
(Redirected from Black Sheep)
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For other uses, see Sheep (disambiguation).
Health points




Mob type


Hitbox size

Height: 1.3 blocks
Width: 0.9 blocks
Height: 0.65 blocks
Width: 0.45 blocks




Grass blocks with at least two blocks of space above in most Overworld biomes.

Usable items

A sheep is a common passive mob that supplies wool and raw mutton and is found in many of the grassy biomes.

Spawning[edit | edit source]

The sheep color is determined by the type of biome the sheep spawns in.

Sheep Colors
Biome Type Common (81.836%) Uncommon (5%) Uncommon (3%) Rare (0.164%)
Temperate EntitySprite white-sheep.png: Sprite image for white-sheep in Minecraft White

EntitySprite light-gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for light-gray-sheep in Minecraft Light Gray
EntitySprite gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for gray-sheep in Minecraft Gray
EntitySprite black-sheep.png: Sprite image for black-sheep in Minecraft Black

EntitySprite brown-sheep.png: Sprite image for brown-sheep in Minecraft Brown EntitySprite pink-sheep.png: Sprite image for pink-sheep in Minecraft Pink
Cold EntitySprite black-sheep.png: Sprite image for black-sheep in Minecraft Black EntitySprite white-sheep.png: Sprite image for white-sheep in Minecraft White
EntitySprite light-gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for light-gray-sheep in Minecraft Light Gray
EntitySprite gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for gray-sheep in Minecraft Gray
EntitySprite brown-sheep.png: Sprite image for brown-sheep in Minecraft Brown EntitySprite pink-sheep.png: Sprite image for pink-sheep in Minecraft Pink
Warm EntitySprite brown-sheep.png: Sprite image for brown-sheep in Minecraft Brown EntitySprite white-sheep.png: Sprite image for white-sheep in Minecraft White
EntitySprite light-gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for light-gray-sheep in Minecraft Light Gray
EntitySprite gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for gray-sheep in Minecraft Gray
EntitySprite black-sheep.png: Sprite image for black-sheep in Minecraft Black EntitySprite pink-sheep.png: Sprite image for pink-sheep in Minecraft Pink

If a monster spawner is set to spawn sheep, the sheep model spinning inside appears with one of the six naturally spawning colors. Independently from the displayed color, all six variants are able to spawn, the usual chances apply. To guarantee that sheep always spawn with the desired color, additional NBT tags can be applied to the monster spawner, utilizing the Color tag.

Natural generation[edit | edit source]

In Java Edition, 4 sheep may spawn above grass blocks, at a light level of 9 or higher, even in snowy taigas, but not in pale gardens.

In Bedrock Edition, 2 to 3 sheep spawn during the world generation on grass blocks at the surface at a light level of 7 or higher with at least a 2 block space above, except in pale gardens, snowy plains, ice spikes or wooded badlands. They later spawn individually on grassy biomes.

Two sheep sometimes spawn in shepherd houses, butcher houses and animal pens in villages.

Drops[edit | edit source]

On death[edit | edit source]

Item Roll Chance Quantity (Roll Chance)
Default Looting I Looting II Looting III
BlockSprite wool.png: Sheep drops Wool with quantity 1Wool[d 1]100%[d 2]1111
Invicon Raw Mutton.png: Sheep drops Raw Mutton with quantity 1-2Raw Mutton[d 3]100%1–21–31–41–5
  1. Color of dropped wool corresponds to color of sheep.
  2. A sheared sheep does not drop wool when killed.
  3. Dropped as cooked mutton if on fire when killed.

1–3XP experience orbs if killed by a player or tamed wolf.

Killing a baby sheep yields no items nor experience.

Shearing[edit | edit source]

When sheared, sheep give 1–3 wool and do not take any damage. This is not affected by Fortune or Looting.

Breeding[edit | edit source]

Upon successful breeding, 1–7XP is dropped.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

Sheep wander aimlessly and individually or in small flocks of two to four. Sheep avoid cliffs and hazardous areas if it warrants damage. Sheep emit hoarse bleats in mostly random patterns and especially when attacked. If harmed, sheep flee for a few seconds, but make no special attempt to avoid wolves.

