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Rarity tier



In Java Edition:

  • Wood: 59
  • Stone: 131
  • Iron: 250
  • Golden: 32
  • Diamond: 1561
  • Netherite: 2031

In Bedrock Edition:

  • Wood: 60
  • Stone: 132
  • Iron: 251
  • Golden: 33
  • Diamond: 1,562
  • Netherite: 2,032
  • Netherite: No
  • All others: Yes


A hoe is a tool that can quickly break sculk and certain plant-related blocks. Hoes also have unique interactions with dirt-related blocks, and can turn them into farmland or regular dirt blocks.

Variants[edit | edit source]

There are six hoe variants:

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Wooden, stone, iron, golden, and diamond hoes are crafted using 2 sticks and 2 identical units of tool material.

Ingredients [hide]Crafting recipe
Any Planks or
Any stone-tier block or
Iron Ingot or
Gold Ingot or
Diamond +
Invicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Oak Planks with description: Oak PlanksInvicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Spruce Planks with description: Spruce PlanksInvicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Birch Planks with description: Birch PlanksInvicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Jungle Planks with description: Jungle PlanksInvicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Acacia Planks with description: Acacia PlanksInvicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Dark Oak Planks with description: Dark Oak PlanksInvicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Mangrove Planks with description: Mangrove PlanksInvicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cherry Planks with description: Cherry PlanksInvicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Pale Oak Planks with description: Pale Oak PlanksInvicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Bamboo Planks with description: Bamboo PlanksInvicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Crimson Planks with description: Crimson PlanksInvicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Warped Planks with description: Warped PlanksInvicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cobblestone with description: CobblestoneInvicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blackstone with description: BlackstoneInvicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cobbled Deepslate with description: Cobbled DeepslateInvicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Ingot with description: Iron IngotInvicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gold Ingot with description: Gold IngotInvicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond with description: DiamondInvicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Oak Planks with description: Oak PlanksInvicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Spruce Planks with description: Spruce PlanksInvicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Birch Planks with description: Birch PlanksInvicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Jungle Planks with description: Jungle PlanksInvicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Acacia Planks with description: Acacia PlanksInvicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Dark Oak Planks with description: Dark Oak PlanksInvicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Mangrove Planks with description: Mangrove PlanksInvicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cherry Planks with description: Cherry PlanksInvicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Pale Oak Planks with description: Pale Oak PlanksInvicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Bamboo Planks with description: Bamboo PlanksInvicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Crimson Planks with description: Crimson PlanksInvicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Warped Planks with description: Warped PlanksInvicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cobblestone with description: CobblestoneInvicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blackstone with description: BlackstoneInvicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cobbled Deepslate with description: Cobbled DeepslateInvicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Ingot with description: Iron IngotInvicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gold Ingot with description: Gold IngotInvicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond with description: DiamondInvicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stick with description: StickInvicon Stick.png: Inventory sprite for Stick in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stick with description: Stick
Invicon Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack Speed

Smithing[edit | edit source]

Ingredients [hide]Smithing recipe
Netherite Upgrade +
Diamond Hoe +
Netherite Ingot
Invicon Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template with description: Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template Applies to:  Diamond Equipment Ingredients:  Netherite IngotInvicon Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Netherite Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Ingot with description: Netherite IngotInvicon Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack Speed

Usage[edit | edit source]

Harvesting[edit | edit source]

Hoes are used to harvest certain plant-based or organic blocks more quickly. Breaking one of these blocks takes 1 durability.

