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This module implements {{Aicon}}, supports invocations from other modules.

See template documentation for how to use this module from template.

Functions[edit source]

Other modules can invoke this module.

Exported function are listed below.

aIcon[edit source]

This function generates an icon instance in the style of legacy achievements or advancements in Java Edition.

Syntax: aIcon ( InvIcon, Background, State, Link, InvFile )

  • InvIcon: The name should handled by Module:Inventory icon (not effective when InvFile is specified).
  • Background: The type of achievement or advancement this icon represents. Valid values: plain, oval, fancy, and plain-mini.
  • State: The status of achievement or advancement this icon represents. Valid values: raw, worn (valid only when Background is not plain-mini).
  • Link: Optional, the link target that the icon points to. No link by default.
  • InvFile: Optional, replacing the default icon (provided by Module:Inventory icon) as an image file (omitting File: prefix).

main[edit source]

This function is designed for template invocation, without extra parameter accepted, so not recomended to invoke it by other modules.

Dependencies[edit source]

[view] [edit] [history] [refresh]The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Aicon/doc.
local p = {}

local invIcon = require( 'Module:Inventory icon' ).icon

function p.aIcon( icon, background, state, link, file )
	local f = mw.getCurrentFrame()

	local argIcon = icon or 'Grass Block'
	local argBackground = background or 'plain'
	local argState = state or 'raw'
	local argLink = link or ''

	if ( argBackground ~= 'oval' ) and ( argBackground ~= 'fancy' ) and ( argBackground ~= 'plain-mini' ) then
		argBackground = 'plain'
	if argState ~= 'worn' then
		argState = 'raw'
	if ( argBackground == 'plain-mini' ) and ( argState ~= 'raw' ) then
		argState = 'raw'

	local iconBackground = '[[File:Advancement-' .. argBackground .. '-' .. argState .. '.png|link=' .. argLink .. '|class=pixel-image]]'
	local iconContent
	if file and file ~= '' then
		iconContent = '[[File:' .. file .. '|link=' .. argLink .. '|32px|class=pixel-image]]'
		iconContent = invIcon{ argIcon, link = argLink }

	local outputContent = f:extensionTag{ name = 'span', content = iconContent, args = { class = 'module-Aicon-content' } }
	local outputBackground = f:extensionTag{ name = 'span', content = iconBackground .. outputContent, args = { class = 'plainlinks module-Aicon-background' } }

	return require( 'Module:TSLoader' ).call( 'Module:Aicon/styles.css' ) .. outputBackground

function p.main( f )
	local args = f
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	if f == frame then
		args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true )

	return p.aIcon( args[ 1 ], args[ 2 ] or, args[ 3 ] or args.state,, args.file )

return p