Sheep do not usually interact with players or other mobs, but follow a player holding wheat within a six blocks radius. Adult sheep cannot fit through a gap of the 90-degree intersection of two fences when the corner fence is removed, whereas the player and most other mobs can fit through easily (although mobs won't path-find through this gap).

A sheared sheep eating grass and regrowing its wool.

Sheep graze short grass, short dry grass, tall dry grass, and ferns (but not tall grass or large ferns), making it disappear, and grass blocks, changing them into dirt blocks. Baby sheep graze grass much more often than adults and mature 1 minute faster when grazing. Sheep can eat grass through blocks that are lower than a full block, including extremities such as honey blocks, as well as from inside minecarts. A sheared sheep regrows its wool after grazing. Therefore, if no grass is available, a sheep cannot regrow its wool after being sheared. If an adult sheep has the opportunity, the chance of eating grass is 11000 every other game tick (150 for baby sheep). If /gamerule mobGriefing is set to false, grass blocks remain, but the sheep still regrow their wool.[1]

Dyeing[edit | edit source]

A sheep's wool can be dyed by pressing the use key or the interact button while holding any dye. A sheared sheep cannot be dyed until its wool grows back after eating a grass block. Dyeing changes the color of the sheep's wool permanently or until the sheep is dyed again. The new wool colors are inherited by baby sheep.

If a sheep is dyed and then sheared, it retains its new dyed wool color after the wool regrows.

Breeding[edit | edit source]

An example of how a bred sheep inherits a mixture of its parents' colors when possible.
See also: Breeding

Sheep can be bred using wheat, after which they spawn a baby sheep. They cannot breed for five minutes after the baby sheep appears.

If the parents have compatible wool colors (meaning that the corresponding dye items could be combined into a third dye color), the resulting baby sheep inherits a mix of their colors (e.g., blue sheep + white sheep = light blue baby sheep). If the dye colors cannot normally be mixed, the baby sheep spawns with the same color as one of the parents, chosen randomly, regardless of whether one or both parents have been sheared.

The 20-minute growth of a baby sheep can be slightly accelerated using wheat. Each use takes 10% off the remaining time to grow up. A baby sheep can also accelerate its own growth by eating grass.

Easter eggs[edit | edit source]

Evoker changing sheep's wool color

An evoker can change a sheep's wool color if the evoker isn't engaged in combat and /gamerule mobGriefing is set to true. Then it can change the wool color of any blue sheep within 16 blocks to red. It signals the spell by producing orange color particles (EffectSprite particle-evoker-wololo.png: Sprite image for particle-evoker-wololo in Minecraft) and making a "wololo" sound. This is a reference to the priest unit of the 1997 game Age of Empires.

A sheep named “jeb_”.

If a sheep is named jeb_, its wool cycles through all dye colors in order. This is purely a visual effect. A sheep named jeb_ can still be dyed without changing the rainbow effect, and any wool obtained from one of these sheep has the most recent color as if the sheep was not named.

Sounds[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:
Sheep use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
​Sheep baahsFriendly CreaturesRandomlyentity.sheep.ambientsubtitles.entity.sheep.ambient1.00.8-1.2
(Baby: 1.3-1.7)
​Sheep diesFriendly CreaturesWhen a sheep diesentity.sheep.deathsubtitles.entity.sheep.death1.00.8-1.2
(Baby: 1.3-1.7)
​Sheep hurtsFriendly CreaturesWhen a sheep is damagedentity.sheep.hurtsubtitles.entity.sheep.hurt1.00.8-1.2
(Baby: 1.3-1.7)
​FootstepsFriendly CreaturesWhile a sheep is walkingentity.sheep.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
​Shears clickPlayers(player)
When a sheep is shearedentity.sheep.shearsubtitles.item.shear1.01.016
​Block broken[sound 1]BlocksWhen a sheep grazes grassblock.grass.break[sound 1]subtitles.block.generic.break​​[sound 1]1.00.816
​Dye stainsFriendly CreaturesWhen a sheep is dyeditem.dye.usesubtitles.item.dye.use1.01.0/0.9/0.95/1.116
  1. Jump up to: a b c MC-98316 — Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
Friendly CreaturesRandomlymob.sheep.say1.00.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Friendly CreaturesWhen a sheep diesmob.sheep.say1.00.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Friendly CreaturesWhen a sheep is damagedmob.sheep.say1.00.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Friendly CreaturesWhile a sheep is walkingmob.sheep.step0.41.0
Friendly CreaturesWhen a sheep is shearedmob.sheep.shear1.01.0
BlocksWhen a sheep grazes grassdig.grass0.70.8-1.0

