
Revision as of 00:44, 9 March 2023 by Anomie x (talk | contribs) (→‎Seeds: Drops were reportedly increased by one in 18w43a, confirmed in JE 1.19.3. If it turns out Bedrock didn't get this change, please adjust the text to reflect that instead of just reverting.)
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Maximum level


Primary items

ItemSprite pickaxe.png: Sprite image for pickaxe in Minecraft linking to PickaxeItemSprite shovel.png: Sprite image for shovel in Minecraft linking to ShovelItemSprite axe.png: Sprite image for axe in Minecraft linking to AxeItemSprite hoe.png: Sprite image for hoe in Minecraft linking to Hoe

Secondary items


Enchantment weight




Incompatible with

Silk Touch

Fortune is an enchantment applied to mining and digging tools that increases the number and/or chances of specific item drops. It does not increase experience drops.



For coal ore, diamond ore, emerald ore, lapis lazuli ore, redstone ore, iron ore, copper ore, gold ore, nether gold ore, nether quartz ore, and amethyst clusters, Fortune I gives a 33% (13) chance to multiply drops by 2 (averaging 33% (13) increase), Fortune II gives a chance to multiply drops by 2 or 3 (25% (14) chance each, averaging 75% (34) increase), and Fortune III gives a chance to multiply drops by 2, 3, or 4 (20% (15) chance each, averaging 120% (115) increase).

Generally speaking, Fortune gives a weight of 2 to a normal drop chance and adds a weight of 1 for each extra drop multiplier. In short, when an ore is mined, the chance for no bonus drops is 2level+2 and if a bonus is applied, there is an equal chance for any number of drops between 2 and level+1

The formula to calculate the average drops multiplier is 1level+2+level+12, which means Fortune II gives 1.75x (134) drops on average, Fortune III gives 2.2x (215) drops on average, etc.

Mineral Drops
Ore Drop No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Avg Max Avg Max Avg Max Avg Max
BlockSprite coal-ore.png: Sprite image for coal-ore in Minecraft linking to Coal OreCoal Ore Coal 1 1 1.33 2 1.75 3 2.2 4
BlockSprite diamond-ore.png: Sprite image for diamond-ore in Minecraft linking to Diamond OreDiamond Ore Diamond 1 1 1.33 2 1.75 3 2.2 4
BlockSprite emerald-ore.png: Sprite image for emerald-ore in Minecraft linking to Emerald OreEmerald Ore Emerald 1 1 1.33 2 1.75 3 2.2 4
BlockSprite iron-ore.png: Sprite image for iron-ore in Minecraft linking to Iron OreIron Ore Raw Iron 1 1 1.33 2 1.75 3 2.2 4
BlockSprite copper-ore.png: Sprite image for copper-ore in Minecraft linking to Copper OreCopper Ore 2-5 Raw Copper 3.5 5 4.67 10 6.125 15 7.7 20
BlockSprite gold-ore.png: Sprite image for gold-ore in Minecraft linking to Gold OreGold Ore Raw Gold 1 1 1.33 2 1.75 3 2.2 4
BlockSprite nether-gold-ore.png: Sprite image for nether-gold-ore in Minecraft linking to Nether Gold OreNether Gold Ore 2-6 Gold Nuggets 4 6 5.33 12 7 18 8.8 24
BlockSprite nether-quartz-ore.png: Sprite image for nether-quartz-ore in Minecraft linking to Nether Quartz OreNether Quartz Ore Nether Quartz 1 1 1.33 2 1.75 3 2.2 4
BlockSprite lapis-lazuli-ore.png: Sprite image for lapis-lazuli-ore in Minecraft linking to Lapis Lazuli OreLapis Lazuli Ore 4-9 Lapis Lazuli 6.5 9 8.67 18 11.375 27 14.3 36
BlockSprite redstone-ore.png: Sprite image for redstone-ore in Minecraft linking to Redstone OreRedstone Ore 4-5 Redstone Dust 4.5 5 5 6 5.5 7 6 8
BlockSprite amethyst-cluster.png: Sprite image for amethyst-cluster in Minecraft linking to Amethyst ClusterAmethyst Cluster 4 Amethyst Shards 4 4 5.33 8 7 12 8.8 16
Drop calculations
  • 66% 1×
  • 33% 2×

(avg. 1.33× - +33%)

  • 50% 1×
  • 25% 2×
  • 25% 3×

(avg. 1.75× - +75%)

  • 40% 1×
  • 20% 2×
  • 20% 3×
  • 20% 4×

(avg. 2.2× - +120%)

Discrete random

Glowstone, melons, nether wart, redstone ore, sea lanterns, and sweet berries use a discrete uniform distribution, meaning each possible drop amount is equally likely to be dropped. Fortune increases the maximum number of drops by 1 per level. However, maximum drop limitations may apply: glowstone has a capacity of 4 glowstone dust, sea lanterns have a capacity of 5 prismarine crystals, and melons have a capacity of 9 melon slices. If a drop higher than these maximums is rolled, it is rounded down to the capacity.

