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Steve, Efe, Zuri and Kai playing together

Multiplayer is the style of playing Minecraft that involves multiple players interacting on a single world, available on a server, allowing them to work together to mine ores, build structures, and fight mobs (or each other), or to simply play together.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

A multiplayer game runs inside a server, which provides an environment for players to play with other people over the Internet or a local area network (LAN). Players are connected to a server using the Minecraft client software, and the server hosted using the server software.

The gameplay in a multiplayer game is generally the same as in singleplayer, with some notable differences. Multiplayer has more of an emphasis on community and collaboration between players. Multiplayer allows players to socialize with each other using chat, organize a group or team, build contraptions that are intended for other players, and make certain progression faster by working together. In addition, there are many adventure maps and minigames in which multiple players are required.

Differences from singleplayer[edit | edit source]

There are some differences between a multiplayer and singleplayer game, one being that the game cannot be paused by a player. For example, if the player has items being smelted in a furnace, pressing the pause button (Esc by default) does not stop the smelting process. Mobs and entities don't also pause and continue to process. In Bedrock Edition, there is no difference as opening the menu in singleplayer does not pause the game.‌[until BE 1.21.60]

A similar functionality of pausing can be achieved in multiplayer by using /tick freeze command, but requires operator privileges.‌[Java Edition only]

Internally, the game runs a server for singleplayer, allowing the singleplayer game experience to be consistent with the multiplayer experience.

Server list[edit | edit source]

Main article: Server list
The multiplayer screen in Java Edition allows the player to add a new server or join them.

In order to join a Minecraft server, the game includes a menu where players can join a server, and save the ones they've visited. This feature is called the server list, and it's available under the Multiplayer menu,‌[JE only] or the Servers tab on the Play menu.‌[BE only] From the list, players can check if a server is online, check their latency, and see how many players are in the game. In Bedrock Edition, the server list includes featured servers which are partnered with Mojang Studios. In the console versions, the featured servers are the only servers available, and third-party servers cannot be accessed.

An official server list for Java Edition is available and provided by GamerSafer. These server listed on the site are required to be EULA and MUG compliant, and have been vetted by GamerSafer and Mojang Enforcement Team.

LAN connections[edit | edit source]

Minecraft lets players to host their singleplayer world as a multiplayer game on the local area network (LAN), allowing other players on the same network to join their game.

Java Edition[edit | edit source]

In Java Edition, multiplayer game on LAN is not enabled by default, and must be activated under the Open to LAN menu in the pause menu. Upon activation, the multiplayer game provides different customization:

  • "Game Mode", which sets the game mode of other players once they join the world for the first time. Once a player rejoins, they retain their previous game mode even if the game mode on join was changed.
  • "Allow Commands", which allows or denies other players access to execute commands depending on the selected option. Once a player rejoins, they do not retain their cheats permissions unless enabled again.

Once the game is opened to LAN, a LAN server automatically appears and can be joined in the server list. Players can also open their game to LAN by using /publish command.

Bedrock Edition[edit | edit source]

In Bedrock Edition, multiplayer game is enabled by default upon a world creation. This setting can be changed in the world settings under the Multiplayer menu.

The multiplayer game in Bedrock Edition allows LAN and other connections over the Xbox network. This means players that are not in the same local network can join the host's game by invites or their friend status in Xbox. This can be changed under the "Microsoft Account Settings" drop down, with multiple options:

  • If they select "Invite Only", only Xbox friends that the host invites can join them.
  • If they select "Friends Only", then only the host's friends on Xbox can join them. This is the default option.
  • If they select "Friends of Friends", then the host's Xbox friends and their friends can join.

There is a second option called "Visible to LAN Players", which allows anyone on the same local network or Wi-Fi network as the host to join them, regardless of if they are a friend of theirs or not. There can be a maximum of 5 or 8 players at a time in a world, and can be set using /setmaxplayers up to 30 players.

Realms[edit | edit source]

Main article: Realms

Players can pay a subscription service to create their own private Minecraft server. This service is called Realms, and it is provided by Mojang Studios on Java Edition and Bedrock Edition. Realms are not available in the server list, players can join Realms only if they're invited by the realm owner. Additionally, realm owners can get custom maps and minigames to play on Realms, included within the subscription.

