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Minecraft Legends

Release date

December 7, 2023

Build version


Internal version

Windows, Xbox, Nintendo Switch: 1.18.19068.0
Steam: 12895632
PlayStation: 1.13

1.18.19068.0 (Windows & Xbox), 12895632 (Steam), 1.18.19068 (Nintendo Switch) or 1.13 (PlayStation) is the final update for Minecraft Legends released on December 7, 2023.[1] which fixes one crash-related bug.

Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed a variety of crashes that could occur during gameplay across all platforms

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Minecraft Legends - Update 1.18.19068" (archived) – Minecraft Help Center, December 7, 2023.

Navigation[edit | edit source]