEye Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite stronghold.png: Sprite image for stronghold in Minecraft linking to StrongholdStronghold Altar chest 1 10%
Library chest 1 100%
ItemSprite spire-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for spire-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Spire Armor TrimSpire Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite end-city.png: Sprite image for end-city in Minecraft linking to End CityEnd City Chest 1 6.7%
ItemSprite flow-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for flow-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Flow Armor TrimFlow Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Ominous Vault 1 22.5%
ItemSprite bolt-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for bolt-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Bolt Armor TrimBolt Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Vault and reward chest 1 6.3%
ItemSprite wayfinder-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for wayfinder-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Wayfinder Armor TrimWayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Sprite image for trail-ruins in Minecraft linking to Trail RuinsTrail Ruins Suspicious gravel 1 8.3%
ItemSprite raiser-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for raiser-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Raiser Armor TrimRaiser Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Sprite image for trail-ruins in Minecraft linking to Trail RuinsTrail Ruins Suspicious gravel 1 8.3%
ItemSprite shaper-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for shaper-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Shaper Armor TrimShaper Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Sprite image for trail-ruins in Minecraft linking to Trail RuinsTrail Ruins Suspicious gravel 1 8.3%
ItemSprite host-armor-trim-smithing-template.png: Sprite image for host-armor-trim-smithing-template in Minecraft linking to Host Armor TrimHost Armor Trim Smithing Template EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Sprite image for trail-ruins in Minecraft linking to Trail RuinsTrail Ruins Suspicious gravel 1 8.3%

Note: In woodland mansions, only chests with random loot have the chance to contain the Vex Smithing Template; chests in the "Allium room", "Sapling farm", "Tree-chopping room" and "Fake End portal room" always generate with the same loot, specific to their respective rooms.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Ingredients [hide]Crafting recipe
Diamond +
Matching Smithing Template +
Netherrack or
Block of Copper or
Cobblestone or
Sandstone or
End Stone or
Breeze Rod or
Terracotta or
Cobbled Deepslate or
Blackstone or
Purpur Block or
Prismarine or
Mossy Cobblestone
Item Material
ItemSprite netherite-upgrade.png: Sprite image for netherite-upgrade in Minecraft linking to Netherite UpgradeNetherite Upgrade BlockSprite netherrack.png: Sprite image for netherrack in Minecraft linking to NetherrackNetherrack
ItemSprite sentry-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for sentry-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Sentry Armor TrimSentry Armor Trim BlockSprite cobblestone.png: Sprite image for cobblestone in Minecraft linking to CobblestoneCobblestone
ItemSprite vex-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for vex-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Vex Armor TrimVex Armor Trim BlockSprite cobblestone.png: Sprite image for cobblestone in Minecraft linking to CobblestoneCobblestone
ItemSprite wild-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for wild-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Wild Armor TrimWild Armor Trim BlockSprite mossy-cobblestone.png: Sprite image for mossy-cobblestone in Minecraft linking to Mossy CobblestoneMossy Cobblestone
ItemSprite coast-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for coast-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Coast Armor TrimCoast Armor Trim BlockSprite cobblestone.png: Sprite image for cobblestone in Minecraft linking to CobblestoneCobblestone
ItemSprite dune-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for dune-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Dune Armor TrimDune Armor Trim BlockSprite sandstone.png: Sprite image for sandstone in Minecraft linking to SandstoneSandstone
