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For the effect from powder snow, see Powder Snow § Freezing.
Freezing.png: Infobox image for Freezing the dungeons enchantment in Minecraft


Applicable to

Melee weapon

Soul gear only


Level ID


Slows mobs after hit for three seconds.

In-game description

Freezing is an enchantment that can be found within the various melee weapons of Minecraft Dungeons.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Freezing has a chance to appear in any enchantment slot on a melee weapon. Enchantments on items can be swapped out for Freezing by re-rolling them at the Enchantsmith.

Tiers[edit | edit source]

Tier Effect Cost Cost (DungeonsMiscellaneousSprite Gilded.png: Sprite image for Gilded in Minecraft linking to MCD:GildedGilded)
I -30% reduced speed 1 enchantment point 2 enchantment points
II -40% reduced speed 2 enchantment points 3 enchantment points
III -50% reduced speed 3 enchantment points 4 enchantment points

Built-into[edit | edit source]

Freezing tier I is built-into the following weapons:

Mobs[edit | edit source]

Mobs can only be enchanted with Freezing if the "X% of mobs have the Freezing enchantment" modifier is active.

Stacking[edit | edit source]

Freezing is not stackable, meaning it will only ever appear in a single enchantment slot. This includes the gilded, unique, and regular enchantment slots.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Freezing is an enchantment that reduces the attack speed of a mob after being hit. The amount of speed reduction increases with each tier, the maximum tier reduces mob speed by 50%. It can be found on melee weapons. Unlike Chilling, Freezing doesn't decrease the movement speed of mobs, it only decreases their attack speed.

Mobs[edit | edit source]

Enchanted mobs with this enchantment will slow the hero's attack speed per attack.

Sounds[edit | edit source]

SoundDescriptionResource location
Mob Frozen?

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons BetaAdded Freezing. speed changed from 20%/30%/40% to 30%/40%/50%.
"Base Slowed" increased from 70% to 80%.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues for Minecraft Dungeons relating to "Freezing" are no longer maintained on the bug tracker since September 28, 2023. However, issues reported before then can still be viewed there.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]