Particle format

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This feature is exclusive to Java Edition.

When particles are spawned using the /particle command, by biomes or enchantments, they can be configured using NBT or JSON data.


When referenced from a biome or enchantment definition, a particle is defined using:

  • [NBT Compound / JSON Object]: The particle object

List of particle types

Some particle types have configurations that need to be specified. These types and the configuration fields are:

  • block, block_marker, dust_pillar, and falling_dust
  • dust
    • [NBT List / JSON Array] color: Three floats representing the red, green, and blue components of the dust color, each from 0 to 1.
    • [Float] scale: Controls the size of the dust particles.
  • dust_color_transition
    • [NBT List / JSON Array] from_color: Three floats representing the red, green, and blue components of the start color, each from 0 to 1.
    • [NBT List / JSON Array] to_color: Three floats representing the red, green, and blue components of the end color, each from 0 to 1.
    • [Float] scale: Controls the size of the particles.
  • entity_effect
    • [NBT List / JSON Array] color: Four floats representing the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the color, each from 0 to 1.
    • Alternative syntax:
    • [Int] color: Decimal number representing the ARGB color, calculated using this formula:
      Alpha<<24 + Red<<16 + Green<<8 + Blue
  • sculk_charge
    • [Float] roll: The angle the particle displays at in radians.
  • shriek
    • [Int] delay: The delay in ticks.

All other types don't have any configuration.


[hide]Java Edition
1.20.524w14aAdded particle types dust_pillar, infested, item_cobweb, ominous_spawning, raid_omen, small_gust, trial_omen, and trial_spawner_detection_ominous.
1.20.5-pre1Particle options in SNBT format are now used in the /particle command.
Changes to item particle: renamed value field to item, now also allows a string item ID as shorthand.
Changes to block particle: renamed value field to block_state, now also allows a string block ID as shorthand.
Changes to entity_effect particle: renamed value field to color, now also allows a list of 4 floats.
Changes to dust_color_transition particle: renamed fromColor to from_color and toColor to to_color.

See also
