Oak Planks + Wool
3 + 3 =
Used to sleep until dawn. Changes your spawn point to the bed's position.
Birch Planks
Birch Log
1 =
Used as a building material and can be crafted into many things.
Birch Stairs
Birch Planks
6 =
Used for compact staircases.
Birch Wooden Slab
Birch Planks
3 =
Used for making long staircases.
Oak Planks
8 =
Stores blocks and items inside
4 =
Can be baked into bricks in a furnace.
Crafting Table
Oak Planks
4 =
Allows you to craft a more varied selection of items than the normal crafting.
6 =
Used as a barrier that cannot be jumped over.
Fence Gate
Oak Planks + Stick
2 + 4 =
Used as a barrier that cannot be jumped over.
8 =
Allows you to smelt ore, create charcoal and glass, and cook fish and porkchops.
Glass Pane
6 =
Will break if you try to mine it
Glowstone Dust
4 =
Used for illumination.
Jack 'o' Lantern
Torch + Pumpkin
1 + 1 =
Pretty latterns that provides light.
7 =
Used to climb vertically.
Oak Planks
Oak Log
1 =
Used as a building material and can be crafted into many things.
4 =
A compact way to store snowballs.
Spruce Planks
Spruce Log
1 =
Used as a building material and can be crafted into many things.
Oak Planks
2 =
Used to craft torches, arrows, signs, ladders, fences and as handles for tools and weapons.
4 =
For crafting stoneblocks.
Oak Planks
6 =
Work like normal doors, but are a one by one block and lay flat on the ground.
Wooden Door
Oak Planks
6 =
Wooden doors are activated by using, hitting them or with Redstone
Black Wool
White Wool + Ink Sac
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Light Blue Wool
White Wool + Light Blue Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Blue Wool
White Wool + Lapis Lazuli
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Brown Wool
White Wool + Cocoa Beans
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Cyan Wool
White Wool + Cyan Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Gray Wool
White Wool + Gray Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Green Wool
White Wool + Cactus Green
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Light Gray Wool
White Wool + Light Gray Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Lime Wool
White Wool + Lime Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Magenta Wool
White Wool + Magenta Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Orange Wool
White Wool + Orange Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Pink Wool
White Wool + Pink Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Purple Wool
White Wool + Purple Dye
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
Red Wool
White Wool + Rose Red
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.
White Wool + Bone Meal
1 + 1 =
Used as a building material and can be colored with dyes. Can be easily obtained from Sheep.
4 =
Used as a building material and can be colored with dyes. Can be easily obtained from Sheep.
Yellow Wool
White Wool + Dandelion Yellow
1 + 1 =
Collected from sheep, and can be colored with dyes.