Block Breaking time (sec)[A]
Default BlockSprite oak-planks.png: Sprite image for oak-planks in MinecraftWooden BlockSprite cobblestone.png: Sprite image for cobblestone in MinecraftStone ItemSprite iron-ingot.png: Sprite image for iron-ingot in MinecraftIron ItemSprite diamond.png: Sprite image for diamond in MinecraftDiamond ItemSprite netherite-ingot.png: Sprite image for netherite-ingot in MinecraftNetherite ItemSprite gold-ingot.png: Sprite image for gold-ingot in MinecraftGolden
BlockSprite sculk-catalyst.png: Sprite image for sculk-catalyst in Minecraft linking to Sculk CatalystSculk Catalyst 4.5 2.25 1.15 0.75 0.6 0.5 0.4
BlockSprite sculk-shrieker.png: Sprite image for sculk-shrieker in Minecraft linking to Sculk ShriekerSculk Shrieker 4.5 2.25 1.15 0.75 0.6 0.5 0.4
BlockSprite sculk-sensor.png: Sprite image for sculk-sensor in Minecraft linking to Sculk SensorSculk Sensor 2.25 1.15 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2
BlockSprite calibrated-sculk-sensor.png: Sprite image for calibrated-sculk-sensor in Minecraft linking to Calibrated Sculk SensorCalibrated Sculk Sensor 2.25 1.15 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2
BlockSprite nether-wart-block.png: Sprite image for nether-wart-block in Minecraft linking to Nether Wart BlockNether Wart Block
BlockSprite warped-wart-block.png: Sprite image for warped-wart-block in Minecraft linking to Warped Wart BlockWarped Wart Block
1.5 0.75 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15
BlockSprite shroomlight.png: Sprite image for shroomlight in Minecraft linking to ShroomlightShroomlight 1.5 0.75 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15
BlockSprite hay-bale.png: Sprite image for hay-bale in Minecraft linking to Hay BaleHay Bale 0.75 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1
BlockSprite target.png: Sprite image for target in Minecraft linking to TargetTarget 0.75 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1
BlockSprite dried-kelp-block.png: Sprite image for dried-kelp-block in Minecraft linking to Dried Kelp BlockDried Kelp Block 0.75 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1
BlockSprite sponge.png: Sprite image for sponge in Minecraft linking to SpongeSponge
BlockSprite wet-sponge.png: Sprite image for wet-sponge in Minecraft linking to Wet SpongeWet Sponge
0.9 0.45 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1
BlockSprite oak-leaves.png: Sprite image for oak-leaves in Minecraft linking to LeavesLeaves 0.3 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
BlockSprite sculk.png: Sprite image for sculk in Minecraft linking to SculkSculk 0.3 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
BlockSprite sculk-vein.png: Sprite image for sculk-vein in Minecraft linking to Sculk VeinSculk Vein 0.3 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
BlockSprite moss-block.png: Sprite image for moss-block in Minecraft linking to Moss BlockMoss Block 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
BlockSprite moss-carpet.png: Sprite image for moss-carpet in Minecraft linking to Moss CarpetMoss Carpet 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
BlockSprite pale-moss-block.png: Sprite image for pale-moss-block in Minecraft linking to Pale Moss BlockPale Moss Block 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
BlockSprite pale-moss-carpet.png: Sprite image for pale-moss-carpet in Minecraft linking to Pale Moss CarpetPale Moss Carpet 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
  1. These durations ignore other influential factors (e.g. Mining Fatigue), and are measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Breaking any other block takes 0 durability if the block breaks instantly when broken by hand, or 1 otherwise.

Tilling[edit | edit source]

Hoes are used to turn dirt, grass blocks, and dirt paths into farmland. To till, press use on a grass or dirt block while holding a hoe. This does not work on mycelium or podzol,[1] nor does it work if there are other blocks on top of the targeted blocks, including snow layers or torches. However, mycelium and podzol can be first converted to dirt paths with a shovel, then tilled into farmland with a hoe.

Hoes can be used to convert coarse dirt into regular dirt by pressing use on the coarse dirt. Similar to tilling dirt, the space above the coarse dirt must be empty for it to be tilled.

Hoes can also be used on rooted dirt, which turns it into normal dirt, and yields a hanging roots item.

Tilling is effectively instantaneous, regardless of material, and uses 1 durability. Breaking blocks with a hoe uses 0 or 1 durability, depending on the block.

Hoes are unable to work on blocks with a plant on top, even if that plant could normally be placed on top of farmland without reverting it to dirt.[2]

Weapon[edit | edit source]

A hoe loses 2 points of durability when used as a weapon. Hoes may be used as a weapon, although they deal only 1HP♥ damage in Java Edition, identical to that of a bare hand. In Bedrock Edition, hoes do equal damage to pickaxes of the same tier.

