Category:Hidden categories
Hidden categories do not appear in the list of categories at the bottom of the page, unless the "Show hidden categories" preference is checked, which is not available to readers.
A category is marked as hidden by putting the __HIDDENCAT__
magic word on the category page. It is automatically added to this category.
Maintenance categories, especially those that contain articles, should generally be here as they're only useful to editors.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 257 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Minecraft Movie stubs (20 pages)
- All objects requiring isometric renders (3,293 files)
- Articles needing rewrite (8 pages)
- Articles with empty sections (513 pages)
- Articles with inline audio links (2 pages)
- Bedrock Edition specific information (86 pages)
- Check the code (14 pages)
- Check version (141 pages)
- Cleanup with a reason (62 pages)
- Cleanup without a reason (52 pages)
- Current split (2 pages)
- Dead links (9 pages)
- Dubious (2 pages)
- Empty crafting usage (empty)
- Empty trade info (empty)
- Example (1 page)
- Files with a license template (124,081 files)
- Files with unknown source (451 files)
- Fixme (empty)
- History uses deprecated header (empty)
- Incorrect citation (empty)
- Indexed pages (empty)
- Introduction cleanup (empty)
- Invalid download link (empty)
- Java Edition specific information (87 pages)
- Java Edition upcoming tag (295 pages)
- Minecraft Dungeons stubs (90 pages)
- Minecraft Dungeons Work in progress with a note (127 pages)
- Minecraft Earth stubs (54 pages)
- Minecraft Earth Work in progress without a note (43 pages)
- Minecraft Education specific information (37 pages)
- Minecraft Education upcoming tag (empty)
- Minecraft Legends stubs (12 pages)
- Minecraft Legends Work in progress without a note (158 pages)
- Minecraft Story Mode Work in progress with a note (110 pages)
- Minecraft stubs (289 pages)
- Minecraft Work in progress with a note (56 pages, 5 files)
- Minecraft Work in progress without a note (293 pages)
- Minecraft: Story Mode stubs (29 pages)
- Minor inaccurate videos (empty)
- Missing achievement (empty)
- Missing advancement (7 pages)
- Missing blast resistance (15 pages)
- Missing default control (empty)
- Missing flammability (2 pages)
- Missing hardness (18 pages)
- Missing lava susceptibility (4 pages)
- Missing luminance (1 page)
- Missing renewability (20 pages)
- Missing stackability (49 pages)
- Missing transparency (4 pages)
- Mod page redirects (99 pages)
- Modernized tutorials (49 pages)
- Orphaned articles (1 page)
- PageLinks transclusions with errors (empty)
- Pages missing sound attenuation distance (9 pages)
- Pages missing sound description (11 pages)
- Pages missing sound ID (139 pages)
- Pages missing sound pitch (28 pages)
- Pages missing sound source (9 pages)
- Pages missing sound volume (39 pages)
- Pages missing subtitle key (2 pages)
- Pages missing subtitles (2 pages)
- Pages needing historical isometric renders (7 pages)
- Pages using a raw Tag Template (16 pages)
- Pages using deprecated sprite names (empty)
- Pages using simple calculator (577 pages)
- Pages where node count is exceeded (empty)
- Pages with Bedrock sound tables (1,195 pages)
- Pages with broken file links (159 pages)
- Pages with broken sound tables (empty)
- Pages with collapsed navboxes (26 pages)
- Pages with Dungeons sound tables (932 pages)
- Pages with Earth sound tables (88 pages)
- Pages with historical sound tables (8 pages)
- Pages with ignored display titles (empty)
- Pages with inaccurate sound pitch value (4 pages)
- Pages with Java sound tables (1,320 pages)
- Pages with Legends sound tables (91 pages)
- Pages with missing ID table name (1 page)
- Pages with missing sprites (empty)
- Pages with missing translation key (empty)
- Pages with names from in-game code (1 page)
- Pages with no documentation (15 pages)
- Pages with no navboxes (empty)
- Pages with overridden hardness (13 pages)
- Pages with overridden tntres (4 pages)
- Pages with resolved feedback (25 pages)
- Pages with script errors (2 pages)
- Pages with simple sound tables (6 pages)
- Pages with TemplateStyles errors (4 pages)
- Pages with unresolved feedback (empty)
- Pages with Vimeo videos (11 pages)
- Pages with YouTube videos (1,508 pages, 20 files)
- Pending al version (4 pages)
- Pending data version (empty)
- Pending protocol version (empty)
- Planned Bedrock Edition (1 page)
- Planned Java Edition (2 pages)
- Resources with invalid renewability (17 pages)
- Rewritten gameplay (35 pages)
- Templates with deprecated input (empty)
- Testing in-game needed (empty)
- Textures with multiple uses (40 files)
- Textures with premature render galleries (43 files)
- Textures with unspecified Java Edition end version (770 files)
- Textures with unspecified Java Edition start version (264 files)