BlockSprite smooth-sandstone.png: Sprite image for smooth-sandstone in Minecraft linking to Smooth SandstoneSmooth Sandstone[Bedrock Edition only]
BlockSprite cut-sandstone.png: Sprite image for cut-sandstone in Minecraft linking to Cut SandstoneCut Sandstone[Bedrock Edition only]
BlockSprite chiseled-sandstone.png: Sprite image for chiseled-sandstone in Minecraft linking to Chiseled SandstoneChiseled Sandstone[Bedrock Edition only]
ItemSprite wayfinder-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for wayfinder-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Wayfinder Armor TrimWayfinder Armor Trim BlockSprite terracotta.png: Sprite image for terracotta in Minecraft linking to TerracottaTerracotta
ItemSprite raiser-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for raiser-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Raiser Armor TrimRaiser Armor Trim BlockSprite terracotta.png: Sprite image for terracotta in Minecraft linking to TerracottaTerracotta
ItemSprite shaper-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for shaper-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Shaper Armor TrimShaper Armor Trim BlockSprite terracotta.png: Sprite image for terracotta in Minecraft linking to TerracottaTerracotta
ItemSprite host-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for host-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Host Armor TrimHost Armor Trim BlockSprite terracotta.png: Sprite image for terracotta in Minecraft linking to TerracottaTerracotta
ItemSprite ward-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for ward-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Ward Armor TrimWard Armor Trim BlockSprite cobbled-deepslate.png: Sprite image for cobbled-deepslate in Minecraft linking to Cobbled DeepslateCobbled Deepslate
ItemSprite silence-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for silence-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Silence Armor TrimSilence Armor Trim BlockSprite cobbled-deepslate.png: Sprite image for cobbled-deepslate in Minecraft linking to Cobbled DeepslateCobbled Deepslate
ItemSprite tide-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for tide-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Tide Armor TrimTide Armor Trim BlockSprite prismarine.png: Sprite image for prismarine in Minecraft linking to PrismarinePrismarine
BlockSprite prismarine-bricks.png: Sprite image for prismarine-bricks in Minecraft linking to Prismarine BricksPrismarine Bricks[Bedrock Edition only]
BlockSprite dark-prismarine.png: Sprite image for dark-prismarine in Minecraft linking to Dark PrismarineDark Prismarine[Bedrock Edition only]
ItemSprite snout-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for snout-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Snout Armor TrimSnout Armor Trim BlockSprite blackstone.png: Sprite image for blackstone in Minecraft linking to BlackstoneBlackstone
ItemSprite rib-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for rib-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Rib Armor TrimRib Armor Trim BlockSprite netherrack.png: Sprite image for netherrack in Minecraft linking to NetherrackNetherrack
ItemSprite eye-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for eye-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Eye Armor TrimEye Armor Trim BlockSprite end-stone.png: Sprite image for end-stone in Minecraft linking to End StoneEnd Stone
ItemSprite spire-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for spire-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Spire Armor TrimSpire Armor Trim BlockSprite purpur-block.png: Sprite image for purpur-block in Minecraft linking to Purpur BlockPurpur Block
BlockSprite purpur-pillar.png: Sprite image for purpur-pillar in Minecraft linking to Purpur PillarPurpur Pillar[Bedrock Edition only]
ItemSprite flow-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for flow-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Flow Armor TrimFlow Armor Trim ItemSprite breeze-rod.png: Sprite image for breeze-rod in Minecraft linking to Breeze RodBreeze Rod
ItemSprite bolt-armor-trim.png: Sprite image for bolt-armor-trim in Minecraft linking to Bolt Armor TrimBolt Armor Trim BlockSprite all-copper-blocks.png: Sprite image for all-copper-blocks in Minecraft linking to Block of CopperBlock of Copper
BlockSprite all-copper-blocks.png: Sprite image for all-copper-blocks in Minecraft linking to Block of CopperWaxed Block of Copper