Java Edition[edit | edit source]

Hoes have differing attack speeds depending on the material, and all deal 1HP♥ damage.

Material ItemSprite wooden-hoe.png: Sprite image for wooden-hoe in MinecraftWooden ItemSprite golden-hoe.png: Sprite image for golden-hoe in MinecraftGold ItemSprite stone-hoe.png: Sprite image for stone-hoe in MinecraftStone ItemSprite iron-hoe.png: Sprite image for iron-hoe in MinecraftIron ItemSprite diamond-hoe.png: Sprite image for diamond-hoe in MinecraftDiamond ItemSprite netherite-hoe.png: Sprite image for netherite-hoe in MinecraftNetherite
Attack damage 1HP♥ 1HP♥ 1HP♥ 1HP♥ 1HP♥ 1HP♥
Attack speed 1 1 2 3 4 4
Damage per second (DPS) 1 1 2 2[note 1] 2[note 1] 2[note 1]
Durability 59 32 131 250 1561 2031
Lifetime damage inflicted[note 2] 29HP♥ × 14.5 16HP♥ × 8 65HP♥ × 32.5 125HP♥ × 62.5 780HP♥ × 390 1015HP♥ × 507.5
  1. Jump up to: a b c Effective DPS is limited at 2 due to the 0.5 second invulnerabity timer.
  2. The formula to find the total lifetime damage is ceil(durability ÷ 2) × damage per hit. The durability is halved then ceiled because hoes take double durability when used as a weapon, and the last 1 durability can also deal damage. The formula also ignores enchantments and critical hits, and assumes each attack is performed at maximum charge.

Bedrock Edition[edit | edit source]

In Bedrock Edition, hoes have no attack cooldown, and deal the following damage:

Material ItemSprite wooden-hoe.png: Sprite image for wooden-hoe in MinecraftWooden ItemSprite golden-hoe.png: Sprite image for golden-hoe in MinecraftGold ItemSprite stone-hoe.png: Sprite image for stone-hoe in MinecraftStone ItemSprite iron-hoe.png: Sprite image for iron-hoe in MinecraftIron ItemSprite diamond-hoe.png: Sprite image for diamond-hoe in MinecraftDiamond ItemSprite netherite-hoe.png: Sprite image for netherite-hoe in MinecraftNetherite
Attack damage 3HP♥♥ 3HP♥♥ 4HP♥♥ 5HP♥♥♥ 6HP♥♥♥ 7HP♥♥♥♥
Durability 60 33 132 251 1562 2032
Lifetime damage inflicted[note 1] 90HP♥ × 45 48HP♥ × 24 264HP♥ × 132 625HP♥ × 312.5 4686HP♥ × 2343 7112HP♥ × 3556

Repairing[edit | edit source]

Combining[edit | edit source]

Ingredients Crafting recipe [hide]Description
Matching Damaged Hoes
Invicon Damaged Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack Speed
Invicon Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack Speed
The durability of the two hoes is added together, plus an extra 5% of the tool type's total durability.
Ingredients Grinding recipe [hide]Description
Matching Damaged Hoes
Invicon Damaged Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack Speed
The durability of the two hoes is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.

Anvil repair[edit | edit source]