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Java Edition:

NameIdentifier[hide]Translation key
EntitySprite sheep.png: Sprite image for sheep in Minecraft Sheepsheepentity.minecraft.sheep

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID [hide]Translation key
EntitySprite sheep.png: Sprite image for sheep in Minecraft

Entity data[edit | edit source]

Sheep have entity data associated with them that contain various properties.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.

Java Edition:

Main article: Entity format

Sheep color[show][edit]

Main article: Sheep/DV

Color values[edit | edit source]

In Java Edition, non-white sheep colors are 25% darker as the respective dye color values; white is separately defined as
. Non-white sheep colors are applied to the sheep_wool.png and sheep_wool_undercoat.png textures, while white is applied exclusively to the sheep_wool.png texture (the wool undercoat texture is not rendered for white sheep).

In Bedrock Edition, sheep colors use the same values as the base dye colors. The fur textures of white sheep are not tinted.

ID Name Java Edition color code Bedrock Edition color code
Dec Hex Dec Hex
0 white 15132390
-[note 1]
1 orange 12214293
2 magenta 9779853
3 light_blue 2852515
4 yellow 12493357
5 lime 6329623
6 pink 11954303
7 gray 3488573
8 light_gray 7697777
9 cyan 1078645
10 purple 6694282
11 blue 2962303
12 brown 6438693
13 green 4611344
14 red 8659484
15 black 1381656
  1. No tint is applied.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS)
Have a Shearful DayUse Shears to obtain wool from a sheep.15Bronze
It SpreadsKill a mob next to a catalyst10Bronze
OverkillDeal nine hearts of damage in a single hit.Damage can be dealt to any mob, even those that do not have nine hearts of health overall.30Bronze
Over-OverkillDeal 50 hearts of damage in a single hit using the Mace20Silver
Rainbow CollectionGather all 16 colors of wool.All the colors of wool do not have to be in the inventory at the same time, but must have been picked up by the player at least once.30Silver

Advancements[edit | edit source]

IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)
A Throwaway JokeThrow a Trident at something.
Note: Throwing away your only weapon is not a good idea.
Hit a mob with a thrown trident.
AdventureAdventure, exploration and combatKill any mob, or be killed by any living entity.
ArbalisticKill five unique mobs with one crossbow shotArmor Stand also counts for this advancement.
This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can be viewed by the player only after completing it, regardless of if its child advancement(s), if any, have been completed.
It SpreadsKill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst Mobs that drop no experience as well as the ender dragon are ignored for this advancement.
Over-OverkillDeal 50 hearts of damage in a single hit using the Mace
Take AimShoot something with an ArrowUsing a bow or a crossbow, shoot a mob with an arrow, tipped arrow, or spectral arrow.
The Parrots and the BatsBreed two animals together A mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breedable together. Other breedable mobs are ignored for this advancement.
Two by TwoBreed all the animals! A trader llama does not count as a llama, and a mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breedable together. Other breedable mobs can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement.

History[edit | edit source]

