Minecart with Furnace

(Redirected from Powered minecart)
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This feature is exclusive to Java Edition and Legacy Console Edition.
Minecart with Furnace
Minecart with Furnace.png: Infobox image for Minecart with Furnace the item entity in Minecraft
Invicon Minecart with Furnace.png: Inventory sprite for Minecart with Furnace in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Minecart with Furnace
Rarity tier







Height: 0.7 blocks
Width: 0.98 blocks


1 Minecart with Furnace

Health points


A minecart with furnace is a furnace inside a minecart. It can be powered with exclusively coal or charcoal to propel it across a rail line for a limited time, which can be used to move other minecarts.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Minecarts with furnace can be retrieved by attacking them, and by doing so they drop as an item. Critical hits are not applied to them, although the particles suggest otherwise.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Ingredients [hide]Crafting recipe
Furnace +
Invicon Furnace.png: Inventory sprite for Furnace in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Furnace with description: FurnaceInvicon Minecart.png: Inventory sprite for Minecart in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Minecart with description: Minecart
Invicon Minecart with Furnace.png: Inventory sprite for Minecart with Furnace in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Minecart with Furnace

Usage[edit | edit source]

Minecarts with furnaces are placed in the same way as other minecarts. They do not have a GUI, unlike a furnace. Also unlike a furnace, furnace minecarts can only be powered with coal and charcoal. Other fuel sources, such as blocks of coal or blaze rods, cannot be used.

Minecarts with furnaces can be powered, done by feeding fuel into the furnace minecart with the use button. The fuel is consumed immediately and it starts to move in the same direction the player clicked toward. Pressing use always turns it to that direction, even when not holding coal. Adding fuel increases the duration by an additional 3600 ticks (equal to 180 seconds or 3 minutes). The upper limit is 32767 ticks, approximately 27 minutes.

When powered, minecarts with furnaces cover 240m per minute (about 4 m/s, slightly slower than walking speed) or 720m per piece of fuel. They do not accelerate beyond this speed when going downhill or on active powered rails, and as long as they remain powered, they do not slow down when going uphill, on inactive powered rails, or when pushing or pulling other minecarts.

If a powered furnace minecart is derailed and then pushed back onto a rail, it starts moving again in the direction it came from, so they are not easily turned around in this state unless a player is nearby to redirect it with use.

When a minecart with furnace bumps into another minecart or multiple minecarts, the other minecarts are pushed forward with great speed. The furnace minecart continues on with its own speed. Because of this speed difference, some of the minecarts may end up inside unloaded chunks on straight tracks.

Train mechanics[edit | edit source]

Weakly-shunted 1-cart train, one cart was used only to push the train together and is left behind
Creating a strongly-shunted 1-cart train. The sloped rail must be replaced with a horizontal rail before powering.
A Minecart train powered by furnace minecarts.

A furnace minecart can be made to pull up to four other minecarts. All minecarts in this train move at the constant speed of the furnace minecart. Trains are formed when a minecart is pushed into the back of a powered furnace minecart or a short-enough train. These shunts are fragile at best and easily come undone, but some methods are stronger than others. For example, pushing a minecart into a furnace minecart and then powering the furnace gives a weaker shunt than pushing the furnace minecart into the other minecart against a wall, and then powering the furnace in the other direction.

Minecarts with furnaces can climb up steep inclines while pushing other minecarts as long as they have fuel. If a minecart with furnace reaches a slope while pulling another minecart, the pulled minecart is switched to the forward position so that it can be pushed along the slope instead of pulled.

A high-speed minecart running into the back of a furnace minecart going in the same direction automatically creates a weak shunt with it, pulling it along.

Pulling a minecart with TNT causes it to explode.

Pulled minecart/Shunt behavior
Condition Result
Furnace loses power/speed Shunt comes undone
Entity bumping besides those part of the train Jettisoned forward
Upward sloped track Jettisoned forward
Downward sloped track Jettisoned forward (strong shunt) or shunt comes undone (weak shunt)
90° turn in track Jettisoned backward
Turn toward north/south or east/west that is not the direction the train was shunted in Train derails

When a train comes to a turn, the shunt comes undone with the pulled minecart jettisoned backward. The correct way to make such a turn is having the shunt undone before a turn, and then make the two rejoin on a straight rail later by having the pulled cart catch up with the minecart with furnace.[1]

Since the train runs slower on a fully powered track than a normal minecart (~5 m/s compared to 8m/s), a train pulled by an unpowered furnace minecart is ideal for AFK farms involving breaking or placing blocks like nether wart.[1]

Properties[edit | edit source]

Fuel is not stored as an item in the entity, but in the object data in the fuel property as a time in ticks. Fuel is a short value, i.e. a maximum of 32767 ticks, which is about 27 minutes. However, /summon furnace_minecart ~ ~ ~ {Fuel:32000} alone doesn't make it go since it doesn't have a direction. It can be right-clicked on a track to give it a direction, or it can be summoned with the properties PushX and PushZ set, which are responsible for the direction. The Motion property of every entity allows for movement of the minecart, but it does not direct the minecart to move on its own.