Name Ingredients [hide]Anvil recipe
Wooden Hoe Damaged Wooden Hoe +
Any Planks
Wooden HoeInvicon Damaged Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Oak Planks with description: Oak PlanksInvicon Spruce Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Spruce Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Spruce Planks with description: Spruce PlanksInvicon Birch Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Birch Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Birch Planks with description: Birch PlanksInvicon Jungle Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Jungle Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Jungle Planks with description: Jungle PlanksInvicon Acacia Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Acacia Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Acacia Planks with description: Acacia PlanksInvicon Dark Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Dark Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Dark Oak Planks with description: Dark Oak PlanksInvicon Mangrove Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Mangrove Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Mangrove Planks with description: Mangrove PlanksInvicon Cherry Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Cherry Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cherry Planks with description: Cherry PlanksInvicon Pale Oak Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Pale Oak Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Pale Oak Planks with description: Pale Oak PlanksInvicon Bamboo Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Bamboo Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Bamboo Planks with description: Bamboo PlanksInvicon Crimson Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Crimson Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Crimson Planks with description: Crimson PlanksInvicon Warped Planks.png: Inventory sprite for Warped Planks in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Warped Planks with description: Warped PlanksInvicon Wooden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Wooden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Wooden Hoe with description: Wooden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack Speed
Stone Hoe Damaged Stone Hoe +
Cobblestone or
Blackstone or
Cobbled Deepslate
Stone HoeInvicon Damaged Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack SpeedInvicon Cobblestone.png: Inventory sprite for Cobblestone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cobblestone with description: CobblestoneInvicon Blackstone.png: Inventory sprite for Blackstone in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Blackstone with description: BlackstoneInvicon Cobbled Deepslate.png: Inventory sprite for Cobbled Deepslate in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Cobbled Deepslate with description: Cobbled DeepslateInvicon Stone Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Stone Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Stone Hoe with description: Stone Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  2 Attack Speed
Iron Hoe Damaged Iron Hoe +
Iron Ingot
Iron HoeInvicon Damaged Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack SpeedInvicon Iron Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Ingot with description: Iron IngotInvicon Iron Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Iron Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Iron Hoe with description: Iron Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  3 Attack Speed
Golden Hoe Damaged Golden Hoe +
Gold Ingot
Golden HoeInvicon Damaged Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack SpeedInvicon Gold Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Gold Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Gold Ingot with description: Gold IngotInvicon Golden Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Golden Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Golden Hoe with description: Golden Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  1 Attack Speed
Diamond Hoe Damaged Diamond Hoe +
Diamond HoeInvicon Damaged Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Diamond.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond with description: DiamondInvicon Diamond Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Diamond Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Diamond Hoe with description: Diamond Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack Speed
Netherite Hoe Damaged Netherite Hoe +
Netherite Ingot
Netherite HoeInvicon Damaged Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Damaged Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Damaged Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack SpeedInvicon Netherite Ingot.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Ingot in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Ingot with description: Netherite IngotInvicon Netherite Hoe.png: Inventory sprite for Netherite Hoe in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Netherite Hoe with description: Netherite Hoe When in Main Hand:  1 Attack Damage  4 Attack Speed

A hoe can be repaired in an anvil by adding units of the tiers' repair material, with each repair material restoring 25% the hoe's maximum durability, rounded down. Two hoes of the same tier can also be combined in an anvil. Both methods preserve the hoe's enchantments.

Enchantments[edit | edit source]

A hoe can receive the following enchantments:

Name Description Max level Method Weight
Efficiency Increases the mining speed. V BlockSprite enchanting-table.png: Sprite image for enchanting-table in Minecraft linking to Enchanting TableEnchanting Table
BlockSprite anvil.png: Sprite image for anvil in Minecraft linking to AnvilAnvil
Fortune[note 2] Increases the amount of drops when mining. III BlockSprite enchanting-table.png: Sprite image for enchanting-table in Minecraft linking to Enchanting TableEnchanting Table
BlockSprite anvil.png: Sprite image for anvil in Minecraft linking to AnvilAnvil
Silk Touch[note 2] Causes blocks to drop themselves when mined. I BlockSprite enchanting-table.png: Sprite image for enchanting-table in Minecraft linking to Enchanting TableEnchanting Table
BlockSprite anvil.png: Sprite image for anvil in Minecraft linking to AnvilAnvil
Unbreaking Grants a chance to negate durability consumption. III BlockSprite enchanting-table.png: Sprite image for enchanting-table in Minecraft linking to Enchanting TableEnchanting Table
BlockSprite anvil.png: Sprite image for anvil in Minecraft linking to AnvilAnvil
Mending Repairs the hoe when obtaining experience. I BlockSprite anvil.png: Sprite image for anvil in Minecraft linking to AnvilAnvil 2
Curse of Vanishing The hoe vanishes on death, not dropping as an item. I BlockSprite anvil.png: Sprite image for anvil in Minecraft linking to AnvilAnvil 1
  1. The formula to find the total lifetime damage is ceil(durability ÷ 2) × damage per hit. The durability is halved then ceiled because hoes take double durability when used as a weapon, and the last 1 durability can also deal damage. The formula also ignores enchantments and critical hits, and assumes each attack is performed at maximum charge.
  2. Jump up to: a b Silk Touch and Fortune are mutually exclusive.