Video[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition Classic
0.0.12aMay 18, 2009Began work on the implementation of multiplayer.
0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 1)Multiplayer is first tested.
0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 4)Players' names now appear above their heads.
0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 5)Added the chat system.
Due to a bug, opening the chat in a singleplayer world crashes the game.
?The default port has been changed to 25565
0.0.16aReduced bandwidth usage.
Multiplayer has been released after many beta trials.
Added commands for admins such as /kick and /ban.
0.0.17aPlayers can now see the chat log when typing.
Added the ability to see the list of players logged in by pressing Tab.
Custom player skin test.
The chat can no longer be accessed in singleplayer.
0.0.18aCustom skins have been released.
0.0.18a_02Added support in chat for characters |, @, and $.
0.0.23aClicking a player's name under the player list pastes their username into the chat.
0.24_SURVIVAL_TESTRemoved multiplayer.
0.28Readded multiplayer.
Other players can be killed in multiplayer.
0.28_01Other players can no longer be killed in multiplayer.
[hide]Java Edition Indev
0.3120091223-0040Multiplayer has been made partially inaccessible (although the multiplayer code still exists and can be re-enabled).
Connecting to a multiplayer server causes players to spawn in a bedrock cube.[citation needed]
The game acts as if it is in singleplayer – the chat is inaccessible and the player list cannot be opened.
?Multiplayer no longer works.[citation needed]
[hide]Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.10Mojang hosts a private Survival multiplayer server that requires invitation to join.
v1.0.12Survival multiplayer testing begins.
v1.0.15Survival multiplayer is released.
v1.0.16Added /ban, /pardon, /ban-ip, /pardon-ip, /op and /deop commands.
Added server operators.
v1.0.16_01Added /tp <player1> <player2>, /save-all, /save-off and /save-on commands.
v1.0.16_02Added /tell and /list commands.
Operators can now build in the spawn area.
The server now logs what admin does what and broadcasts any admin events to all connected ops.
/save-off now works.
v1.0.17Chickens, pigs and slimes can now spawn.
The daylight cycle now works.
v1.1.0Chests, signs and furnaces now work.
v1.2.1Music now plays in multiplayer.
v1.2.2Vehicles are now functional.
v1.2.3Health and damage are now functional.
v1.2.3_05Other players are shown as sneaking when they are sneaking.
Names of sneaking players are now fainter and visible at shorter distances, and are not visible through solid blocks.
[hide]Java Edition Beta
1.0Inventory is now server-side (fixes disappearing items and duplication as a result).
1.2Worn armor is now visible on other players.
Paintings now work.
1.3Players standing on fences no longer get stuck.
1.4"Ghost" client-sided slimes no longer spawn.
1.5Wolves no longer constantly whimper when they have full health.
1.6Test Build 3The Nether now works in multiplayer.
Dispensers now emit smoke and play sounds when used.
Fixed fake client-sided music discs spawned when ejecting them from a jukebox.
New settings in view-distance and allow-nether.
1.7.3Modded clients can no longer edit text of placed signs.
1.8Pre-releaseGhast attack sounds in multiplayer have been fixed.
[hide]Java Edition
1.0.1releaseFixed "Invalid server key" error when attempting to log into server.
Fixed "Null pointer exception" error when logging into server.
1.111w49aCorrected a setTileEntity multiplayer bug.
?It is now possible to enter colored text in the chat.
1.2.112w06aIt is no longer possible to enter colored text in multiplayer's chat with the vanilla client.
Monster spawners now show the correct mob inside them.
Mob hitboxes have been fixed (it is now possible to hit their legs).
1.2.4Added a chat history.
Added the ability to complete usernames using the Tab key.
Added the ability to copy-paste text.
1.3.112w23aPlayers can now see the cracking effect when other players mine blocks.
Multiplayer now scans for local games.
1.814w02aImproved chat communication.​[more information needed]
Messages are now either chat, system, or action bar messages.
Action bar messages are always shown. Chat and system messages are now only shown if chat settings are configured that way.
Some instances of usernames in the chat do now show the player's UUID when hovered on when debug tooltips are enabled.
1.915w43aChat now supports Chinese, Japanese and Korean, and probably other IME entered languages.[verify]
1.1116w38aChat messages can now be 256 characters long instead of 100.
1.1217w13aAdded the narrator, which can read chat messages aloud.
17w15aAdded a toast notification for toggling the narrator.
The narrator now has four settings: "off", "all", "chat", and "system".
17w18bMade the narrator work on nearly all systems (Linux requires Flite for it to work).
1.1620w15aChat line spacing can be adjusted.
A chat delay can be set between 0 (default) and 6 seconds.
1.19.122w24aAdded the player reporting system, only accessible in multiplayer worlds.
1.20.524w04aRenamed "Allow cheats" to "Allow commands" on the Open to LAN screen.
[hide]New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.4.23Added support for 2-player multiplayer using Local Play.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Multiplayer" or "Server" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Java Edition

  • MC-18216 – Inventory items held by mouse are getting lost on server shutdown
  • MC-95720 – Client-server desync on seemingly invalid block placement
  • MC-115237 – World and/or player data gets corrupted if a server is suddenly shut down
  • MC-167409 – Large groups of Ravagers cause TPS lag on servers
  • MC-237841 – Copying containers with NBT into themselves causes intense server-side lag and eventual crash
  • MC-250276 – The server sometimes freezes when attempting to locate structures or biomes that are far away
  • MC-254201 – Allays travelling abnormally far towards northwest when logging off a multiplayer server
  • MC-267204 – Resource pack completes download if connection to server is canceled before you join
  • MC-267364 – Teleporting in the air is considered flying by server
  • MC-271756 – Java server lags insanely hard when the GC frees up RAM
  • And 140 other open issues.

Bedrock Edition

  • MCPE-190628 – Split-screen multiplayer broken on Switch when joining a Realm
  • MCPE-190747 – Server IP Address Visible
  • MCPE-171186 – Console devices lag out multiplayer users when saving files
  • MCPE-36190 – Multiplayer Connection Issues and Workarounds
  • MCPE-190841 – Classic skins reset to default skin creator skins on its own during a world or server play
  • MCPE-109879 – Getting disconnected from server when minimizing game or switching focus to another app
  • MCPE-179383 – New server UI screen no longer shows the ping speed number
  • MCPE-185261 – "Create" button is grayed out and cannot be pressed when logged into an account without an Xbox Live Gold subscription until Player manually disables the "Multiplayer game" toggle
  • MCPE-12347 – Crashes causing rollback on Realm or shared multiplayer world
  • MCPE-19393 – Clients disconnect when window focus changes on remote host/server (Windows 10)
  • And 51 other open issues.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Mojang screenshots[edit | edit source]

Development images[edit | edit source]

In other media[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]