BlockSprite glowstone.png: Sprite image for glowstone in Minecraft linking to GlowstoneGlowstone
Level No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Drops 33% chance with... 25% chance with... 20% chance with... 16.7% chance with...
2 drops
2 drops 3 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops 4 drops
3 drops 4 drops 4 drops 4 drops
4 drops 4 drops 4 drops 4 drops
Average 3 drops 3.25 drops 3.4 drops 3.5 drops
BlockSprite melon.png: Sprite image for melon in Minecraft linking to MelonMelon
Level No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Drops 20% chance with... 16.7% chance with... 14.3% chance with... 12.5% chance with...
3 drops
3 drops 4 drops
3 drops 4 drops 5 drops
3 drops 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
4 drops 5 drops 6 drops 7 drops
5 drops 6 drops 7 drops 8 drops
6 drops 7 drops 8 drops 9 drops
7 drops 8 drops 9 drops 9 drops
Average 5 drops 5.5 drops 6 drops 6.375 drops
BlockSprite nether-wart.png: Sprite image for nether-wart in Minecraft linking to Nether wartNether wart
Maturity Level No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Immature Drops 100% chance with... 100% chance with... 100% chance with... 100% chance with...
1 drop 1 drop 1 drop 1 drop
Average 1 drop 1 drop 1 drop 1 drop
Mature Drops 33% chance with... 25% chance with... 20% chance with... 16.7% chance with...
2 drops
2 drops 3 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops 5 drops
3 drops 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
4 drops 5 drops 6 drops 7 drops
Average 3 drops 3.5 drops 4 drops 4.5 drops
BlockSprite redstone-ore.png: Sprite image for redstone-ore in Minecraft linking to Redstone OreRedstone Ore
Level No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Drops 50% chance with... 33% chance with... 25% chance with... 20% chance with...
4 drops
4 drops 5 drops
4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
4 drops 5 drops 6 drops 7 drops
5 drops 6 drops 7 drops 8 drops
Average 4.5 drops 5 drops 5.5 drops 6 drops
BlockSprite sea-lantern.png: Sprite image for sea-lantern in Minecraft linking to Sea lanternSea lantern
Level No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Drops 50% chance with... 33% chance with... 25% chance with... 20% chance with...
2 drops
2 drops 3 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops 5 drops
3 drops 4 drops 5 drops 5 drops
Average 2.5 drops 3 drops 3.5 drops 3.8 drops
BlockSprite sweet-berries.png: Sprite image for sweet-berries in Minecraft linking to Sweet berriesSweet berries
Maturity Level No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
Third stage Drops 50% chance with... 33% chance with... 25% chance with... 20% chance with...
1 drop
1 drop 2 drops
1 drop 2 drops 3 drops
1 drop 2 drops 3 drops 4 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops 5 drops
Average 1.5 drops 2 drops 2.5 drops 3 drops
Mature Drops 50% chance with... 33% chance with... 25% chance with... 20% chance with...
2 drops
2 drops 3 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops
2 drops 3 drops 4 drops 5 drops
3 drops 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
Average 2.5 drops 3 drops 3.5 drops 4 drops

Grass and ferns

Grass and ferns have a fixed chance, unaffected by Fortune, to drop wheat seeds. If the drop occurs, Fortune increases the maximum number of seeds that can be dropped by 2, by affecting a discrete uniform distribution.

Drop Drop Amount Drop Chance
No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
ItemSprite wheat-seeds.png: Sprite image for wheat-seeds in Minecraft linking to Wheat SeedsWheat Seeds 0 87.5% (78)
1 12.5% (18) 4.17% (124) 2.5% (140) 1.79% (156)
2 0%
4 0%
6 0%
Average drops 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5


Beetroots (seeds only), carrots, potatoes, and wheat (seeds only) use a binomial distribution. Fortune increases the number of tests for the distribution, and thus the maximum number of drops, by 1 per level.

The binomial distribution in the default case is created by rolling three times (n=3) with a drop probability of 57% (p=.57), creating the typical drop of 1-4 seeds. Carrots and potatoes include one more fixed drop, as their seed and item are the same.

Drop Drop Amount Drop Chance
No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III
ItemSprite wheat-seeds.png: Sprite image for wheat-seeds in Minecraft linking to Wheat SeedsWheat Seeds

ItemSprite beetroot-seeds.png: Sprite image for beetroot-seeds in Minecraft linking to Beetroot SeedsBeetroot Seeds

1 7.87% 3.37% 1.45% 0.62%
2 31.49% 17.99% 9.64% 4.96%
3 41.98% 35.99% 25.70% 16.52%
4 18.66% 31.99% 34.27% 29.38%
5 0% 10.66% 22.85% 29.38%
6 0% 6.09% 15.67%
7 0% 3.48%
Average drops 57 27 67 37

Tabulated probabilities

Fortune increases the probability of flint dropping from gravel; saplings and sticks dropping from leaves; apples dropping from oak and dark oak leaves and gold nuggets dropping from gilded blackstone, and twisting vines and weeping vines dropping from themselves.