Sounds[edit | edit source]

Java Edition

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
​Hoe tillsBlocksWhen a block is tilled into farmlanditem.hoe.tillsubtitles.item.hoe.till1.01.016
​Item breaksPlayersWhen a hoe's durability is exhaustedentity.item.breaksubtitles.entity.item.break0.80.8-1.216

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a block is tilled into farmlanduse.gravel1.00.8
PlayersWhen a hoe's durability is exhaustedrandom.break1.00.9

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

NameIdentifierForm[hide]Translation key
ItemSprite wooden-hoe.png: Sprite image for wooden-hoe in Minecraft Wooden Hoewooden_hoeItem
ItemSprite stone-hoe.png: Sprite image for stone-hoe in Minecraft Stone Hoestone_hoeItem
ItemSprite iron-hoe.png: Sprite image for iron-hoe in Minecraft Iron Hoeiron_hoeItem
ItemSprite diamond-hoe.png: Sprite image for diamond-hoe in Minecraft Diamond Hoediamond_hoeItem
ItemSprite golden-hoe.png: Sprite image for golden-hoe in Minecraft Golden Hoegolden_hoeItem
ItemSprite netherite-hoe.png: Sprite image for netherite-hoe in Minecraft Netherite Hoenetherite_hoeItem

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Form[hide]Translation key
ItemSprite wooden-hoe.png: Sprite image for wooden-hoe in Minecraft Wooden hoewooden_hoe329Item
ItemSprite stone-hoe.png: Sprite image for stone-hoe in Minecraft Stone hoestone_hoe330Item
ItemSprite iron-hoe.png: Sprite image for iron-hoe in Minecraft Iron hoeiron_hoe331Item
ItemSprite diamond-hoe.png: Sprite image for diamond-hoe in Minecraft Diamond hoediamond_hoe332Item
ItemSprite golden-hoe.png: Sprite image for golden-hoe in Minecraft Golden hoegolden_hoe333Item
ItemSprite netherite-hoe.png: Sprite image for netherite-hoe in Minecraft Netherite hoenetherite_hoe608Item

Achievements[edit | edit source]

IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS)
AchievementSprite moar-tools.png: Sprite image for moar-tools in Minecraft linking to Achievement#MOAR ToolsNewAchievementSprite moar-tools.png: Sprite image for moar-tools in Minecraft linking to Achievement#MOAR ToolsMOAR ToolsConstruct one type of each tool.Construct one pickaxe, one shovel, one axe, and one hoe with the same material.15Bronze
AchievementSprite oooh-shiny.png: Sprite image for oooh-shiny in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Oooh, shiny!NewAchievementSprite oooh-shiny.png: Sprite image for oooh-shiny in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Oooh, shiny!Oooh, shiny!Distract a Piglin using goldGive a piglin a gold item while it is aggressive toward the player.30Silver
AchievementSprite time-to-farm.png: Sprite image for time-to-farm in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Time to Farm!NewAchievementSprite time-to-farm.png: Sprite image for time-to-farm in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Time to Farm!Time to Farm!Make a Hoe.Pick up any type of hoe from a crafting table output.10Bronze

Advancements[edit | edit source]

IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)
Oh ShinyDistract Piglins with gold The player must not be wearing any gold armor. Other gold-related items do not distract the piglin and do not trigger this advancement.
Serious DedicationUse a Netherite Ingot to upgrade a Hoe, and then reevaluate your life choicesHave a netherite hoe in the inventory.

Video[edit | edit source]

Note: This video is outdated, as hoes can now be used to break organic blocks since Java Edition 1.16.

