Earth:Bouldering Zombie

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It can no longer be downloaded or played, but the contents of this page are kept for historical interest.
Bouldering Zombie
Bouldering Zombie.png: Infobox image for Bouldering Zombie the entity in Minecraft
Health points

20HP♥ × 10



Mob type

Undead, Monster



Hitbox size

Height: 1.9 blocks
Width: 0.6 blocks


BiomeSprite plains.png: Sprite image for plains in Minecraft linking to PlainsPlains



What is scarier than death itself? Death that can climb!

Player Journal Description

The bouldering zombie was a gray-skinned variant of the zombie capable of climbing up blocks, found only in Minecraft Earth.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

Bouldering zombies mostly acted like normal zombies in terms of damage and behavior, attacking players, mobs of me, furnace golems, and melon golems by walking up to and attacking them. However, they were also capable of scaling up blocks like a spider. This behavior was triggered when they saw a player above blocks, where they then proceeded to climb the blocks and then attack the player.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Bouldering zombies were rare mob drops that were only obtainable from rare and epic adventure chests. They were also obtainable as a reward in Season 15.

Drops[edit | edit source]

When killed, the Bouldering Zombie dropped:

Sounds[edit | edit source]

SoundDescriptionResource location
When a bouldering zombie diesmob.zombie.death
When a bouldering zombie is damagedmob.zombie.hurt
While a bouldering zombie is walkingmob.zombie.step
Climb vocalSFX_bouldering_zombie_clime_voc

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

NameIdentifier[hide]Numeric ID
EntitySprite bouldering-zombie.png: Sprite image for bouldering-zombie in Minecraft Bouldering Zombiebouldering_zombie5059

Challenges[edit | edit source]

Challenge Description Reward [hide]Rarity
Best defenseDefeat 1 hostile mob in an adventure40XP
A rare sightCollect 1 rare mob80XPRare
Adventure crusherDefeat 10 hostile mobs in adventures30XPCommon
Building a farmPlace 5 mobs on buildplates50XPCommon
Crawling doomDefeat 5 zombies in adventures25XPCommon
Start a zooPlace 15 mobs on a buildplate150XPUncommon
Zoo keeperCollect 25 mobs150XPRare
On the farmCollect 1 mob
Adding lifePlace 1 mob on a buildplate
Home farmCollect 1 mob
Loot!Obtain 1 drop from hostile mobs in adventures
29th DayDefeat 1 zombie in adventures with a sword
Mob boosterCollect 1 mob while xp boosted
Mob coasterPlace 1 mob in a minecart on a buildplate
Farm platePlace 1 hostile mob on a buildplate
Fire attackDefeat 1 mob in an adventure with fire
Molten doomDefeat 1 mob in an adventure with lava
Boom boxDefeat 1 mob with tnt
End of a hordeDefeat 1 zombie
Best hidersCollect 1 rare mob

History[edit | edit source]

[hide]Minecraft Earth
0.30.0 Added bouldering zombies.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The biome category of the journal revealed that bouldering zombies spawned in plains.
  • It, along with the lobber zombie, were the first and only zombie variants exclusive to Minecraft Earth.
    • Unlike other zombie variants in different games, they were given unique and slightly altered models, with their arms having different widths and lengths, and unique animations for throwing and climbing.
  • The Bouldering Zombie was originally leaked on the official Minecraft website as the "Climbing Zombie", and was said to be added alongside the Viler Witch, but was later removed from the article where this was mentioned.
  • Bouldering is the sport of climbing small rock formations or artificial rock walls without ropes or harnesses.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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