Fill layer

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Fill layer is a technical feature that fills all air blocks in a 16×1×16 layer with a specified block. It is used by the game in superflat worlds.

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

Feature type[hide]Identifier
[No displayed name]fill_layer

Config[edit | edit source]

Main article: Configured feature

Java Edition:

  • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] config
    • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] state The block to fill with.
    • [Int] height The layer to fill, starting at the bottom of the world. Value between 0 and 4064 (inclusive).

An example:

  "type": "minecraft:fill_layer",
  "config": {
    "state": {
      "Name": "minecraft:stone"
    "height": 1

Navigation[edit | edit source]