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition Indev
20100206-2034 Added hoes.
Compared to other golden tools, golden hoes had much higher durability, which was 513 instead of 33.
[hide]Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.17Golden hoes' durability has been decreased from 513 to 65, matching the stone tools.
[hide]Java Edition Beta
1.2Golden hoes now have the same durability as the other gold tools.
1.6Test Build 3Before, using a hoe on grass blocks was the only way to collect seeds for planting. As short grass has been introduced, this feature has been removed.
[hide]Java Edition
1.2.112w07aPlayer is now unable to till dirt or grass block when there is a block on top of them.
1.2.4releaseSpruce planks, birch planks, and jungle planks can now be used to craft wooden hoes.
1.3.112w18aWooden hoes can now be used as fuel in a furnace.
12w21aBlacksmith villagers now sell 1 diamond hoe for 7 emeralds, and 1 iron hoe for 4–5 emeralds.
1.4.212w38aHoes now have a sound when tilling dirt. planks and dark oak planks can now be used to craft wooden hoes.
1.814w02aVillagers no longer trade iron or diamond hoes, making diamond hoes non-renewable.
14w32aHoes can now be used to convert coarse dirt into regular dirt.
1.915w34cStone, iron and diamond hoes now do slightly more damage than an unarmed attack.
15w34dAll hoes now lose 1 durability when used as a weapon.
15w35aHoes now all do the same damage, but better materials have higher speeds.
15w50aAdded a sound for hoes: item.hoe.till.
1.1116w39aDiamond hoes are now found in the new woodland mansion chests.
1.11.116w50aGolden and iron hoes can now be smelted down into one of their respective nuggets.
1.1418w43a The textures of all hoes have been changed.
19w11aToolsmith villagers now sell stone hoes and diamond hoes, making diamond hoes renewable again.
19w13aToolsmith villagers now give stone hoes to players under the Hero of the Village effect.
1.1620w06a Added netherite hoes.
Netherite hoes are obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
Crimson planks and warped planks can now be used to craft wooden hoes.
20w09aHoes can now break nether wart and warped wart blocks quickly.
Netherite hoes can now be obtained through bartering with piglins.
The textures of wooden, golden, and diamond hoes have been changed.
20w10aEach tier of hoes now has different a speed while mining blocks they are effective against.
Hoes can now be enchanted with Efficiency, Fortune and Silk Touch.
Hoes now mine hay bales faster than other tools.
Netherite hoes are now less common when bartering with piglins.
The texture of netherite hoes has been changed.
Netherite hoes can no longer be crafted.
Netherite hoes are now obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.
20w11aHoes can now mine dried kelp blocks, targets, and shroomlights faster than other tools.
20w12aHoes can now mine sponges faster than other tools.
20w15aHoes can now mine leaves faster.
Stone hoes can now be crafted using blackstone.
20w16aGolden hoes now generate randomly enchanted in bastion remnants and ruined portal chests.
20w20aNetherite hoes can no longer be obtained through bartering with piglins, making them no longer renewable.
1.1720w49aHoes can now mine sculk sensors faster than other tools.
21w11aHoes are now the appropriate tool for breaking moss blocks.
21w08aStone hoes can now be crafted using cobbled deepslate.
21w20aHoes can now be used on rooted dirt, turning it into normal dirt, yielding a hanging roots item.
1.1922w11aMangrove planks can now be used to craft wooden hoes.
22w12aHoes can now mine mangrove leaves faster.[3]
22w13aDiamond hoes may now be found in ancient city chests.
Update 1.20
23w04aUpgrading diamond hoes to netherite hoes now requires the netherite upgrade smithing template.
1.2023w12aWooden hoes may now be found when brushing suspicious sand and suspicious gravel in cold and warm ocean ruins and trail ruins.
23w16aWooden hoes no longer generate in suspicious sand in trail ruins.
Due to the split of the archaeological loot tables for suspicious gravel within trail ruins; wooden hoes are now common loot.
[hide]Upcoming Java Edition
Combat Tests1.14.3 - Combat TestThe attack speed of wooden hoes has been changed to 2, stone to 2.5, and diamond and gold to 3.5.
The damage dealt for wooden, stone, and gold hoes have been changed to 2HP♥ and iron and diamond hoes to 3HP♥♥.
The attack reach of hoes has been increased to 4 blocks.
Combat Test 7cThe attack damage of netherite hoes has been changed to 4HP♥♥.
