Ice Spikes

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Not to be confused with Ice Spike.
This article is about the variant of the snowy plains biome. For the normal variant, see Snowy Plains.
Ice Spikes
Ice Spikes.png: Infobox image for Ice Spikes the biome in Minecraft

EnvSprite ice-spike.png: Sprite image for ice-spike in Minecraft linking to Ice spikeIce spike
EnvSprite ice-patch.png: Sprite image for ice-patch in Minecraft linking to Ice PatchIce Patch


BlockSprite packed-ice.png: Sprite image for packed-ice in Minecraft linking to Packed IcePacked Ice
BlockSprite snow-block.png: Sprite image for snow-block in Minecraft linking to Snow BlockSnow Block
BlockSprite snow.png: Sprite image for snow in Minecraft linking to SnowSnow
BlockSprite dirt.png: Sprite image for dirt in Minecraft linking to DirtDirt
BlockSprite ice.png: Sprite image for ice in Minecraft linking to IceIce





0.5‌[Java Edition only]
1.0‌[Bedrock Edition only]




Grass color


Foliage color


Water color

[JE only]

[BE only]

The ice spikes is a variant of the snowy plains, featuring ice spikes made of packed ice and other special features.

Description[edit | edit source]

The ice spikes features large numbers of ice spikes and ice patches dotting across its landscape. Additionally, all grass blocks are replaced with snow blocks so that no trees nor other vegetations can generate. Snow layers still form atop the snow blocks, making them seem taller than they actually are. Like in most biome, lava lakes generate, which melt surrounding snow, but not the snow blocks. The whole biome experiences snowfall instead of rainfall, and lightning never strikes within it. No surface structures generate in this biome. Ice Spikes are an excellent source of packed ice, which can be used for faster transportation, e.g. an unmeltable ice track for boats.

Generated in high weirdness, ice spikes are most commonly seperated from snowy plains by frozen rivers, and might border plains, snowy slopes, snowy beaches, stony shores, windswept gravelly hills, frozen oceans and rarely a cherry grove biome. Besides weirdness, ice spikes also require low temperatures as well as low humidity values during world generation.

Survival in ice spikes is more challenging than in most biomes, comparable to the difficulty of deserts, due to the absence of trees and villages. Food is also scarce, with farm animals not spawning in the biome and the only proper food sources being the semi-hostile polar bear and the timid rabbit. When under direct sky access, water also freezes when not provided with light, making above-ground farming more demanding. Finally, strays spawn on the surface at night among the usual hostile mobs, making nighttime slighly more difficult too.

Mobs[edit | edit source]

In Java Edition
MobSpawn weightGroup size
Monster category
EntitySprite creeper.png: Sprite image for creeper in Minecraft linking to CreeperCreeper1005154
EntitySprite slime.png: Sprite image for slime in Minecraft linking to SlimeSlime[note 1]1005154
EntitySprite spider.png: Sprite image for spider in Minecraft linking to SpiderSpider1005154
EntitySprite zombie.png: Sprite image for zombie in Minecraft linking to ZombieZombie955154
EntitySprite stray.png: Sprite image for stray in Minecraft linking to StrayStray805154
EntitySprite skeleton.png: Sprite image for skeleton in Minecraft linking to SkeletonSkeleton205154
EntitySprite enderman.png: Sprite image for enderman in Minecraft linking to EndermanEnderman105151–4
EntitySprite witch.png: Sprite image for witch in Minecraft linking to WitchWitch55151
EntitySprite zombie-villager.png: Sprite image for zombie-villager in Minecraft linking to Zombie VillagerZombie Villager55151
Ambient category
EntitySprite bat.png: Sprite image for bat in Minecraft linking to BatBat18
Creature category
EntitySprite rabbit.png: Sprite image for rabbit in Minecraft linking to RabbitRabbit10112–3
EntitySprite polar-bear.png: Sprite image for polar-bear in Minecraft linking to Polar BearPolar Bear1111–2
Underground water creature category
EntitySprite glow-squid.png: Sprite image for glow-squid in Minecraft linking to Glow SquidGlow Squid14–6
  1. Spawn attempt succeeds only in slime chunks.
In Bedrock Edition
MobSpawn weightGroup size
Monster category
EntitySprite creeper.png: Sprite image for creeper in Minecraft linking to CreeperCreeper1005351
EntitySprite slime.png: Sprite image for slime in Minecraft linking to SlimeSlime[note 1]1005351
EntitySprite spider.png: Sprite image for spider in Minecraft linking to SpiderSpider1005351
EntitySprite stray.png: Sprite image for stray in Minecraft linking to StrayStray965351–2
EntitySprite zombie.png: Sprite image for zombie in Minecraft linking to ZombieZombie955352–4
EntitySprite skeleton.png: Sprite image for skeleton in Minecraft linking to SkeletonSkeleton245351–2
EntitySprite enderman.png: Sprite image for enderman in Minecraft linking to EndermanEnderman105351–2
EntitySprite witch.png: Sprite image for witch in Minecraft linking to WitchWitch55351
EntitySprite zombie-villager.png: Sprite image for zombie-villager in Minecraft linking to Zombie VillagerZombie Villager55352–4
Creature category
EntitySprite glow-squid.png: Sprite image for glow-squid in Minecraft linking to Glow SquidGlow Squid10152–4
EntitySprite rabbit.png: Sprite image for rabbit in Minecraft linking to RabbitRabbit4152–3
EntitySprite polar-bear.png: Sprite image for polar-bear in Minecraft linking to Polar BearPolar Bear1151–2
  1. Spawn attempt succeeds only in slime chunks.

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

NameIdentifier[hide]Translation key
BiomeSprite ice-spikes.png: Sprite image for ice-spikes in Minecraft Ice spikesice_spikes

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifier[hide]Numeric ID
BiomeSprite ice-spikes.png: Sprite image for ice-spikes in Minecraft [No displayed name]ice_plains_spikes140

Video[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition
1.7.213w36aIce plains spikes has been added, along with many other biomes. Prior to the Update Aquatic, this biome was the only source of packed ice in the game.
In addition to the ice spikes, the terrain in this biome is more erratic and taller than the snowy mountains, comparable to the mountains.​[more information needed]
This biome tends to generate near snowy and cold biomes.
1.1016w20aIce plains spikes no longer spawn most passive mobs.
1.1318w19aRenamed "Ice Plains Spikes" to "Ice Spikes".
pre5Changed the ID mutated_ice_flats to ice_spikes.
1.18Experimental Snapshot 1Ice spikes no longer generate.
experimental snapshot 2Ice spikes generate once again.
21w44aIce spikes are now required for the "Adventuring Time" advancement.
1.2023w17a"A Familiar Room" can now be played in ice spikes.
[hide]Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.9.0build 1Added ice spikes biome.

Data history[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition
1.1317w47aIf numeric IDs for biomes were ever deprecated, it was most likely in this version.[verify]
pre5Changed the ID mutated_ice_flats to ice_spikes.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Ice Spikes" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Java Edition

  • MC-241833 – Ice spikes can generate excessively long when forming in locations with lots of air below them

Bedrock Edition

  • No open issues found.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]