Sounds[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:
Minecarts with furnaces use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.[sound 1]

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
​Minecart rollsFriendly Creatures [sound 1]While a minecart with furnace is movingentity.minecart.ridingsubtitles.entity.minecart.riding0.0-0.35 [sound 2]0.0-1.0 [sound 3]16
  1. Jump up to: a b MC-42132
  2. Relates linearly with horizontal velocity (max 0.5)
  3. Increases by 0.0025 per tick if the minecart's horizontal velocity is more than 0.01

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

ItemIdentifierForm[hide]Translation key
ItemSprite minecart-with-furnace.png: Sprite image for minecart-with-furnace in Minecraft Minecart with Furnacefurnace_minecartItemitem.minecraft.furnace_minecart
EntityIdentifier[hide]Translation key
EntitySprite minecart-with-furnace.png: Sprite image for minecart-with-furnace in Minecraft Minecart with Furnacefurnace_minecartentity.minecraft.furnace_minecart

Entity data[edit | edit source]

Minecarts with furnace have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the entity.

Java Edition:

Main article: Entity format
  • [NBT Compound / JSON Object] Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities see Template:Nbt inherit/entity/template[show]
    • Tags common to all minecarts see Template:Nbt inherit/vehicle/template[show]
    • [Short] Fuel: The number of ticks until the minecart runs out of fuel.
    • [Double] PushX: Force along X axis, used for smooth acceleration/deceleration.
    • [Double] PushZ: Force along Z axis, used for smooth acceleration/deceleration.

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.14 Minecarts with furnace were added.
Since no in-game name was indicated, they were referred to by names such as "powered minecart" or "furnace minecart".
No matter how much fuel was added to the minecart, it would never move for more than 3 minutes after the last fuel.
[hide]Java Edition Beta
1.2 The texture of the minecart with furnace has been changed.
[hide]Java Edition
1.0.0?Each piece of coal now powers a minecart with furnace for 3 minutes (3600 game ticks), so that adding another piece of coal at any time increases the total range by another 3 minutes. A full stack of 64 coal now powers it for 192 minutes (230400 game ticks).
Minecarts with furnace on a level track cover 204 meters per minute.
1.814w11aMinecarts with furnace now give a much greater boost to other minecarts.
When powered, minecarts with furnace now move on non-powered rails without decelerating.
14w17aMinecarts with furnace's behavior has been reverted, so that no change was released in Java Edition 1.8.
1.1418w43a The texture of the minecart with furnace has been changed.
1.1519w38a The furnace now appears dark, like suffocating mobs.
19w39aThe furnace texture is now colored correctly.
1.15.2Pre-Release 1Furnace minecarts can now navigate around any corner.
1.1922w13aThe crafting recipe for a minecart with furnace is now shapeless.
Breaking a minecart with furnace now drops the item instead of the minecart and furnace separately.[2]
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU1CU11.001.001.00Patch 11.0.1 Added minecart with furnace.
TU21CU91.141.141.14The minecart limit has been increased.
1.90 The texture of the minecart with furnace has been changed.

Data history[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition
1.1116w32aThe entity ID of the minecart with furnace has been changed from MinecartFurnace to furnace_minecart.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this item's numeral ID was 343.​[more information needed]

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Minecart with Furnace" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The minecart with furnace is excluded from Bedrock Edition on purpose. In a tweet, Jeb considered removing it from Java Edition.[3]
    • When converting a Legacy Console Edition world to a Bedrock Edition world, any present minecarts with furnaces are converted into a normal minecart.
    • Despite the above-described poor standing of the minecart, it was most recently briefly featured in an animation in the Minecraft Live 2022, where one was depicted as moving a train of about 20 minecarts at a higher than normal speed.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Jump up to: a b "Why The Furnace Minecart Isn't As Useless As You Think" – ilmango on YouTube, August 22, 2018
  2. MC-249493 — Breaking a minecart with chest/furnace/TNT/hopper separates the minecart and the block it contains — resolved as "Fixed".
  3. "I think we will phase out the furnace minecraft (sic)"@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X (formerly Twitter), February 15, 2016

Navigation[edit | edit source]