This section would benefit from the addition of isometric renders.
Please remove this notice once you've added suitable isometric renders to the article.
The specific instructions are:
  • History of jeb baby sheep.
  • Jeb sheep from Pocket Edition Alpha
[hide]Java Edition Classic
October 25, 2009First showcase of sheep on The Word of Notch. Red cloth as a drop can be seen.
October 25, 2009Notch uploaded a video to YouTube of a sheep test.
0.28 Added sheep.
Sheep currently drop cloths and mushrooms when killed.
Sheep eat grass, turning them into dirt. After eating a random amount of blocks, they regrow their cloth.
[hide]Java Edition Indev
0.3120091223-0040Sheep no longer spawn naturally.
20100202Sheep now spawn again.
Sheep now spawn without cloth.
Sheep now drop either 1 flint and steel, or 1-3 string, sulphur, or feathers. These drops were the same for the other mobs.
Sheep no longer drop mushrooms.
Sheep no longer eat grass.
20100211-2327Sheep now have unique idle and hurt sounds. Previously, they have no idle sounds, and use the player's hurt sound.
Sheep now spawn with cloth again.
Sheep now drop 1-3 white, dark gray and light gray cloth upon being hit.
20100219Sheep now do not drop anything when killed.
20100223Sheep now drop only light gray cloth when hit.
[hide]Java Edition Infdev
20100624Sheep now drop white instead of light gray cloth.
[hide]Java Edition Alpha
v1.2.2In Survival multiplayer, hitting a sheep drops unobtainable cloth. However, casting a fishing rod drops obtainable cloth, while the sheep still appears to have cloth.
[hide]Java Edition Beta
1.2 Sheep can now be dyed - players can now dye sheep to make light gray, gray, black, brown, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, cyan, light blue, blue, purple, magenta, and pink sheep.
Colored sheep now drop their corresponding wool color.
Sheep can now spawn in the color gray, light gray, or black.
1.4Sheep can now rarely spawn in the color pink or brown.
1.7Sheep now drop 2-4 wool when sheared.
Sheep no longer drop wool when hit.
Sheep now drop one wool block when killed while not sheared.
1.8Pre-releaseSheep now flee when attacked.
[hide]Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 Added baby sheep.
Sheep can now breed.
Sheep now have 4 hearts of health (formerly 5 hearts).
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6Baby sheep from dyed parents are now born dyed instead of always being white.
1.111w49aSheep now eat grass blocks and short grass in order to re-grow their wool again.
Shearing a sheep now yields 1-3 wool blocks instead of 2-4.[2]
Spawn eggs are available for sheep in creative mode.
11w50aBaby sheep now eat more than adult sheep.
1.2.112w07bThe sheep eating animation in multiplayer has been fixed.
Sheep now have a new AI.
1.4.212w32aSheep from spawn eggs can now spawn naturally-colored sheep (white, gray, brown, pink, etc.)
12w38aAdded new step sounds to sheep.
Added a sound for shearing sheep.
Sheep idle sounds now play entirely. Previously, say3 was cut. sheep now have a mix of the parents' colors, if the parents' colors are 'compatible' (able to be crafted together as dyes).

Changed the color of sheep except for white.
1.7.413w48b Sheep named as 'jeb_' cycles now through all possible sheep colors in a fading rainbow effect. They still drop the color wool they were dyed last.
1.814w02aBaby sheep's growth can now be accelerated using wheat.
14w05bSheep's wool is no longer visible when they have the Invisibility effect.[3]
June 30, 2014Ryan Holtz announces that he's adding mutton as a new drop from sheep.
14w27aSheep now drop raw mutton and—if killed with fire—they drop cooked mutton.
1.1016w20aSheep no longer spawn in ice plains biomes.
1.1116w39a Added evokers which automatically turn blue sheep into red sheep.
1.1217w06a Sheep now look different when dyed to comply with the wool color changes.
Changed the color of baby sheep.
1.1418w43a Changed the texture of sheep.
Changed the texture of sheep named "jeb".
Changed the texture of baby sheep.
Sheep can now be sheared using dispensers.
1.1519w37a5% of sheep now spawn as babies.
1.1721w03aAdded a sound for dyeing sheep.
1.18experimental snapshot 2Sheep now spawn in meadows.
21w39aSheep now eat half as often, due to the chance to start eating being evaluated every other game tick rather than every game tick.[4]
Update 1.20
23w07aSheep now spawn in cherry groves.
1.21.224w35aSheep's default death loot table is no longer controlled by entities/sheep/<color> and is now controlled by entities/sheep.
1.21.525w02aSheep can now spawn in wooded badlands. Technically, they are also allowed to spawn in badlands and eroded badlands, but cannot spawn there naturally as these biomes do not generate grass blocks.
25w06aSheep can now graze on short dry grass and tall dry grass.
25w07aChanged the rules for sheep coloring to be based on which biome they spawn in.
In temperate biomes, the common sheep color is white, while uncommon sheep colors are black, gray, light gray and brown.
In cold biomes, the common sheep color is black, while uncommon sheep colors are light gray, light blue, blue and cyan.
In warm biomes, the common sheep color is brown, while uommon sheep colors are gray, yellow, orange and red.
In all biomes, the rare sheep color is pink.
25w08a The undercoats of sheep are now colored when dyed, to match Bedrock Edition.
Light blue, blue, cyan, yellow, orange, and red sheep no longer spawn naturally.
White, black, brown, gray, and light gray sheep spawn in all biomes again. White, black, and brown remain the common sheep colors in temperate, cold, and warm biomes respectively.
Sheep can now eat ferns.
Changed the texture of sheep spawn eggs.
25w10aIts wool texture has been tweaked to remove the stark line at the back.
[hide]Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.2.0 Added sheep.
Sheep can be sheared.
Baby sheep have also been added, though there is currently no way to get them to spawn.
v0.6.0Added the overlay part of the sheep with wool on its head and body.

