Technical blocks/Lava

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[hide]Java Edition Classic
?Lava has an extra, unobtainable item form corresponding to its block ID, which uses the "texture" rendered as a cube.
?Flowing lava can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 10.
Still lava can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 11.
0.24_SURVIVAL_TESTLava can be obtained as an item by having a creeper explode near it.
0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST_03Explosions no longer drop lava as an item.
[hide]Java Edition Infdev
20100615When placed, still lava items always remain still until receiving a block update. Flowing lava items spread immediately.
[hide]Java Edition Beta
1.6Test Build 3Lava items can be obtained from the newly added debug chests, mainly from the 10th slot of the 1st chest from the left, and the 21th slot of the 4th chest from the left.
Flowing lava items can be obtained from the newly added debug chests, mainly from the 11th slot of the 1st chest from the left, and the 22nd slot of the 4th chest from the left.
releaseDebug chests no longer spawn, preventing lava and flowing lava items from being obtained this way.
[hide]Java Edition
1.3.112w16aLava items can now be obtained in singleplayer worlds via the /give command using the respective numeric IDs.
1.814w25aThe direct item forms of lava and flowing lava have been removed from the game. They can no longer exist as items in any way, only as placed blocks.
[hide]Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.1.0Flowing lava can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 10.
Still lava can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 11.
When placed, still lava items always remain still until receiving a block update. Flowing lava items spread immediately.
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU0CU11.001.001.00Patch 1 Both flowing and still lava exists as an item.
TU31CU191.221.221.22Patch 3Flowing lava as an item has been removed from the game. Note that still lava still exists as an item.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

? Lava appears like this in the inventory. It appears about two pixels offset downward compared to other cube items.
Lava items, when dropped on the ground, appear much larger than other blocks.
[hide]Java Edition Infdev
20100607 A texture bug in this version results in lava items containing some parts of the water texture.
20100608 Lava items are now fully lava again.
20100611 All 3D rendered items, which currently includes lava, now appear shaded slightly darker in the inventory.
20100615 Lava items are now completely flat.
When placed, still lava items always remain still until receiving a block update. Flowing lava items spread immediately.
20100616 In accordance with the change to lava itself, lava items now appear flowing rather than still.
[hide]Java Edition
1.513w02a Lava items now use the still lava texture likely due to texture storage reforms.
[hide]Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.1.0 Both lava items use the placeholder texture in the inventory, when held in first or third person view, or as a dropped item.
v0.2.0 Both lava items are now invisible in the inventory.
v0.3.3 Both lava items are once again visible in the inventory.
v0.7.0 Both lava items now use the procedurally-generated flowing lava animation.
v0.10.0build 1 Both lava items use the placeholder texture when held in first or third person view.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
?The item appears animated only when in the inventory or hotbar. When dropped, held or in an item frame, it appears completely stationary.
?When held, the item uses the whole 32x32 flowing texture rather than the usual 16x16 section of it.
? Lava now looks like this in the inventory.
?Lava can now be obtained as an item through breaking surrounding blocks in a certain way.[1]
?Lava no longer appears at twice the usual resolution in the player's hand.
1.5.0beta Lava now appears tinted like water is in the inventory.
1.8.0beta The texture for the lava item has once again changed/updated.
1.8.0beta Lava displays this texture when in an item frame or when looked at in 1st or 3rd person.
1.11.0beta Lava now looks like this in the inventory.
1.11.0beta Lava now looks like this when placed into an item frame.
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU0CU11.001.001.00Patch 11.0.1 Lava uses this texture when in item form. Note that lava in item form is animated in-game.
TU12 Lava now uses this texture when in item form.
TU25CU141.171.171.17 Lava now uses a 3D texture when in item form.

Names[edit | edit source]

Still Lava[edit | edit source]
Java Edition

Item names did not exist prior to Beta 1.0.

  • Beta 1.0 - 14w21b: Lava
  • (As block name, item does not exist) 14w25a and onward: Lava
  • The flowing and stationary lava blocks has been removed and lava block has become generic. Generic lava block's resource location is minecraft:lava.
Pocket Edition
  • v0.13.0 Alpha - v0.14.3 Alpha:
  • v0.15.0 Alpha - ?:[2]
Xbox 360 Edition
  • TU0 - TU75: Lava
Flowing Lava[edit | edit source]
Java Edition

Item names did not exist prior to Beta 1.0.

  • Beta 1.0 - 14w21b: Lava
  • (As block name, item does not exist) 14w25a and onward: Lava
Bedrock Edition

Uncraftable items did not have visible displayed names prior to v0.5.0 alpha.

  • v0.5.0 Alpha - ?: Lava[3]
Xbox 360 Edition
  • TU0 - ?: Lava

References[edit | edit source]