Chorus plant (feature)

This article is about the tree-like feature that generates in the End. For the block that generates as part of this feature, see Chorus Plant. For other uses, see Chorus.

A chorus plant is a plant-like feature that generates in the highlands of the outer End islands.

Chorus plant
Chorus plant.png: Infobox image for Chorus plant the structure in Minecraft
Grows on

BlockSprite end-stone.png: Sprite image for end-stone in Minecraft linking to End StoneEnd Stone

Generates in
existing chunks

No, but a chorus flower can grow to a chorus plant.

Consists of

Generation Edit

Chorus plants generate on the outer islands of the End, in End highlands. They are formed in tall, coral-like patterns. They are the only source of chorus fruit and chorus flowers. The player can grow a new chorus plant by planting such a flower on a block of end stone.

Construction Edit

Chorus plants consist of chorus plant blocks and chorus flowers. A chorus flower generates at the top of each branch. A branch stops growing when the chorus flower on the branch reaches age 5, but it can be harvested and replanted to reset the age. Plant heights range between 5 and 22 blocks, although most stop growing before they reach 16 blocks tall.

Data values Edit

ID Edit

Java Edition:

Feature typeIdentifier
EnvSprite chorus-plant.png: Sprite image for chorus-plant in Minecraft [No displayed name]chorus_plant
Configured featureIdentifier
EnvSprite chorus-plant.png: Sprite image for chorus-plant in Minecraft [No displayed name]chorus_plant

Bedrock Edition: Hardcoded in the End generator. Not a feature.

Config Edit

Main article: Configured feature

Java Edition:

  • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] config: Empty

History Edit

Java Edition
June 22, 2015Jeb reveals chorus flowers on Instagram, with the caption "MINECON 2015 HYPE!"
1.915w31aAdded chorus plants.
pre1Chorus plants in the top of the world no longer try to grow anymore.
1.1418w43aChorus flowers on chorus plants can now be broken by arrows and tridents.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha chorus plants.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta flowers on chorus plants can now be broken by arrows.
Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU46CU361.381.381.38Patch 151.0.1Added chorus plants.
1.90 Chorus flowers on chorus plants can now be broken by arrows.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.7.10Added chorus plants.

Issues Edit

Issues relating to "Chorus plant (feature)" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Trivia Edit

  • The smallest possible fully-grown chorus plant (assuming the growth is not obstructed) would have 5 chorus plant blocks.
  • According to Jeb in the Ask Mojang midsummer special with Jeb, the chorus plant got its name from the soft sound it was supposed to make when it grew. He stated it was not supposed to actually sound like a chorus, but the idea of a forest of chorus plants created a choir together.
  • Dinnerbone took inspiration for chorus plants from real-life banana plants, which need to be replanted each time they bear fruit.[1]

Gallery Edit

Screenshots Edit

References Edit

  1. "The Beginning - Part 1: 15 Years of Minecraft" – Minecraft on YouTube, June 3, 2024

Navigation Edit