The attack speed of netherite hoes has been changed to 3.5.
[hide]Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.4.0 Added hoes.
Only iron hoes are available in the Creative inventory.
Wheat seeds are now obtained by using a hoe on grass blocks.
v0.8.0build 3Beetroot seeds, carrots, and potatoes are now obtained by using a hoe on grass blocks.
build 4Carrots and potatoes no longer spawn from tilling grass blocks with a hoe.
v0.11.0build 11Wooden, stone, golden, and diamond hoes are now available in the Creative inventory.
build 12Wooden, stone, golden, and diamond hoes have been removed from creative.
build 13All hoes are now available in creative mode again.
v0.16.2Wooden hoes can now be found inside the chest in the large house of ice plains villages.
[hide]Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha and golden hoes are now smeltable.
Diamond hoes can now be found inside woodland mansion chests.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta can now be used to transform coarse dirt into normal dirt.
1.10.0beta to villages being overhauled, wooden hoes can no longer be found in villages.
The textures of all hoes have been changed.
1.11.0beta and diamond hoes can now be bought from toolsmith villagers.
1.12.0beta price of diamond hoes sold by toolsmith villagers has been lowered to 4 emeralds.
1.16.0beta Added netherite hoes.
Netherite hoes are obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
The textures of wooden, golden, and diamond hoes have been changed.
beta tier of hoes now has different a speed while mining blocks they are effective against.
Hoes can now break hay bales, dried kelp blocks, target blocks, dry and wet sponges, shroomlights, leaves, nether wart and warped wart blocks quickly.
Hoes can now be enchanted with Efficiency, Fortune, and Silk Touch.
Netherite hoes can now be obtained through bartering with piglins.
Netherite hoes can no longer be crafted.
Netherite hoes are now obtained by combining one diamond hoe and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.
Stone hoes can now be created using blackstone.
Golden and netherite hoes now generate randomly enchanted in bastion remnants chests.
Golden hoes now generate randomly enchanted in ruined portal chests.
Hoes now deal the same damage as pickaxes of each tier.
1.16.100beta hoes can no longer be obtained through bartering with piglins, making them no longer renewable.
1.17.10beta The texture of netherite hoes has been changed to match Java Edition.
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU1CU11.001.001.00Patch 11.0.1 Added hoes (all five types).
TU141.04Blacksmith villagers now sell 1 diamond hoe for 7 emeralds, and 1 iron hoe for 4–5 emeralds.
TU31CU191.221.221.22Patch 3Villagers no longer trade iron or diamond hoes, making diamond hoes non-renewable without resetting the nether to get an infinite amount of diamonds.
Hoes can now be used to convert coarse dirt into regular dirt.
TU46CU361.381.381.38Patch 15Added a sound for hoes. Previously, using a hoe played the sound for walking on farmland.
TU53CU431.491.501.49Patch 231.0.3Iron and golden hoes are now smeltable.
TU54CU441.521.521.52Patch 241.0.4Diamond hoes are now found in the new woodland mansion chests.
1.90 The textures of all hoes have been changed.
[hide]New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Added hoes.
  • February 20, 2024: A Mojang video about bugs shows early textures of netherite items, including the hoe: [1].

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Hoe" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Tilling a dirt block that has a dirt block on top of it changes it to farmland even though it cannot be used. If a hoe is used on a block horizontally adjacent to such a block, the first block reverts to dirt and the selected block is not tilled.
  • When a hoe breaks while tilling dirt, it does not display the tool breaking animation like on other tools, because tilling is not predicted client-side.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Renders[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

In other media[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. MC-8231 — Mycelium and podzol cannot be tilled with hoes
  2. MC-167846 — Hoe cannot be used on blocks with certain blocks on top even if said blocks can normally exist on farmland — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  3. MC-249270 — Mangrove leaves do not have a hoe as their preferred tool — resolved as "Fixed".

External links[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]