Sheep now display their colors and can be dyed.

Baby sheep now spawn naturally.
The model of the sheep's fur has been changed.[5]
v0.7.0Sheep spawn eggs are now in creative mode.
v0.8.0build 1

If a sheep is dyed a color other than white, the wool color on its face also changes to match the rest of its body.

When a sheep is sheared, the spots on its body now also change color (currently an exclusive feature).
Sheep can now breed.
The sheep's AI has been improved.
v0.9.0build 3Sheep can now graze on short grass.
v0.9.2The health of sheeps has been reduced from 16HP♥ × 8 to 8HP♥♥♥♥.
v0.11.0build 1Sheep's coloration is now applied through shaders, rather than different textures.
v0.12.0Sheep are no longer bred using a Feed button as of the release of the Windows 10 Edition.[verify]
v0.14.0build 1Baby zombie jockeys now check for a nearby sheep to mount prior to attacking the player, villager or golem.
Sheep no longer spawn in the snowy plains biome and its variants.
v0.15.0build 1Sheep now drop raw mutton and if killed with fire, they drop cooked mutton.
Sheep named as 'jeb_' cycle now through all possible sheep colors in a fading rainbow effect. They still drop the color wool they were dyed last.
Baby husks can now mount sheep.
[hide]Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha are now dyed using a Dye button.
1.1.0alpha The textures of sheep have been changed. Sheep now look different when dyed to comply with the wool color changes.
The textures of baby sheep have been changed.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta Changed the texture of sheep.
Changed the texture of sheep named "jeb_".
Changed the texture of baby sheep.
Sheep now spawn in desert village shepherd houses.
1.11.0beta can now spawn in plains, savanna, taiga, snowy taiga and snowy tundra village shepherd houses, butcher houses, and animal pens.
1.18.30Preview no longer spawn in snowy taigas.
releaseReverted the sheep spawning change made in Preview
1.21.60Preview sheep now have a mix of the parents' colors, if the parents' colors are 'compatible' (able to be crafted together as dyes).
1.21.70Preview now graze on short dry grass and tall dry grass.
Preview the rules for sheep coloring to be based on which biome they spawn in.
In temperate biomes, the common sheep color is white, while uncommon sheep colors are black, gray, light gray and brown.
In cold biomes, the common sheep color is black, while uncommon sheep colors are light gray, light blue, blue and cyan.
In warm biomes, the common sheep color is brown, while uommon sheep colors are gray, yellow, orange and red.
In all biomes, the rare sheep color is pink.
Preview wool texture has been tweaked to remove stark line at the back.
Light blue, blue, cyan, yellow, orange, and red sheep no longer spawn naturally.
White, black, brown, gray, and light gray sheep spawn in all biomes again. White, black, and brown remain the common sheep colors in temperate, cold, and warm biomes respectively.
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU1CU11.001.001.00Patch 11.0.1 Added sheep.
Sheep can be sheared.
TU3Sheep now drop 2-4 wool when sheared.
Sheep no longer drop wool when hit.
Sheep now drop one wool block when killed while not sheared.
TU5Sheep now run away when attacked.
TU7 Added baby sheep.
Sheep can now be bred using wheat.
TU9Sheep now eat grass blocks and short grass in order to re-grow their wool. As a counterbalance, shearing a sheep yields 1-3 wool blocks instead of 2-4.
Spawn eggs are now available for sheep in Creative mode.
TU141.04Baby sheep can now be spawned by using Left trigger on that mob using its spawn egg.
TU24CU121.161.161.16 Sheep named as 'jeb_' cycles now through all possible sheep colors in a fading rainbow effect. They still drop the color wool they were dyed last.
TU31CU191.221.221.22Patch 3Sheep now drop raw mutton. If killed with fire, they drop cooked mutton.
Baby sheep's growth can now be accelerated using wheat.
TU54CU441.521.521.52Patch 241.0.4 Added evokers which automatically turn blue sheep into red sheep.
1.90 Sheep can now be sheared using dispensers.
[hide]New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Added sheep.
Added baby sheep.