In Bedrock Edition, spire, tide, and dune armor trims can be duplicated with more blocks than in Java Edition. In addition to the normal blocks, tide armor trims can be duplicated using prismarine bricks or dark prismarine, dune armor trims can be duplicated with smooth sandstone, cut sandstone, or chiseled sandstone, and spire armor trims can be duplicated with purpur pillars.[2]

Usage[edit | edit source]

Smithing ingredient[edit | edit source]

Smithing templates are used at a smithing table. Armor trim smithing templates are used to customize an armor piece's appearance by using an armor trim, an armor piece, and a trim material.

Ingredients [hide]Smithing recipe
Any Armor Trim +
Any Armor Piece +
Any trim material
Invicon Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Coast Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Dune Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Host Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Host Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Host Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Host Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Rib Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Snout Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Spire Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Tide Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template with description: Wild Armor Trim Smithing Template Applies to:  Armor Ingredients:  Ingot & CrystalsInvicon Netherite Helmet.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Helmet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Helmet with description: Netherite Helmet When on Head: +3 Armor +3 Armor Toughness +1 Knockback ResistanceInvicon Iron Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Chestplate with description: Iron Chestplate When on Body: +6 ArmorInvicon Golden Leggings.png: Inventory sprite for Golden Leggings in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Leggings with description: Golden Leggings When on Legs: +3 ArmorInvicon Diamond Boots.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Boots in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Boots with description: Diamond Boots When on Feet: +3 Armor +2 Armor ToughnessInvicon Chainmail Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Chainmail Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Chainmail Chestplate with description: Chainmail Chestplate When on Body: +5 ArmorInvicon Leather Pants.png: Inventory sprite for Leather Pants in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Leather Pants with description: Leather Pants When on Legs: +2 ArmorInvicon Turtle Shell.png: Inventory sprite for Turtle Shell in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Turtle Shell with description: Turtle Shell When on Head: +2 ArmorInvicon Amethyst Shard.png: Inventory sprite for Amethyst Shard in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Amethyst Shard with description: Amethyst ShardInvicon Copper Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Copper Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Copper Ingot with description: Copper IngotInvicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond with description: DiamondInvicon Emerald.png: Inventory sprite for Emerald in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Emerald with description: EmeraldInvicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gold Ingot with description: Gold IngotInvicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Ingot with description: Iron IngotInvicon Lapis Lazuli.png: Inventory sprite for Lapis Lazuli in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lapis Lazuli with description: Lapis LazuliInvicon Nether Quartz.png: Inventory sprite for Nether Quartz in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Nether Quartz with description: Nether QuartzInvicon Netherite Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Ingot with description: Netherite IngotInvicon Redstone Dust.png: Inventory sprite for Redstone Dust in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Redstone Dust with description: Redstone DustInvicon Resin Brick.png: Inventory sprite for Resin Brick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Resin Brick with description: Resin BrickInvicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond with description: DiamondInvicon Emerald.png: Inventory sprite for Emerald in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Emerald with description: EmeraldInvicon Lapis Lazuli.png: Inventory sprite for Lapis Lazuli in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lapis Lazuli with description: Lapis LazuliInvicon Amethyst Trim Netherite Helmet.png: Inventory sprite for Amethyst Trim Netherite Helmet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Amethyst Trim Netherite Helmet with description: Netherite Helmet Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Amethyst Material When on Head: +3 Armor +3 Armor Toughness +1 Knockback ResistanceInvicon Copper Trim Iron Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Copper Trim Iron Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Copper Trim Iron Chestplate with description: Iron Chestplate Upgrade:  &zArmor Trim  Copper Material When on Body: +6 ArmorInvicon Diamond Trim Golden Leggings.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Trim Golden Leggings in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Trim Golden Leggings with description: Golden Leggings Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Diamond Material When on Legs: +3 ArmorInvicon Emerald Trim Diamond Boots.png: Inventory sprite for Emerald Trim Diamond Boots in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Emerald Trim Diamond Boots with description: Diamond Boots Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Emerald Material When on Feet: +3 Armor +2 Armor ToughnessInvicon Gold Trim Chainmail Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Trim Chainmail Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gold Trim Chainmail Chestplate with description: Chainmail Chestplate Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Gold Material When on Body: +5 ArmorInvicon Iron Trim Leather Pants.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Trim Leather Pants in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Trim Leather Pants with description: Leather Pants Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Iron Material When on Legs: +2 ArmorInvicon Lapis Trim Turtle Shell.png: Inventory sprite for Lapis Trim Turtle Shell in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lapis Trim Turtle Shell with description: Turtle Shell Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Lapis Material When on Head: +2 ArmorInvicon Quartz Trim Netherite Helmet.png: Inventory sprite for Quartz Trim Netherite Helmet in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Quartz Trim Netherite Helmet with description: Netherite Helmet Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Quartz Material When on Head: +3 Armor +3 Armor Toughness +1 Knockback ResistanceInvicon Netherite Trim Iron Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Trim Iron Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Trim Iron Chestplate with description: Iron Chestplate Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Netherite Material When on Body: +6 ArmorInvicon Redstone Trim Golden Leggings.png: Inventory sprite for Redstone Trim Golden Leggings in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Redstone Trim Golden Leggings with description: Golden Leggings Upgrade:  &yArmor Trim  Redstone Material When on Legs: +3 ArmorInvicon Resin Trim Diamond Boots.png: Inventory sprite for Resin Trim Diamond Boots in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Resin Trim Diamond Boots with description: Diamond Boots Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Resin Material When on Feet: +3 Armor +2 Armor ToughnessInvicon Diamond Trim Chainmail Chestplate.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Trim Chainmail Chestplate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Trim Chainmail Chestplate with description: Chainmail Chestplate Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Diamond Material When on Body: +5 ArmorInvicon Emerald Trim Leather Pants.png: Inventory sprite for Emerald Trim Leather Pants in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Emerald Trim Leather Pants with description: Leather Pants Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Emerald Material When on Legs: +2 ArmorInvicon Lapis Trim Turtle Shell.png: Inventory sprite for Lapis Trim Turtle Shell in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Lapis Trim Turtle Shell with description: Turtle Shell Upgrade:  Armor Trim  Lapis Material When on Head: +2 Armor

Achievements[edit | edit source]

IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS)
AchievementSprite smithing-with-style.png: Sprite image for smithing-with-style in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Smithing with styleNewAchievementSprite smithing-with-style.png: Sprite image for smithing-with-style in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Smithing with styleSmithing with styleApply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder30Gold

Advancements[edit | edit source]

IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)
Crafting a New LookCraft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table
Smithing with StyleApply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder

Video[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition
24 January 2023Armor trimming first mentioned in an announcement on
Update 1.20
23w04a Added smithing templates behind the "Update 1.20" experimental data pack.
23w05aSmithing templates can be used to trim leather armor.
Gold, iron, diamond, and netherite armor can be trimmed with their respective material.
The dune, coast, wild, and sentry armor trims now always generate two templates in a chest when found.
Increased the chances for all smithing templates that generate in chest loot to spawn:
  • Netherite upgrade chance to find increased from 3.2% to 10%.
  • Coast chance to find increased from 11.1% to 16.7%.
  • Dune chance to find increased from 11.1% to 14.3%.
  • Eye chance to find increased from 4.7% to 10% in altar chests, and to 100% in library chests.
  • Rib chance to find increased from 4.7% to 6.7%.
  • Sentry chance to find increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Snout chance to find increased from 4.7% to 8.3%.
  • Spire chance to find increased from 4.7% to 6.7%.
  • Vex chance to find increased from 4.7% to 50%.
  • Ward chance to find increased from 4.7% to 5%.
  • Wild chance to find increased from 20% to 33%.
1.2023w12aSmithing templates are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental data pack.
Added wayfinder, raiser, shaper, host, and silence armor trim smithing templates.
Changed the textures of the sentry and dune armor trim smithing templates.
The pattern textures of dune and sentry armor trims are changed from to .
Those previous patterns were left with different names: dune was renamed sentry and sentry was renamed shaper.
23w16aWayfinder, raiser, shaper, and host armor trim no longer generates in suspicious sand in trail ruins.
Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for the suspicious gravel within the trail ruins; wayfinder, raiser, shaper, and host armor trim now are in the rare loot.
23w17aThe probability of the wayfinder, raiser, shaper, and host armor trim to generate in suspicious gravel in trail ruins has been changed from 1/11 to 1/12.
The player now gets the advancement "Crafting a new look" when they craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table using a smithing template, "Smithing with style" when they apply these smithing templates at least once on their armor: spire, snout, rib, ward, silence, vex, tide, and wayfinder.
Update 1.21
24w11a Added bolt and flow armor trim smithing templates behind the "Update 1.21" experimental data pack.
1.2124w18aBolt and flow armor trims are now available without using the "Update 1.21" experimental data pack.
Bolt and flow armor trims now count for the advancement "Crafting a New Look".
24w21aWaxed blocks of copper can now be used to craft bolt armor trims.
1.21.224w33aSmithing template items are now named after their template type instead of the generic "Smithing Template" name, except for the coast armor trim.
24w35aThe coast armor trim is now named after its template type as well.
24w36aAll equippable items with an equipment model defined support rendering trims, based on the trim component.
Trim textures will be loaded from the appropriate folder in the textures/trims/entity directory.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
Next Major Update
Preview Added smithing templates behind the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.
Preview Added wayfinder, raiser, shaper, host, and silence armor trim smithing templates.
Changed the textures of the sentry and dune armor trim smithing templates.
The pattern textures of dune and sentry armor trims are changed from to .
Those previous patterns were left with different names: dune was renamed sentry and sentry was renamed shaper.
1.20.0Preview templates are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.
Preview the achievement "Smithing with style", unlocked when the player applies these smithing templates at least once on their armor: spire, snout, rib, ward, silence, vex, tide, and wayfinder.
Update 1.21
Preview Added bolt and flow armor trim smithing templates.
1.21.0Preview and flow armor trims are now available without using the "Update 1.21" experimental toggle.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Smithing Template" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Smithing templates were originally named "smithing blueprints" during development; this was changed because the word "blueprint" sounded too modern and technical.[3]
  • When Gnembon was working on armor trims, he accidentally messed up their rendering, making them jet through the player's body in a weird fashion, similar to what appears in Salvador Dalí's paintings where a hand might poke through a forehead.[4]
  • When lapis lazuli is used as trim material, it is called "Lapis" instead of its full name "Lapis Lazuli"; this is the only instance of the abbreviation "Lapis" being used in-game.[5]
  • The flow armor trim is the only armor trim not to use a block as its duplicating material, using the breeze rod.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Armor trim patterns[edit | edit source]

Official artwork[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Mojang screenshots[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Netherite Upgrade and Rib are not renewable in Java Edition, but are renewable in Bedrock Edition.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Some of the armor trims reflect the place where you found the template, for example bastions contain a piglin-inspired trim." - Sofia Dankis - "Armor Trims Coming to Minecraft 1.20", January 24, 2023.
  2. MCPE-172711 — Tide, Spire, and Dune Armor Trims can be crafted from more blocks than in Java Edition
  3. "Minecraft 1.20: Armor Trims - What Do They Mean?" – Minecraft on YouTube, May 4, 2023
  4. "Mojang Dev Comes To Hermitcraft! (Mojang Developer Gnembom Interview)" – GoodVodsWithScar on YouTube, June 23, 2023
  5. MC-262486 — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  6. "new trims got the drip The new "Silence" armor trim to the left is now the hardest trim to get, with only a 1% chance per chest to spawn in Ancient Cities. Definitely gonna be a challenge to get!"@kingbdogz on X (formerly Twitter), March 22, 2023

Navigation[edit | edit source]