Drop Source No Fortune Fortune I Fortune II Fortune III Fortune IV+[n 1]
ItemSprite flint.png: Sprite image for flint in Minecraft linking to FlintFlint BlockSprite gravel.png: Sprite image for gravel in Minecraft linking to GravelGravel 10% (110) 14.29% (17) 25% (14) 100%
2-5 ItemSprite gold-nugget.png: Sprite image for gold-nugget in Minecraft linking to Gold NuggetGold Nuggets BlockSprite gilded-blackstone.png: Sprite image for gilded-blackstone in Minecraft linking to Gilded BlackstoneGilded Blackstone
BlockSprite jungle-sapling.png: Sprite image for jungle-sapling in Minecraft linking to Jungle SaplingJungle Saplings BlockSprite jungle-leaves.png: Sprite image for jungle-leaves in Minecraft linking to Jungle LeavesJungle Leaves 2.5% (140) 2.78% (136) 3.125% (132) 4.17% (124) 10% (110)
Other BlockSprite saplings.png: Sprite image for saplings in Minecraft linking to SaplingsSaplings BlockSprite leaves.png: Sprite image for leaves in Minecraft linking to LeavesOther Leaves 5% (120) 6.25% (116) 8.33% (112) 10% (110)
1-2 ItemSprite stick.png: Sprite image for stick in Minecraft linking to StickSticks BlockSprite leaves.png: Sprite image for leaves in Minecraft linking to LeavesLeaves 2% (150) 2.22% (145) 2.5% (140) 3.33% (130) 10% (110)
ItemSprite apple.png: Sprite image for apple in Minecraft linking to AppleApples BlockSprite oak-leaves.png: Sprite image for oak-leaves in Minecraft linking to LeavesOak and Dark Oak Leaves 0.5% (1200) 0.556% (1180) 0.625% (1160) 0.833% (1120) 2.5% (140)
BlockSprite twisting-vines-plant.png: Sprite image for twisting-vines-plant in Minecraft linking to Twisting Vines PlantTwisting Vines
BlockSprite weeping-vines-plant.png: Sprite image for weeping-vines-plant in Minecraft linking to Weeping Vines PlantWeeping Vines
33% (33100) 55% (1120) 77% (77100) 100%
  1. Levels of Fortune higher than III are unobtainable except by using commands.


Silk Touch and Fortune are mutually exclusive. If commands are used to apply both Silk Touch and Fortune to an item, the Silk Touch enchantment takes precedence over the Fortune enchantment for blocks affected by both enchantments.

Data values


Java Edition:

Error: Bad template syntax. Please use "edition".
NameIdentifier[hide]Translation key

Bedrock Edition:

Error: Bad template syntax. Please use "edition".
NameIdentifierNumeric ID [hide]Translation key


[hide]Java Edition
1.0.0Added Fortune.
Fortune currently affects coal ore, diamond ore, lapis lazuli ore, glowstone, melons, nether wart, redstone ore, gravel, grass, and ferns.[verify for Java Edition]
1.3.1Added emerald ore, which is affected by Fortune.[verify for Java Edition]
1.4.2Added carrots, which are affected by Fortune.[verify for Java Edition]
1.5Added nether quartz ore, which is affected by Fortune.[verify for Java Edition]
Lua error in Module:Version_link at line 117: attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value).Potatoes are now affected by Fortune.
The chance of oak leaves dropping apples is now increased with Fortune.
1.7.2Added dark oak leaves, which have a chance of dropping apples, which is increased by Fortune.[verify for Java Edition]
1.8Added sea lanterns, which are affected by Fortune.
1.9Added beetroots, which are affected by Fortune.
1.14Leaves now have a chance to drop sticks, which is increased by Fortune.
Lua error in Module:Version_link at line 117: attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value).Added sweet berry bushes, which are affected by Fortune.
1.16Added weeping vines, which are affected by Fortune.
Lua error in Module:Version_link at line 117: attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value).Hoes can now be enchanted with Fortune.
Lua error in Module:Version_link at line 117: attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value).Added twisting vines, which are affected by Fortune.
Lua error in Module:Version_link at line 117: attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value).Nether gold ore now drops gold nuggets and is affected by Fortune.
Lua error in Module:Version_link at line 117: attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value).Added gilded blackstone, which is affected by Fortune.
1.17Added amethyst clusters, which are affected by Fortune.
Lua error in Module:Version_link at line 117: attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value).Added raw iron, raw gold and raw copper, meaning iron ore, gold ore and copper ore are now affected by Fortune.
[hide]Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.12.1Added Fortune.
[hide]Bedrock Edition
1.16.0Hoes can now be enchanted with Fortune.
[hide]Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360 Xbox One PS3 PS4 PS Vita Wii U Switch
TU7CU1Patch 11.0.1Added Fortune.


Issues relating to "Fortune" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.