Prior colors[show][edit]

Main article: Sheep/Old colors

Spawn rules before Spring to Life[edit | edit source]

The color of a sheep is determined by the values in the table below. One in every 500 white sheep (0.2%) is instead pink, making pink the rarest of the six naturally spawning colors. 5% of all sheep (regardless of color) spawn as baby sheep.

Sheep Colors
Color Chance Percent Adult Baby
Total - 100% 95% 5%
EntitySprite white-sheep.png: Sprite image for white-sheep in Minecraft White 82/100 × 499/500 81.836% 77.7442% 4.0918%
EntitySprite black-sheep.png: Sprite image for black-sheep in Minecraft Black 5/100 5% 4.75% 0.25%
EntitySprite gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for gray-sheep in Minecraft Gray 5/100 5% 4.75% 0.25%
EntitySprite light-gray-sheep.png: Sprite image for light-gray-sheep in Minecraft Light gray 5/100 5% 4.75% 0.25%
EntitySprite brown-sheep.png: Sprite image for brown-sheep in Minecraft Brown 3/100 3% 2.85% 0.15%
EntitySprite pink-sheep.png: Sprite image for pink-sheep in Minecraft Pink 82/100 × 1/500 0.164% 0.1558% 0.0082%

Data history[edit | edit source]

[hide]Java Edition
1.1116w32aThe entity ID has been changed from Sheep to sheep.
1.1317w47aNumeric IDs for entities were presumably deprecated in this version.​[more information needed]

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Sheep" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Java Edition

  • MC-278734 – [Fixed] Sheep's heads stutter when they look up or down
  • MC-257540 – Sheep eat half as often as they did before 21w39a
  • MC-280336 – Sheep can't eat dry grass (and short grass) when placed on farmland/mud
  • MC-76490 – Sheep can eat grass through non-full blocks
  • MC-242398 – Unused pixels in sheep.png UV texture map
  • MC-272095 – Wool items from shearing sheep do not account for the scale attribute
  • MC-273774 – The cooldown state of evokers turning blue sheep into red sheep isn't saved to NBT
  • MC-221398 – Colored sheep's head is always white
  • MC-108254 – Evokers don't change sheep color with the mobGriefing gamerule disabled
  • MC-149838 – Baby sheep walk while eating grass
  • And 7 other open issues.

Bedrock Edition

  • MCPE-190809 – Sheep texture does not match Java Edition
  • MCPE-71476 – Sheep skin/sheared texture is the old and not the new

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Renders[edit | edit source]

Unshorn[edit | edit source]

Sheared[edit | edit source]

Baby[edit | edit source]

Jeb[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Mojang screenshots[edit | edit source]

Textures[edit | edit source]

In other media[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. MC-147444 — Sheep eating grass does not turn grass into dirt when mobGriefing is disabled — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  2. "I decreased the amount of wool from 2-4 to 1-3 since wool regrows again"@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X (formerly Twitter), December 8, 2011
  3. MC-88791
  4. MC-257540
  5. "[MCPE-1376] Sheep feet texture missing - Jira"Mojira, January 31, 2013.

Navigation[edit | edit source]